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Oct 5, 2024
A compilation of everything wrong with modern anime.
I guess it resonates way more with the Japanese audience because of the whole "tatemae" culture of Japan and difficulties with conveying feelings. And I guess the idea that you don't always have to know what's on the mind of others is actually good for building bonds is not that bad... but does it REALLY deserve a 12-episode long show? A first half of it is barely an introduction and the ending could happen 2 episodes sooner than it did. It doesn't help that the mood of the show is constantly getting ruined by awkwardly placed jokes and
fanservice - whenever you are trying to take it seriously - it clowns with you. Somehow, despite being animated by trigger, the animation is terrible and there's still lots of cgi where it shouldn't be. And honestly, it would look much MUCH better if it WASN'T done by trigger and didn't have their gaudy artstyle. Characters are bland and boring despite, once again, colorful visuals and supposed theme of 7 sins (which I couldn't even tell apart from each other, just look how alchemist absolutely nailed it so many years ago).
While I didn't particularly like darling in the franxx, I think it was a much better show, despite having a similar theme. Because relationships between the cast were just a part of it and were decently integrated into the storyline. Here, relationships ARE the storyline, and it is constantly getting interrupted by obnoxious fanservice.
Underwhelming. Boring. Irritating. Don't waste your time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Oct 4, 2024
Despite the rating I gave it, I don't necessarily think it was a bad "show" - it has an ok animation, and to me, it wasn't a torture to watch, like, for example, flcl was. But just like flcl, this show is just too pretentious for what it is. I get it, it's a "parody" - but having still shots that last a couple of minutes, barely understandable philosophical rants and other "quirks" is not required to make a good parody show. Because in the end, even if it's just a mask, it's one of a cheerful SoL comedy. Lucky star, in my opinion, is
an example of a parody show done right - not being overly dramatic or philosophic yet steadily breaking the 4th wall with the viewer.
Because of this show's specific, I don't think you'll be disappointed watching it, but I still can't give it more than 3/10 - I really don't like my comedy shows trying to appear smarter than they really are
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 30, 2022
TLDR: it's a nothing cake. A very disappointing eye candy. Setting is borrowed, characters are dull and expendable, plot is going nowhere. Your typical story about self-insert dude and cool and handsome girl taking him into a "whole new world", I see such every season, each time new wrap. And it only has 10 episodes, which in my experience is a new low.
My ratings:
Animation - 8/10, it is trigger, so it looks decent
Story - 0/10, none
Characters - 3/10, some interesting designs, but no personality whatsoever
Soundtrack - 3/10, was decent in the beginning, went bad
Enjoyment - 1/10, pretty much I wish I didn't waste
my time on this
As I said, all of them are expendable. Since someone dies in almost every episode, there is no need to put a lot of thoughts in it. There are no deep implications behind any deaths, nor it is affecting the story or MC's path. I understand that cyberpunk reality and the character of their work implies high mortality, but it doesn't work well when you're telling a story.
MC has no background, aside from being poor, no life goals, his actions are predictable, and you never really ask yourself - why did he do that? The only person really having backstory here is Lucy, but again, it doesn't affect anything at all. And what is the reason to make a backstory for a character you're going to kill? Unless, of course, you actually want to make it somewhat meaningful, but eh, they clearly didn't bother.
I have a feeling that they didn't plan to make only 10 episodes in the beginning. First two episodes were semi-decent and promising, but it all goes down from there. With self-insert MC lacking any meaningful destination, it is hard to make anything look worthy.
Not a single death has affected the main course in any way. And accordingly, it does go to nowhere as there was no real "finish" to everything that happened.
A lot of dull dialogs, you will stop listening to it eventually as you won't miss any critical information.
Honestly, I don't really know what else to say. The setting is really good, but even with this dull type of story there are better examples (say, darling in the franxx, despite me not being a big fan of it) with more character development, backstories and meaningful conclusion. Cyberpunk has none. It's a shame it got such terrible writers while having setting this good and trigger team to animate it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 31, 2022
Initially I wanted to rate it 9/10 as everyone else did, but to be honest, seeing the show of such quality today is like a breath of fresh air.
At first, I honestly was not impressed. You know how it usually goes - first two episodes are peak animation/budget/fiction and then it goes down. Not this one, for the first time I see anime that is actually constantly improving by each episode.
I wont go full details, many people have already done this, I will just recap all good and bad sides of this show
+ Story - something that is, for once, non-predictable and
has great ending
+ Soundtrack - not the best one I've heard, but managed pretty well
+ Characters - most of the characters are interesting and have some sort of inner development, even if a short one
+ Main story focus - story is a bit hard to follow so it is appreciated that everything kept as short and clear as possible
+ Animation - if this is what modern animation can do, why do we have so many low quality shows nowadays?
- Characters - I think the amount of deaths was bit too much
- Design - obviously subjective, but I really dislike it when you can clearly tell who is an important character and who is not
One of my personal AOTD. Definitely recommend to watch
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 21, 2021
I have a bad hobby of intentionally watching bad anime with my friends. I've sit through ex-arm and was sure that nothing can get me anymore. But boy was I wrong.
