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Dec 27, 2022
One of the most overrated anime of the season. Notice one thing, ANYONE telling you this anime is a masterpiece Rated it back in october....when it started airing..... That should show you that they didnt have any intention of properly rating this anime and were full of the hype before the anime ever started. I dont read manga, and I dont buy into anime hypes. There have been many many overrated anime throughout the seasons. And, for the fall 2022 season, Chainsaw Man was the overhyped anime of the season. Not a bad anime by any stretch of the imagination. If not for the super
high expectations created by the overhype, this anime would stand on its own merits, which there are many. Its a good anime that was put on a pedestal before ever given the right to stand on its own.
I cant honestly rate this lower than an 8. It is indeed a good anime. Most people will enjoy it. I just want to temper some expectations. There are a lot of people like me that dont frequent sites like this, so this anime is only deeply loved by the hardcore, manga reading, figurine buying anime weebs. Tenderfoot weebs didnt think it was as good as they hype portrayed it to be.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 9, 2021
This was a "by the numbers" anime if I have ever seen one. Lets get this started.
The story is subpar. The MC comes from a village of super humans. Out of all of the people in his village, he is considered the weakest one. When he leaves his village to attempt to get stronger, he meets his harem of THOT's along the way in his journey to never have any real character development. In order to stand out from the rest of the anime, you have to give something that hasnt been seen before that will catch your viewers attention. The story completely failed to
do any of that. It was a wash, rinse, repeat type of anime. This entire plot can be summed up with a simple, exasperated "meh."
The art is okay I guess. I really dont pay too much attention to this. If the animation really POPS then I will say "yeah, that is pleasing to the eye." For example, Remake Our Life truly does have some nice animation, but that anime sucked. But thats a different review all together. So, unless the animation REALLY catches my attention, its always a 7 to me.
I dont care about music in anime. That is something you will have to judge for yourself.
The characters, oh the characters. It would be a misnomer to call the people in this anime characters. You should have character before you can address said character. All the players in this game have one role and they stick with it all the way through to the end without ever evolving.
Overall, the enjoyment was a giant SIGH. It isnt complete trash, but it honestly fails to impress at all. This is really one of those anime that you put on your watchlist to be burried and forgotten until you run through that list and say, "I dont remember this, lets check it out." In other words, watch it if you really have nothing better to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 9, 2021
This is, by far, one of THE MOST overrated anime I have ever seen. Some even have the nerve to call this a "masterpiece." Are you for real? Lets begin the dissection of this by the numbers, dystopian future nonsense. Here we go.
First, the story. Oh god, this story. Nothing pisses me off more than this ridiculous plot. The 86 are NOT being rebellious. They are being stupid. Towards the end of the first season, they show how the 86 crew CAN survive in the wilderness. It is difficult, but they have the option. SO what do these geniuses do? They sit there and
run head first into their deaths like a bunch of moron moths flying to the bright light that is laser beams and hot lead. I only really have one thing to say to this: Come the F' on. If they REALLY wanted to stick it to those silver haired Nazis, they shouldve been smuggling and hoarding amunition and food so they could escape. If they are gonna die like dogs, then why protect the people that treat you like dogs? The silver hairs live a make believe lie that would all come crashing down when the flood would hit their gates. Again, completely stupid and irrational. That irrationality REALLY makes me dislike this anime. It would be one thing if it were Stokholme Syndrome, but it isnt. These guys know they are being led to their deaths like lambs to the slaughter and what do they say? "Thur, yeth Thur! DERRRRR!" Utter and complete nonsense.
The art is the only redeaming quality in this anime. At least the animators did great.
I dont care about music in anime. Thats not what I'm here for.
Overall, I not only didnt enjoy forcing myself to finish this crap, I wouldnt push this garbage on ANYONE and I would NEVER recommend this anime to a single soul on this entire galaxy.
But, dont worry, there are A LOT of overrated dystopian future anime. Most of them are overrated. This is one I CANT STAND having it be so highly rated when there are soooooo many better anime out there. This is garbage. If you like this, thats on you. But you will never convince me otherwise that this anime is any good. Those are my two cents.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Dec 9, 2021
I will preface this by saying I am very VERY biased. I feel the original story was better. The original ending was far more resonating. The purpose of remaking FMA was just to shut fans up that did nothing but complain about the original ending. To silence those critics, they gave those fans the sappy, disney-like ending that they begged for. The ending I didnt enjoy.
Here is my reasoning, the original was far more tragic and was more fitting for the context of the entire anime. The whole anime is about the tragic events that lead up to that end. And it emphasizes
equivalent exchange as it is intended. I absolutely LOVE that Edward had to give up his body for Alphonse to get his back. Winrey never got to tell Ed she loved him. So many tragedies that shows the viewer that not everything comes out like the movies. Not everything gets a happy ending.
What I DIDNT like about the original is that they left the window open for Ed to return to his world. It would've been better if he was permanently trapped in our version of earth. The emphasis needs to be that he can never go back. Ed and Al played god, and they got punished for it. To give Ed the ability to return to his own earth deminishes that punishment completely.
