Ryoji Kaji from Neon Genesis Evangelion said: Understanding 100% of everything is impossible. That’s why we spend all our lives trying to understand the thinking of others. That’s what makes life so interesting.
Hi, I am a random individual who has been raised on anime since he was a child and didn't break the bond with it even after long years. I don't follow what everyone follows, I simply enjoy what I want and rate it based on my enjoyment.
That said, I am that all-genre type - throw at me anything and if I can find something interesting on it for me, I will enjoy it. However, my most preffered genres are action, drama, suspense, detective, psychology, sometimes some romcom, but most important of them all: I love just those anime with some post-apo-like theme, taking in some existencial curiosity, mixed with a proper psychology questioning. When the story is properly made, it's just something truly special.
My favorites are the updated top 10 anime from my list. However, most of the series and movies have additional descriptions and tags on my list. Some series managed to change my mindset or I could even really enjoy them despite not being 10/10.
My passion for manga isn't as strong as for anime. When I was younger, I used to read a ton of books, especially in high school. However, in college is the situation slightly different -> time. While I still do enjoy books and comics (especially manga), it's far better for me to just watch anime because of time reasons. But when I manage to bump into some anime based on some manga or I get some manga recommendation, I read it. Also, I like to buy book versions of manga rather than read them online. That consumes another time, unfortunately.
I've been simply growing up on this anime and we could discuss for hours about bad fillers. However, it was my first big anime and it certainly shaped me in some sense. Stayed with this piece till the end and even it had ugly fillers, it's still unique shounen. Attack on Titan
When someone asks me what is the greatest suspense anime - this is. I really doubt there will be a better piece with such a stunning story, action, and music together. I love suspense anime and I've been with AoT for years till the very end. Re:Zero & Sword Art Online
King and queen of isekai which I really love. Neon Genesis Evangelion & Guilty Crown
One of the best recipes to get your mind and feelings rotating. But damn worth it. Horimiya & I want to eat your pancreas
Simply 2 perfect romantic stories. 1 super realistic, casual and funny romcom, other one dramatic, sad yet very deep movie.
Death Note
Even after long years, Death Note is still one of the best detective anime out there. I even enjoyed the more boring second part some people are hating. And because I like detective genre, this is on top of that mixed with some mysterious behavior, deep thoughts and existencial creatures. Ansatsu Kyoushitsu / Assassination Classroom
Meanwhile first season was good and enjoyable, the second season is what hits the spot. Mysterious creatue teaching kids who are trying to kill it during classrooms. Pretty funny and unique idea placed into amazing surroundings. As the anime progresses, end of the second season is both nice, sad and yet very deep. Sousou no Frieren
I have to admit, I thought this anime has been overhyped. But when I finished it, I could barely think about some negatives to point out. I probably never seen such a nice adventurous anime mixed with fantasy, such good characters, storytelling, animation and music. Definitely deserves its high spot. Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai / I Want To Eat Your Pancreas
This is one of the 2 best romantic pieces I've seen. This one seems a bit chaotic but it's quite lovely, deep, calm and it carries its message. At the same time you don't feel like having a huge hole inside you after finishing it. There is a really nice work with emotions and characters. Horimiya
Horimiya once again was quite lovely in first season and enjoyable. What got me was the prequel released later, Horimiya: Piece. I have to admit that I really loved those characters, their chemistry between each other and their character development. + nice animation and music basically puts a cherry on top. Re:Zero
This is probably the only piece I have rated 10/10 so far for all of its seasons. It brings me that much fun and it's that much interesting. Really nice world building, storytelling, character development of main characters, twists, animation and lovely music. On top of that having isekai aspects. I can just hope it will keep on that path. Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan
If I had to name a suspense king, it's AoT. It's a very smart story foreshadowing a lot of future events and doing basically perfect job in suspense genre. Peak was for me probably in season 3, where everything has been discovered, but I loved both events before and after that. Entire evolution and carried messages in this anime are clever and properly made with high accuracy to some logic and continuality. Kimetsu no Yaiba / Demon Slayer
Probably a guilty pleasure one. A very simple story is added into coat of eye-candy animation and music. It never bothered me that anime has some plot holes or really simple story and characters, basically that's why I like it. It know where it stands and doing perfect job getting the best out of the story and characters. Very chill and nice one. Spy X Family
As much as I love suspense genre, detective genre, action, etc., this anime mix it all up. I never expected to have so much fun with this piece but it is what it is. The combination of an easy storytelling with nice characters and 3 layers of different stories is simply fascinating. Black Clover
This anime is here because Naruto can't be. Seriously, typical action shounen anime like this are boring and repeating the same characteristics again and again. Black Clover manages to make it fun. I always say that Black Clover is what Naruto was supposed to be before fillers killed it. Black Clover has many strong characters, shows really fancy character development, shows many inspirational behavior patterns, characters, changing some mindset in some fields. And the action and fantasy part combines it really well together.
