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Nov 2, 2021
Seasonal animu review time
This anime right here actually picks my interest the first time when the PV drops. It shows a nicely animated scene and actually gives off some mysterious vibes to it, making me interested to watch it and thinking this could be a potentially good animu. But those interest starts to fade away right after the 1st episode drops, as it is one hell of a monotonous episode, and that monoton quality stays constantly as the episode goes on, at least on the first 4 episodes.
Let me explain why
The 1st episode of a show should be the starting point to
introduce the viewer on what story the show would tell, the introductory of the world settings, main character introduction, etc etc. This show however, trying to introduce the main character and the world that the story takes place, in the most simple manner. I know simple doesn't mean bad in any way, but this one is just too simple to understand a single thing what the show is all about. Though the main character has a very slight improvement on the character building in later episodes.
I couldn't say the same thing about the other characters in this show though, even though the show trying to focus itself on the characters one by one per episode. Their backgrounds lacks information on how and why it all happens to make them got into the current timeline and be a sleeper. In this case, it happens for Larry, Leslie, and Sumire. Everything about them, as of the moment, feels flat and overall uninteresting. The only character that is a bit interesting to follow is Shigure, the main character, on how he tries to search information about everything around him.
About the story... wait, what story?
Okay as for the first 4 episode we're in, the goal for the MC on the 3rd episode is to assassinate a little girl, known as El-ceed, which he has met before in the asylum. From here on, the MC got confused as to whether accept the mission, or to deny it. This show doesn't even tell us properly what is the main goal of the show on the start, or even the goal of the main character joining the sleeper up until the 3rd episode. Even so, the build-ups here feels dry and doesn't even makes sense.
The visuals this show brings is okay for most part, when the CG monsters doesn't show up. It's bearable to watch. The character design is okay, nothing stands out, but it's not bad.
Nothing stands out for the sounds either except for the opening song. I like the OP, it's catchy and just enjoyable. The VAs did a pretty okay job I guess.
Overall, this is a 4/10 show. Confusing, bad choice of a style for the CG monsters, flat and uninteresing characters, and just boring to me. I did enjoy some moments from this show, but it's nothing special.
[Edit will be done on the final episode for further review]
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 18, 2021
Before starting the review, I will not go in with too much details for each category, such as Story, Art, Sound & Characters. Instead, I will explain what this title did best and worst in a simple manner, knowing that this is an OVA with only 1 episode and a 38 minutes of runtime.
Now, let's begin
The 2016 Under the Dog anime was originally a crowdfunding kickstarter project funded by the fans who are willing to see what potential story the show could bring. The kickstarter campaign ended up being a success with more budget going in than the original goal. With that, Under
the Dog project was made into reality.
After the release of the OVA, the fans's expectation of it being a good anime seems to be destroyed. Being an anime with a nice visual but a confusing storyline, uninteresting characters, and a short runtime, the fans is dissapointed with what they are served here.
But to me, it's somewhat of a different case. Knowing that this was supposed to be an introduction episode of an upcoming story, i'm somewhat satisfied with what i watched. As i mentioned before, the show delivers a nice, smooth and detailed visuals, bringing a joy to my eyes. The overall sound the OVA delivers is nice and immersive. The OVA also did a nice job on foreshadowing what will come later and made me interested to watch more of it. Sadly, that is the thing that the OVA did best. As an introduction, the show lacks some explanation on what, why, and how these things on the screen happening, adding some confusions with it's overall storytelling. The characters are also felt like they needed an even more depth than what the OVA actually shows, even the main character (Hana) is not even explored thoroughly.
But, even with all these confusion the OVA has made, I somehow enjoyed watching it until the end. The nicely animated battle scenes and uncensored blood & gore, followed by an immersive sfx is just a nice spectacle. I think it's a fine watch for those of you wanting a short and mindless action packed anime that could be finished in one sitting while eating some snacks.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 10, 2021
*Spoilers ahead*
Unlike the poster that gives the impression to the potential audience that the movie will tell a fantasy and/or magical centered story, Aura: Koga Maryuin's Last War is a movie about a female character that is in a state of chunibyo, which seems like a delusion of something happening on a certain character doing an activity that is not connected with the reality. Oftenly related to magical stuff.
That action is obviously considered to be a weird habit to have, especially if done by someone that's not fit with their age. The said female character, Ryouko, then meets the main male character, Ichirou, by
accident. Their journey begins after the encounter.
Now, let's get to the review
Story: 4/10
As I explained as an opening before, this movie tells a story centered on the female character that's in a state of chunibyo, Ryouko, and the "normal" male character, Ichirou. The movie starts off with a comedic and kind of cutesy approach for it's character introduction. Giving the audience an expectation that it would tell a heartwarming story. While it's true, the drama here is actually pretty heavy. After giving the audience a nice and calm introduction, the movie took a sudden turn with it's overly dramatic complication on the center of the movie's runtime. The drama is heavily focused on a horrible practice done by a bunch of students, which is bullying, targeted at Ryouko.
