Aug 5, 2013
When I first read this manga I was expecting alot of fight scenes between enemy organizations but surprisingly found it laid back and many organisations were quite nice. You had you serious arcs but mainly is wasn't serious and quite funny. Jiro was a nice funny new individual. I have never really read a manga where the bad guy is the main character and it was Jiro that stood out when I first saw the cover of this manga. This manga made me laugh and is a nice easy going one. I have to admit sometime the story went on a bit long and you
just wanted to hurry up but nevertheless you will still read every chapter without skipping. I found Kyouko quite funny. I guess I like the heroine of the manga really strong and tough not some feeble always needs defending girl. Eiko was my favourite character. The slacking freedom *as I call her* lies around home letting 2.0 take over her work and not getting a job. Though I must admit she seems to have a fettish over lamposts and getting people together. Now throughout most of the story the ending had the real reaction come out of me. I was jumping and shouting and rather frustrated *Not gonna mention any spoilers* and when I saw what really was the case I collapsed. I think my soul exited my body. I remember seeing my grandmothers hand but anyway back to the point it is really an awesome manga and deserves praise. It had made it into my top ten ^w^
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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