Ranking: I like anime and I am kinda picky about them. That's one of the reasons my mean score stays above 6 or 7, because I just don't go for a bad piece to then just drop it and have it on my list. Basically 10-7 range means the anime is a really good stuff and I enjoyed it. Sometimes I struggle to properly evaluate the difference between 7 and 8 or 8 and 9 because I am trying to compare anime sometimes to the same genre, sometimes I know I don't have to because the piece itself is good enough for that ranking without questioning.
Range 6-5 means the anime is almost average or average, I could enjoy it but it was weak, and definitely can't rank it up so high as other series.
4 and worse means the anime is bad and I couldn't enjoy it, however, there might be some points for minor things. But different pieces of that anime didn't work well together and it was bad. 10: It's simply a masterpiece, whether it has small holes or not, I fully enjoyed it. It's that anime that will send shivers down my spine. Multiple things managed to click together and create a piece of really enjoyable art. It's always good material for rewatching. 9-8: It's a fantastic piece and I enjoyed it however there were either minor holes or I had some other minor issues with it or I don't see it as a masterpiece, because there are same/better pieces within the same genres. Also, some 10/10 seasons can end up there if they were too short than previous ones or such. Definitely rewatchable. 7: Anime was still really good, however, there were either minor or major holes or the anime itself didn't partially fulfill the story to the end or it could be better in some ways. It doesn't mean it's bad, I obviously really enjoyed it, just wished for some things to happen or there are some loosen ends. Still rewatchable and enjoyable. 6: Either 7/10 anime with further issues (anime didn't fulfill partially or completely its own path) or 5/10 anime which has bonus points for animations, art, music, or some characters. Some pieces can be material for rewatching and enjoyable, meanwhile others are truly average and even though I might enjoy them, it's not that interesting for rewatch. 5: It's average. It's not either good or bad, I might enjoyed it to some point but it was either really plain anime without some story/character development or there were other major issues. Within this ranking it's usually also matter of choice per certain piece whether I will try next season or not. Some pieces can be material for rewatching. 4-3: It's getting bad and anime has major issues in plot and/or characters and I couldn't grasp a good vibe from it. Mostly not rewatchable and sometimes not even next season can save it. 2-1: That's really horrible piece and it got some points from me either for some singular character or good music or fancy animation. However it doesn't work together, I couldn't enjoy it at all and it's better to try new anime than give it a chance to for rewatch. Trying next seasons or giving it another chance doesn't make sense as it really disappointed me on multiple levels.
top #
Marking the top seasons/series/movies in my list. Currently just for the top 5 and top 10.
1 anime can have multiple good seasons of the same quality and because of that, I take it as a whole thing, not as multiple parts. If that anime is in tops, I mark all of its seasons the same way.
I enjoyed the anime regardless of my final ranking or some issues in it and probably already rewatched it or will rewatch it multiple times in the future. Also, there is a high chance I'll steal some quotes from it.
personal && mindset-changing
Those 2 tags are for anime which had some significant influence on my mindset or life itself. Such anime has usually a very well-written story with a lot of meaning under the hood. It's definitely something I enjoy, because if the story and characters are clever and meaningful, it has another levels of depth in the story and character development, which is something you can enjoy more and also something you can think about.
masterpiece music && masterpiece animation/art style
Those 2 tags are here for marking exceptionally well-prepared music and/or animation/art style for the anime, regardless of the final ranking on my list. Masterpiece music usually means anime has not only good OPs and endings but also very well-made surrounding sounds, background music, etc... Masterpiece animation/art usually goes to anime, which has clean animations with details. Doesn't have to be "3D" necessary. 3D is usually more painful than enjoyable. Also this doesn't mean it has to be year 2050 quality, polished and futuristic. I consider masterpiece animation/art those pieces which are simply clean and really enjoyable, they provide another layer of enjoyment.
surprising success
At first, I didn't think this anime could entertain me and/or I heard really wide hate towards this piece. However, anime managed to surprise me and it was better than expected. This helps me to go sometimes back and reconsider watching some new pieces.
Lost its way && Burned out
Both of those tags are for anime/seasons with rapidly dropped quality from previous anime/seasons. While "Lost its way" is for anime, which can probably save it in the future and it isn't that horrible, "Burned out" is for anime/season which is beyond a saving point. Either there isn't space and material for next season to fix it or the anime became just a simple milking show with no joy left.
One of the most recent tags. This is a rare tag for pieces where I liked it or didn't like it without knowing the really important context from source material. That means that originally I evaluated the anime in some POV but informations I didn't know (and were available at that time) actually changing too much to ignore them and to keep the value of the anime for me at the same level as it used to be. Re-evaluation will always have some additional comment on my list to reflect on those changes and reasoning.