I didn't take memes about nonexistent Tsukihime anime seriously. All I can say it was a huge mistake and I regret it. As someone who read 00s Tsukihime VN, I was expecting it to follow the storyline at least a little bit. But through first two episodes that I watched before dropping it, I just couldn't find any logic in what is happening. Things just didn't make any sense. If it
wasn't for me already knowing what is happening, I can't imagine someone just watching this array of random clips and sorting it out in their head. Tsukihime story is already hard to get and I had to use wiki a few times just to understand what is going on, but the anime takes it on a whole new level, not explaining a single thing and just adding weird stuff on its own. Characters barely resemble those from VN, Shiki is even more pathetic and pitiful, Arcueid looks more mature and less cheerful and Shiki's sister is a piece of ice. The only thing I feel sorry for is the OST, it is really great and I wish it wasn't ruined by such poor script.
IN SHORT: it's weird, confusing, has great ost, but bad animation. I didn't like VN being more of a dating sim so I hoped the anime will tell the story differently. But I will take VN over it any time. Because it isn't Tsukihime
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 11, 2021
If I could rate it between 6 and 7, it rather would be 6.5/10
I won't be saying anything about its animation, this is undoubtedly the strongest part. What I do want to discuss is the story. Or rather how there is none.
The film is started with the samurai on the bridge, surrounded by some bandits. As they make their presence, it is clear the protagonist owe them something, but we never learn what it was. As we proceed, we don't learn anything about the protagonist, his past, his skills, only the fact that he was somehow related to the main villain. And that
this villain is back with his supernatural squad. In the best traditions of the old anime, our protagonist doesn't break a sweat defeating them. Jesus, some of them defeat themselves. The only good fight in a whole movie was the final one.
Now the Kagerou, a ninja woman and the protagonist's companion. She was there, fought along, fell in love, died. What was the point of her whole existence? She didn't change anything, at all.
What I am trying to say is that this movie doesn't have neither a good starting point nor a good ending. Its just another day in protagonist's journey and it brings no joy in seeing him winning. Because he didn't win anything - no money, no woman, no better life. What's the point of a story that goes nowhere?
In conclusion, I do recommend watching it because of how good the animation is, but the story is 0/10, it doesn't have one. It goes from nowhere to nowhere and leaves you with the bitter aftertaste
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 8, 2021
I wanted to see what was the hype about and oh boy... I should've never touch this manga. Let me tell you first, I'm not rating it 1 because it is total garbage, but because it started like a pure gold, promising something really interesting and then turned out to be a total disappointment. With less promising start it'd easily be 4 or even 5 out of 10. But I can't rate it more than 1 because of how low it goes after first 10 chapters as someone here already said.
Let me now explain what happened. In the beginning we are getting the darkest setting
possible. People must eat human flesh to survive, mc and his sister are living relatively peaceful lives and then everything is changed by a single human being (Doma). Now Agni have nobody to live for and suffered 8 years of burning alive. If we remember the first (aka good) part of Tokyo Ghoul, Kaneki had enough mental suffering from iirc less than a month of torture. 8 years. And Agni's still more sane. At least that is what we find out after 10 chapters. At first Agni looks like a revenge machine, only caring about killing Doma. And that's right. That's how it should be. But after Togata (aka the manga killer) shows herself, he becomes a total clown and the setting goes from dark to weird. "She wants to make a movie" and Agni follows her like a puppy. Yes, it was explained later that he couldn't think straight enough due to constant pain so he needed someone to guide him, but Togata is the least "someone" I'd like to see. She ruined the manga dark appearance with weird unnecessary jokes and overall movie theme. Characters are terrible. A man who for some reason can reflect bullets with his bat, half naked woman because why not lol, HALF NAKED MAN BECAUSE WHY NOT LOL ITS NOT LIKE THE EARTH IS FREEZING. If I had to compare that to chainsaw man, I'd say csm is infinitely better. Why? Because it had Togata-like mc from the beginning and Agni is semi-sane person with a very tragic life story. In csm weird jokes are part of the overall mood, while in fp the only purpose they serve is to ruin the initial dark setting.
I just wish an entire manga was like its first 10 chapters. We could have a really nice and serious story then. It brings me an unbelievable amount of disappointment that we didn't
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Aug 16, 2020
Oh boy, I don't even know where to start, this is the WORST shit I've read so far. Even for its own genre it's so bad I beg you: don't read this crap.
I mean, you know the genre, right? There is no such thing as story, if author will be told to stop they will stop. It's just a """"funny"""" stories compilation that'll be ended when a publisher will say so. Every nonexistent conflict can be solved in just one chapter from any point. Everything is so transparent from the very first chapter, like, why should I even read this?
If u dare to call
them this way. Guess what, EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER is made for the sole purpose of observing the main couple. Not a single pinch of personality.
