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My MALentine Story Wonderful Wordsmiths 【OSHI NO KO】 Easter Egg Hunt (Easy)
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Nov 9, 2023
VTubers. Love them or hate them, they're here to stay.
They'ver been around for several years, and since this is S2 of Kizuna no Allele, I don't think they require an introduction anymore - major groups such as hololive or Nijisanji are still growing. One positive trait that comes from vtubers is that they generally will have larger than life or very relatable personalities and they will try to interact with you - they don't feel dull. However, this anime lacks anything that even contributed to the rise of VTubers in the first place and why they are so appealing to others.
Season 1 should have
been a warning sign for why you should avoid this anime. Not only did it push NFTs on us viewers, the 'characters' felt more like generic NPCs rather than actual characters. The story has no clear direction and the overall direction of the anime is dreadful. Yet why does this get the sequel there's much better material such as Bloom into You, Ao Haru Ride, etc. that could readily use those? Speaking of sequels, even Horimiya got one when we least expected it!
The anime doesn't even know if it is a generic idol anime or a vtuber anime, and it's been over 12 episodes of this.
WIT, what were you thinking? You could have spent more time on AoT or Vinland, but you chose this instead? Your main selling point, Kizuna AI, is hardly even in the anime!
Seriously, why is it called Kizuna no Allele in the first place if Kizuna AI lacks any presence on this anime? Go watch some other seasonal. Frieren. 100 GFs. The Apothecary Diaries.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 23, 2023
Google Glass: The BL anime. The whole premise of this anime was doomed from the start.
Enter the 'Sci-Fi' of perception art - it's literally Google Glass (or the highly ridiculed and memed Apple Vision). This concept was invented by one of the MC's parents (Kazuya). Fast forward 10 years and now our MCs are going to school for this so-called sci-fi concept. How is this Sci-Fi if the concept is literally something we already have? In addition to that, the cast eventually gets divided into two groups, which is known as Graders and Artists. Anybody would be able to predict that this will end
up creating some of the most mundane drama possible. The anime attempts to make the premise more interesting by shoving some more melodrama halfway in, but it falls completely flat and it even gives aneurysms. It's just painful to watch, and the fact that this is labeled Sci-Fi and not Boys Love is just completely false advertising.
For an art-themed anime, the characters are as far away from art as possible. You have Kazuya, the boring genki guy destined for greatness. Then there's Jun. Your stereotypical childhood friend character. However... The anime completely shafts him despite being listed as a main character! Kyou holds back some trauma, which makes him potentially interesting, but he's so unlikable that it's hard to even pay attention to whatever possible character development he faces. If you thought the relationships in other drama-heavy anime such as Domestic Girlfriend and School Days is toxic, just wait until you see this. It's not even the kind of dumpster fire that people want to see. It's literally walking into skunk spray. Artist/grader relationships are so uninteresting yet so toxic. To top this all off, they start introducing a ton of side characters that are as monotone and monochrome as possible. Any sense of character development that might have happened is ruined by how flat and dull all the main and side characters are.
So, that also brings art into the question; It has colors in its name, so it must be a visually appealing anime, right? WRONG Just look at Yuru Camp, another anime by the same studio. Literally a CGDCT about camping has more color and better visual quality than a visual arts anime with color in its name. Opus.COLORs uses some of the most monotonous color schemes out there. Every character looks like they're dulled out visually, and the same can be said about the backdrops. On top of the atrocious color scheme for what the anime's topic is, it also uses visually unappealing CGI. I'm generally not too critical of CGI in general, but having this on top of a story that's DOA and characters that make Nina Einstein and Hina Sato look well written, this just adds injury to insult. The CGI makes this already unbearable disaster of an anime literally unwatchable.
Given that this is an art-based anime, one would be forgiven to expect good quality music, but remember: this is Opus.COLORs, not Nana. It's not Bocchi the Rock either. It's just a garbage seasonal with uninspired music too (okay, may be calling it garbage is topo generous). While the voice acting from the cast isn't that bad, any positive here is completely drowned by the amount of other things Opus.Colors does wrong.
