Jun 19, 2017
For me this is an odd show to review. It'd be a lie to say I didn't enjoy it but if I actually think about reviewing it it's hard to come up with something positive.
I'll start with the thing I disliked the most, namely production value. The art style is pretty mediocre imo. It looks far closer to being a decade old rather than something not even a year old. Same goes for the animation, it 's not at all fluid and really feels..budget. The electric guitar track used as an attempt to hype up a fight is sometimes placed at odd times and
feels clunky. And in terms of voice acting there's a lot of awkward laughing among various characters along with other seemingly forced heroism or sorrow that is not only out of place but slightly creepy as a result. So overall I have quite a low opinion in terms of the production.
Does the story or character development impress me instead then? Basically, no. There hasn't been much of a story so far; we have the protagonist being op with potential like no one else before in the history of dota/mankind and it half seems to stem naturally from birth and half from a character we see once in a flashback and is never mentioned again. The causes of his strength are never really touched on. But if you imagine a 'good guy' coming from unfortunate backgrounds and having unexplained overwhelming strength fighting against stereotypical rich kid obnoxious villains you more or less have an accurate idea of what the main plot line is for the 12 episodes. Naturally other stuff happens in the meantime for him to get stronger and realise his potential, including somehow duping 2 apparently elite mages into thinking he was a different person by swapping the order of his name and wearing a mask covering his mouth. Besides the main overarching plot of 'good guy who is pitiable because of his background fighting obnoxious dickhead rich villain' each episode is basically just another fight for him to become stronger which I guess is why the plot-centric questions are never answered.
So essentially all I've done so far is bash everything about the show. Yet I originally said I enjoyed it. It's clearly not a show to think deeply about, the plot and character depth simply aren't existent enough to warrant that. But neither was there good production value to allow it to get away with plain fun action. And neither was it something I enjoyed because I cringed/laughed at everything I didn't like about it. The more I try and review it the more I end up thinking something was poor. So I think it was probably just something fun to binge on for a few hours whilst not really thinking about it too much. By ignoring any of the important questions to the plot and letting myself get swept along in the pace of 'introduce setting, introduce characters, fight here, fight here, fight here, and finale fight here' I think it's enjoyable in one go.
Incidentally, if you do plan on watching it I'd recommend waiting a bit as max resolutions appear to be a mix of 480/720/1080 and subs were done by fans for speed, using abbreviations like 'n' and 'u' and having a few typos/errors. Not bashing on them for that at all, it's thanks to them using their free time everyone can watch it, but it's fair to let people know beforehand I think.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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