And here is where this manga wins the hottest garbage award. You know this joke when the main couple does something silly and everybody's looking? This dumb and unfunny joke type that appears in every title of this genre at least once. Well, HERE that is the main type of """joke""" being used so much it rather motivates to vomit. The other part is your favorite good and old "misunderstandings". Just end me already :DD
That very moment, when side characters aka Uzaki's mom and sister have better design than the main girl. Seriously, this face is disturbing, large af eyes and the absolute absence of nose. Though I want to disagree with recent wave of twitter complaints about her body, I find it rather normal for Japan.
Also I want to tell a few words about senpai. He once was a swimmer at school, since then he did nothing but vidya and his easy cafe job. WHY is he so ripped? One of the most recent chapters features him doing 100kg bench, it isn't a novice, not even an intermediate level. Its not that big of a deal, just a small detail that shows the author's inability to make things logically correct.
Don't read this. Read Chion, Saotome, Tomo-chan or any other manga of this genre. This title has no story, no characters that could be somewhat relatable or at least interesting to observe, and all Senpai and Uzaki interactions will rather make you feel irritated and disappointed. Just don't
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jul 24, 2020
Before I start, I want to tell that I really like original Tokyo Ghoul manga and it is probably 8/10 read for me. And this is probably why I am so disappointed in Re. In two words, story is nonexistent, filler characters you don't care about, disappointing ending.
As I said, it's nonexistent. Things appear and disappear really fast having very little logic behind them. Auction, manga's first major event, has zero value behind it. It gives us some time with otherwise filler heroes to maybe build some affection to them, but thats it. Yes, Hinami was captured, which leads us to
the Cochlea raid, but it could be done literally anywhere else, it feels like an afterthought.
Then the Rose event, featuring plenty of filler oneshot characters you couldn't care less about. As an outcome of this event, Haise partially recovered his memories, which again, has no relation to the event itself and just happened randomly during one of the fights.
Here I want to mention that everything goes in a large scale now, quite similar to what we see in a final battle of the original manga. How is it bad? Large scale means more serious opponent. Small fries die like ants, nobody even cares anymore, important characters now made almost invincible, surviving many fatal blows like nothing. Was Shirazu's death this necessary then? Or was it just a forced drama?
After what happened during the Rose event, we have almost no time seeing Haise and it is while he changed so much. But I'll write about it later in a character section. Cochlea prison raid is where all the bullshit starts popping out. Kaneki defeating Arima and regaining his memory is fine more or less, but what happened with Eto isn't. What was her purpose in all this? It's, again, more of a character talk, but plot-wise her appearance was unnecessary and she was removed from the story with no valid reason till the very end.
I don't even want to talk about anything that happened after. The end of Aogiri, the Goat operation, the Dragon - it is all so bad it'd take an eternity do describe what is wrong. So instead I want to talk about fighting sides. Antagonists of Re are clowns. They don't have real goals and only seek for fun. Theres also V, a powerful and mysterious organisation that controls everything, which FOR SOME REASON was defeated in no time just to resolve this part ot a """"story"""". It was supposed to be Aogiri vs V, but in the end we have shonen-tier garbage when everyone works TOGETHER to defeat a nonexistent evil. To say I am disappointed is to say nothing.
ALL the good characters, and I mean it, ALL of them are from the original series. New characters are poorly made. Urie and Shirazu were somewhat interesting, was really "wise" to lowkey kill one of them huh. Urie indeed has some development, but I find it rather sudden and uncalled. Characters like Mutsuki and Yonebayashi has no bones and bend just for the sake of occurring events. Tons of filler characters being made just to be killed later in the most absurd ways. Yet, important ones never die, Kuroiwa's dad is a great example. They also just removed Shachi and Eto and these two were most interesting characters. In epilogue we won't hear anything important about Takezawa, Amon, Akira, Yoshimura or Eto, but we will hear A LOT about new quinx or Arima's nobody-cares-about squad :))))
I also promised to talk more about Haise and what happened to him after the Rose event. He was in his most interesing state of being half Haise half Kaneki and yet we barely have a chapter or two of him just doing some routine. At least they could pay attention to the MC huh...
I want to talk about the reader's experience for a bit. It is awful. Having like 4 or 5 different actions running simultaneously with constant jumping between each, also a flashback would appear out of nowhere so not only you are confused about the location, but about time as well. Was way better in original ghoul.
It was really fun to read, but the fun is subjective. Objectively this manga is hot garbage and I hope now you see why. Story could be implemented way better, it could rely on old characters way more than it does instead of filling the void with new ones. After I cooled down emotionally I was really disappointed of what I've read. It's nothing like the original Tokyo ghoul, in a bad way.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 11, 2020
I was hoping so much it isn't like any other japanese """comedy""", but it, unfortunately, is.
It feels like you're reading the same book over and over again. This genre has nothing appealing or new, it is just another generic story. Speaking of which, it's nonexistent. Time machine? Seriously? Not only it has all the cliches of genre, author didn't bother him/herself to implement a good starting point.
All characters are very unnecessary and annoying, made purely for the drama.
Don't read this, it's just another waste of budget.
I have nothing more to say but the review requires more words. How stupid.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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