Do you enjoy watching paint dry? I mean, that's still technically art related because it involves paint. If you do enjoy watching paint dry, I have good news: this anime might just be for you. When your main cast is so boring and the anime fails to even make the viewer even want to know about the side characters, there's literally no enjoyment to be taken from this anime. it's the kind of anime you just watch while playing Minecraft or something while going autopilot with mining. Or, better yet,: let this anime run its runtime while reading some quality manga. I ended up doing both these things while trying to watch this anime.
A closing note:
Remember, this anime has colors in its name, yet it's outdone in color by a slow-paced CGDCT camping anime. This anime is one of the most soulless and painful anime I've ever had to sit through. I could have spent my time rewatching some actually good anime. I spent my time staying on top of this bullshit instead of Birdie Wing S2 all because I don't drop anime. When an anime is DOA with the story, there's not much that can be done. Just watch any other anime out there; this feels like they tried to string a whole bunch of bad MVs together.
Opus.COLORs is the worst case scenario for colorblindness ever.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 20, 2023
“Vtubers were a mistake.”
Vtubers. You've probably heard of them; they're the best (and worst) thing to come from Japan as of late. Based off of the idol concept of the still-popular Hatsune Miku, many early ones, such as Kizuna Ai, Kaguya Luna, Mirai Akari have catapulted the concept into what we know of it today; especially Hololive, which had my personal favorite, Uruha Rushia (rip) and Nijisanji. They’ve even gone as far as having collaborations in notable mobile games such as Counter;Side and Azur Lane. However, there's one territory VTubers haven't explored; TV anime. Basing it off of Kizuna AI, the most popular of the
'Four Heavenly Kings', as a main character would be a no-brainer, right?
This anime has been lying to us the entire time! Given the name of Kizuna no Allele, one would expect this anime to be mostly about Kizuna Ai. Nope, you've been lied to. She only appears in a grand total of 3 or 4 episodes. This should be a huge red flag for anybody who is a fan of Kizuna Ai. To make matters worse, they even try selling us on the concept of NFTs in the anime. Yes, NFTs, the digital stuff you can just screenshot. Oh, they also get into the idea of OtakuCoin, a cryptocurrency. The exact stuff they ban you for advertising on an average large community discord server as it’s often a scam.
The anime literally takes place when Kizuna Ai has been on hiatus for five years. Yes, five years. It wasn't even five years ago (early 2020) when the popularity of VTubers started exploding outside Japan. They use this idea to try and make a story about several girls (more on this later) who are inspired by the legacy that she leaves behind. Not the most original story, but this has worked in several other shows such as the Love Live! Franchise and D4DJ. These shows are also quite heavily based in the drive of their characters by making them distinct, fun, relatable and likable. Unfortunately, the show fails at this basis too. The idea of a story being even loses its way so much, one of the episodes turns into a generic isekai, despite simply being a VR game setting just because one character wanted ‘to discover herself’. After seeing the comedic misadventures of Konosuba and the horrifying deconstruction that is Re:Zero, any intelligent person would know that these fantasy Isekai worlds are far from the ideal world that any sane human being would want to reside in.
If you’re into VTubers, think about your favorite vtuber for a second. They can be bubbly and fun! They can be as multi-talented as Suisei! They can be extremely cute and then snap at the drop of a metal bar! They can be a complete and total dork who makes the dumbest mistakes! Whatever it is that makes them your favorite, they all have one thing in common; they’re larger than life to us. Our heroines, Miracle, Chris, Quan, Riz and Noelle, who are all essentially as flat as Rushia's chest, both visually and figuratively. Miracle is literally the most airheaded, dumb and bland protagonist you can think of who also tries to get into selling some ‘hip’ and trendy ‘stuff’, such as NFTs and crypto. She’s essentially like Ayumu Uehara from Love Live, but flatter than paper.
Oh god. Please. If you’re gonna make a music anime, please use more than one song. Can I just have the strawberry frap that Miracle so badly wanted to write a song about? It would be more interesting than the one song they just keep using.