The sudden turn came in rather unexpected, in a bad way. It feels like a forced drama because there is no actual explanation for the bully to take those horrible action targeted to Ryouko. There's also this unexplained action taken by the said bullies to threaten Ichirou not to help Ryouko dealing with the bullies. Though the overly dramatic part of the movie might sets off the mood of the audience, the last part might bring back the audience's mood because of it's cute and heartwarming approach. Even so, the last part also came in with a flaw. A confusing act done by the main characters that are somewhat deviated with what they have experienced before.
While i know it's supposed to tell a philosophical story, it's just that the movie didn't explains much with how and why these things on the screen happening.
Art & Animation: 7/10
Nothing special with the overall art quality the movie gives. It looks like the overall quality is coming from a TV series as it just looks plain, but i guess we could look past that because it still looks nice. There's a scene with a detailed touch on the characters face, nicely pictures what reaction/expression the characters are having on some scenes. The animation is smooth and stable throughout the movie.
Sound: 8/10
Now, this category might be the one that the movie did best, especially the voice acting. The voice acting for almost every character here sounds natural. Their screams could even make some goosebumps, you could feel what the characters feels from their crying scenes, and there's a scene where a certain character talking with a calm tone which could make you feel sad and relaxed at the same time. The music is okay. The choices of the music placed on an important scene is good enough to set the mood for the audience. The sfx here is good. If you decided to watch this with a headphone on, you could even feel like you're in the movie because of the nice atmosphere the sfx gives.
Character: 6/10
As i mentioned before, the main characters of the movie are Ryouko and Ichirou. While being the main character of the story, the movie didn't give out much info and/or backgrounds of the main characters. It forcefully shoves up their backgrounds in the middle of the overly dramatic sequence of the movie, and didn't explains or even shows it properly. Making the audience confused with the overall actions taken by Ryouko and Ichirou when dealing with their problems. Even so, Ryouko and Ichirou's journey dealing with all the drama they experienced throughout the movies and their relationship development could make the audience cares about them and interested to watch their journey on the movie. The other characters though? Seems like they exist only to be a plot device. Not enough screentime to make the audience at least lay an eye on them. The side character's action is also did not explained clearly. There's a scene where one of the bully is confused with what is happening, and why their action became a bullying act, then in the next scene, they willingly bullies Ryouko just because of self satisfaction. Again, no clear and proper explanations.
Enjoyment: 8/10
I watched this movie with an expectation of it being a fantasy+action+romance anime, what i got is something unexpected that i didn't know i somewhat needed. It's a cute movie with a big turn of tone in the middle then ends with a nice and heartwarming moment. It's a pretty good movie to watch overall even though there's a lot of downs from the movie.
Overall: 6.6 -> 7: Good
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 24, 2021
[tl;dr is at the bottom of the review]
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish is a movie that tells a story heavily focused on Josee (the disabled girl shown on the poster) and Tsuneo (the boy who walks besides Josee shown on the poster). When you saw this movie's poster for the first time, you might be thinking that this movie will tell one hell of a sad story. You're not wrong, but you're not completely right either if you think like that. My suggestion if you ever wanted to watch this movie, do not take your expectations too highly. I've heard a lot of positive
things about this movie before, and that obviously made me expecting things highly from this movie. The movie did not live up to my expectations, but it did have it's own redeemable quality to be called "good".
Now, let's get to the review:
Story: 5/10
The story is as generic drama as it could get. As I've mentioned as an opening before, this movie is heavily focused on Tsuneo and Josee. Why did I say it's generic? Because this kind of story has been seen and used lot in the drama romance genre.
[This is a paragraph worth of recap of the plot. You can skip it]
It's a story about Josee who has a deficiency locked up by her overprotective grandma in her own house for too long, and that made her has a dream to see the outside world by herself. Tsuneo on the other hand, is a "normal" boy who has a part-time job that needed him to explore the ocean and has a dream to become a student in a foreign university. One night, Tsuneo came across Josee by accident and that somehow made Tsuneo became closer to her. Their journey exploring the outside begins there, and guess what? Yes, they slowly grow a feeling into each other.
Okay, the main problem is not how the story is oftenly seen on the screen, but it's the way how the movie tells the story. There's no proper explanations on how and why these things on the screen happening. Things just happens like that, and it tricks you into thinking the movie has explained the important parts when it's actually not. I sat there watching confused with a question like "How? Why?" most of the time. Being "mainstream" is not enough to call this kind of story generic, but looking at how lacking the storytelling is kind of backing my statement about it being generic. The pacing on the other hand, is kind of balanced in a way even if it feels a bit forced sometimes. The flow from the happy introduction, to melancholic complication, then going back to the happy vibes in the end feels nice and balanced. As I said, Nothing bad, nothing good.
