Time to update my profile after never being in here. Hello everyone, I am Sophie Purchase, aged seventeen years old. I am an otaku from England, and I have aspirations to become an animator when I am older, much rather the director of my own animated series (which most likely will be very anime orientated)
In my eight years of being an otaku, I have come across many anime and manga, too many to list by this point, especially manga wise, nowadays, I look up genres that appeal to me and just read. Thus I have accumulated a huge list of read and watched now. However if I were to list a few of my favorites:
Shoujo: Fruits basket (it was the shoujo that inspired alot of who I wish to become)
Shounen: Higurashi/Umineko no naku koro ni (Rukishi07 is amazing!!)
Seinen: Haruhi suzamiya (you don't get more modern classic)
Josei: I don't believe I have read one that has caught my eye as of yet.
Yaoi: I have read a few now, but I ca't say if they have really clicked with me, it's not my usual kind of genre
Yuri: Girlfriends (it's pretty cute)
My preferred sub genre are: Horror, Romance, Comedy, psychological, gore, supernatural, fantasy, paranormal
I love quirky character types, and characters who tend to stand out. I have a thing for the bad boy, passive aggressive anime guys, or the super perky ones.
I love vocaloids, like manga and anime, I listen to too many to count, but here are my favorite vocaloids:
Miku Hatsune
Len and Rin Kagamine
Gumi Megpoid
Aoki lapis
Yuzuki Yukari
Yuuki Kai
Tohouko Zunka
Yanagi nagi
Ito nazuki
Nico producers:
Manbo dead behind the house-P
Okame-P (Calvi)
I have my own wattpad books, all rather manga based if you count character actions and overall quirkiness. Just search up drifting off into a never ending dreamland online.
I am a digital artist too, to see more of my artwork, look up double otaku power on deviantart.
That is all. I wish you all well my friends!
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