A closing note:
If you're interested in the idea of VTubers, just go watch some vtubers and find one that suits your taste best. This anime is just not good. Why even bother wasting your breath on this anime when there's things such as college midterms? Heck, if you want to explore the dark side of being a VTuber, or any showbiz related things, Oshi no Ko is your best bet; it even aired the same season as this. This anime was doomed near the start and only made dumber decisions as it went on. There not much value in terms of watching this anime. Kizuna no fucking thanks.
Alright, I gotta stop before Rushia lashes out at me and kills me for making fun of her chest, even after she stopped her activities. Don't bother with this show. I guess I'll go bowling and practice for short patterns and targeting the 2 boar-
EDIT: I originally had this show at a 2/10. However, I realized that the show tried to also sell us on cryptocurrency on top of the bullshit that is NFTs. Gross. Yet it’s not even the worst show of Spring 2023; there’s Opus.COLORs.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 12, 2023
Ah, yes. Autumn. It's a nice season where the leave turn different colors. It's the last time we experience genuinely nice weather before snow screws us all over.
Nevermind, this is an experimental short. it's like playing Russian Roulette but with your eyes. This anime has nothing to do with Autumn. Please name me one way that black and light strobe lights is related to Autumn. In addition, this is a Keichii Tanaami film, so expect random sexual imagery and unnecessary sexual imagery everywhere, because this man seriously likes erotica and seizures.
Remember the infamous banned Pokemon episode, Electric Soldier Porygon?
That's essentially a mild version (or warm up version) of what this anime is. That episode only contained about 1 minute of strobe effects, while this monstrosity of a war crime is over 6 minutes of pure strobe lights.
<birbsmb was on the floor while writing this due to the visuals; give him time to get off the floor>
Alright, I'm finally able to start writing again. Now, where was I?
Story? I think it's probably about how the viewer's eyes are supposed to bleed due to the visuals. How am I supposed to know what this 'story' is? Characters? I think I saw some surreal random abstract creatures with eyes, but it became way too hard to tell because everything kept rapidly flashing. Also, does things such as fetuses and phallic objects count as characters? That brings up the topic of the art... It's just 6 minutes of flashing colors! How is this even legal? On top of that, even when displaying credits, it's as if Keiichi Tanaami wants us to have a seizure right at the very start. Is this because he doesn't want us to be able to rate this meaningless garbage? Does he just hate humanity? We will never know. On top of that, the sound doesn't even line up with anything. It even becomes a case of ear rape at the end as the imagery finally reaches the finish 1/3 stretch. Also, don't even mention concepts such as the relationship between main characters (which LycoReco and AoButa excel at) and worldbuilding (which Promised Neverland and Made in Abyss excel at).
A closing note:
This is straight up unwatchable. At least Mars of Destruction and Skelter Heaven have something of value to take away from them, even if it's ironic. It should be a crime against humanity to make something like Aki no Puzzle. This 'anime' has no idea what it wants to be. You're better off shoving autumn leaves into your eyes. If you have any form of disability, or heck, even breathe air, don't even consider touching this thing.
Fuck you, Keiichi Tanaami. Fuck Aki no Puzzle. Fuck extreme modern art. I hope this gets classified as a war crime. This feels like I just watched somebody kill a thousand people IRL.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Apr 27, 2023
Tokyo? Tokyo. The most populous city in the world. 39+ million people. One of the most livable cities in the world. Also one of the best tourist destinations in the world.
Who am I kidding? This 'anime' doesn't even resemble Tokyo one bit... Unless taking 1 minute to spell out Tokyo in Hiragana counts.
First of all, let's get down to the story; oh wait, what story? How about the art? Just get some low-effort cell diagrams and even you can make a film like this! Characters? There are technically characters... Hiragana text! Sound? Rain drops. Worldbuilding? Who needs worldbuilding when there's just Hiragana text and cell-like
microbe... things?
I'm just pulling stuff out of my ass and trying to make a narrative while trying to talk about this 'anime'. It's just microbe creatures turning into Hiragana, which then spells out "Toukyou".
A closing note:
Seriously, just go take a flight to Tokyo. It will be a lot more enjoyable, but it will cause some damage to Wallet-kun. At least there won't be emotional damage if you take the flight and stay over instead of watching this film. This is just simply not worth your time; there's nothing to take away from this video.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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