Art & Animation: 9/10
Probably the best aspect of the movie. The artstyle is absolutely smooth and detailed, it made my eyes almost reached the orgasmic point. Animation is also feels and looks smooth. I'm sure this alone could make you hooked into watching the movie more.
Sound: 8/10
The voice acting is very good. The dialect that Josee spoke feels natural, and every other voice acting of the characters here is also feels natural, even the screams could make some goosebumps here and there. The sfx is nice, and then the music. Eve takes part in this, and boi it did make the show better. I almost shed a tear when Eve's music starts to play in the middle of the movie as it fits perfectly with the scene that the song placed in.
Character: 5/10
Even though the movie is heavily focused on Josee and Tsuneo, they both did not have a proper background, but I'd say it's still tolerable. Their backgrounds might be little, but their journey on the movie could make the viewer cares about them.
The other characters though? They seem to be exist only to be a plot device. No proper backgrounds and not enough screentime to make the viewer at least lay an eye on them. There's one scene that made me scratched my head out of confusion. One character that is supposed to be an important character, just got removed without an explanation. Imagine one neutral scene where you're not supposed to expect something, the show gave you a sudden turn anyway. It's not a shock value, but it's still something. Something to confuse the hell out of your mind. The scene is supposed to be "powerful" but it's just, they don't seem to even care with the characters other than Josee and Tsuneo. Also, the whole "love rival" just came out of nowhere, and the show expects the viewer to care about it?. I mean, again, because there is no proper explanation on it.
Enjoyment: 6/10
Even though this movie did confuse the heck out of me, and dissapointed me since i had high expectations on it, it somehow still made me almost sheds a tear. And that artstyle, my eyes highly appreciates it. Also, Josee's cute not gonna lie.
Overall: 6.6 - (7: Good)
tl;dr - This is a heartwarming and cute movie. Best watched with your close ones and enjoys it together. Even if this would made the viewer confused with it's way of storytelling, but it could still make the viewer cares about the two main duo of the movie, as it is their focus of the show. It's a good watch overall even tho there's a lot of downs from the movie.
And yes, i'm sorry if this looks like a rant rather than a review.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 20, 2021
Granblue Fantasy The Animation is an anime set in a fantasy world where magic, sword, and any other medieval soldier would use seems like a common view, no different than any other fantasy setting anime(s).
But, the world is interesting to look at. It would make you think THAT is the visual definition of a fantasy world, and it makes you want to know more the lore of Granblue Fantasy The Animation's world setting.
Only It's world is enough to make you hooked to get into the story and wanted to know more about what journey would the characters pursue.
Now, let's get to the actual
Story: 2/10
As you get past the introduction episode, you'll get a promise that the characters will go on through a long journey with a bumpy road ahead.
On the first few episodes, you'll be thinking "eh, this is a fine show" while the characters get past their first few complications along their journey. On the 2nd half of the show though, you'll start to feel the repetitions of their journey's complications.
They go through the same exact paths over and over as their previous ones; find an island, explore said island, events happening, boss shows up, repeat.
See my point it being repetitive? It get boring and boring as the episodes goes on.
The pacing is not good. Sometimes it's slow, sometimes it's fast, and sometimes it even gets balanced for each episodes.
Art & Animation: 7.5/10
The artsyle is pretty, looks and feel distinctive, and pleases your eyes with the beautiful visuals of it's world. The character designs are detailed, smooth, and pretty as well.
The animation is good. The movement of the characters, ships, and fights scenes looks smooth. Even the CG is pretty to look at.
Sound: 7/10
The sounds here is decent and nice to hear. The opening and ending songs were nice and the sfx is decent.
The voice acting here is very hit or miss, but I could say it's decent overall (minus that annoying loli voice acting).
Characters: 2/10
For me personally, I mostly prefer character > story, and this is the part that Granblue Fantasy The Animation dissapoint me the most besides the repetitive story I already explains above.
The way the characters got introduced lacks any backgrounds and information to even make the viewer cares about them.
Almost all of them just pops out of nowhere, joins the group, gets a only a few minutes of backgrounds, and just gets away with it. How do I even care about them if I didn't even got a proper introductory of them?
The villains is as bland as they could get. They just pops out of nowhere without any proper introduction and do "bad" things for the sake of being a villain with no proper explanations of their actions. Oh, I forgot to mention the talking animal Happy clone.
Enjoyment: 4/10
I did finish the show quick, but it felt like I'm doing a chore while watching it with a thinking like "Let's just get this over and get to another show". It did entertaint me a few times with it's animation and it's visuals, there's also quite a few enjoyable scenes.
Overall: 4.5 - (5: Average)
I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who wanted to watch some good fantasy adventure with a nice characters and story, but I would recommend this to someone if they wanted to watch a mindless fun fantasy adventure show. It's a good watch if you shut your brain off and just watches it without thinking of anything complicated.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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