FMA: Brotherhood is a bastardization of that story to please some critics that couldnt deal with an ending that wasnt very "disney like." Ed lives and gets to marry Winrey. Alphonse gets his body back. Al still hates milk. Its all happy ending horseshit.
The only positives I have to say about this version is the addition of Olivier Mira Armstrong. She is BOSS! And, it never gets more badass than Col. Roy "muthaf'in" Mustang. When he snaps King Bradley to crispy goodness, I had a nerdgasm. That was hot fire!
Overall, FMA: Brotherhood is a good anime. It does deserve to be treated as one of the best anime to ever be made. But calling it a masterpiece is a fallacy. And that is one of the absolute WORST things about Myanimelist is the amount of trend followers that sometimes frequent here. Some, not all, but some dont have any real fact based opinion on this anime. They are just told that this anime is a masterpiece, so they follow along with what they are told. But this anime doesnt deserve first place. At least in my opinion, Cowboy Bebop should be #1. Not this anime. FMA: Brotherhood is a great anime, just not a masterpiece and a little overrated.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 9, 2021
So, reading a lot of the reviews on here, I can see you guys missed the mark on this one. This anime is only slightly underrated in my opinion.
Some of you are taking this anime way WAY too serious. Everything about this anime is comedy based. From the characters and their social interactions to the problems they have to resolve. So, if you are curious about this anime, do yourself a favor. Shut of your brain. There is nothing to overthink about here. Just shut of and go on the ride.
This anime isnt trying to be a masterpiece. This isnt trying to win any
anime awards. It is slapstick humor for those that just want something light and humorous as a change of pace from the rest of the regurgitated storylines that saturate anime every season, namely dystopian future and isekai.
To conclude, if you are rating this anime 6 or less, then you missed the whole point of the anime in my opinion. I rate this at a solid 7 and possibly an 8. It doesnt measure up to some of the other slapstick anime like Konosuba, but it doesnt have to. There arent many that do. Its just silly nonsense to rot your brain to.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 9, 2021
I will keep this insanely simple. This is a good anime.
The story is a solid premise that hasnt been done to death like isekai, which is really getting old by this point.
The art is solid. No complaints on my end.
I dont care about music. You will have to be the judge there. I always give a seven because I dont care.
Characters are sweet and well established. Must protecc Meiruko-chan!
This anime is enjoyable if you interested in the supernatural. Overall, I have severely overrated this anime at a nine, so for this anime, take my rec with a grain of salt. I am quite biased and want this anime to succeed so I can haz moar Meiruko-Chan.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 9, 2021
I will keep this as short as possible. I hate writing long reviews unless it is absolutely necessary. So here we go.
This anime is severely underrated. If this was released in the spring, it wouldve been rated higher. A lot of solid anime this season so this is facing HARD competition.
The story is solid, but contrived. This is the same as "Drug store to another world", but a little more serious and has a more rom dram than a slice of life comedy like Drug store. So, if you dont mind a different story under a familiar premise, this will be enjoyable to you.
The art is good. I didnt see any glaring animation issues, if any at all. So, if you like your familiar premise story with good animation, this will be enjoyable to you.
Sound is good. I dont know. I really dont pay attention to the music as much, so this is something you would have to decide for yourself. The intro is pretty interesting though. So, if you like your familiar premise story with good animation and the music isnt a deal breaker for you, this will be enjoyable to you.
Characters. I love Rit, I love Red, I love Ruti. I love them all. The characters are nicely fleshed out, but they all could use a little more development. That is why the rating isnt higher here. It is so close to right. So, if you like your familiar premise story with good animation and characters, and if the music isnt a deal breaker for you, this will be enjoyable to you.
The anime is good and not being given a fair shot due to the sheer amount of solid anime this winter season. It is not an isekai, but rather a Romantic Drama. Still, very solid in my opinion.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 9, 2021
This anime is vastly overrated. It is a good anime. It should be treated as a good anime. However, it is not the "masterpiece" that was promised. Several anime this season have outshined this anime by a long long distance. I have a laundry list of complaints about this anime, but lets be honest, you are not gonna read them. What I will say is that people give this anime FAR more credit than it deserves. Good anime, not great.
Yet, if you are a music lover, You will like this anime. I dont like music anime, so just finishing the anime is kind of
a chore to me. You might fare better. Good luck.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 9, 2021
I will preface this by saying I was predisposed to being very emotionally invested in the Blade Runner universe because I grew up with it. I watched the first movie and have watched and enjoyed everything Blade Runner related. With that said, I will do my best to set aside this bias and give a proper review. If you find that my review has been left wanting, or you feel I didnt properly seperate myself from these biases, then I apologize if it wasnt helpful to you. With that said, lets get this review under way.
*************LIGHT SPOILER WARNING***********
Story: 7
Here is where a lot of you will disagree with me, but let me explain and see if you can understand my perspective. The story is fantastic to me. For those of you who havent read it, this is an adaptation of the short story "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. This is a legendary story that has been told and adapted since 1920. So if anyone tells you, "oh, the story sucks", it is simply not true. This is an amazing story that I feel has been adapted to the Blade Runner universe.
I am not a fan of CGI anime. However, a couple of the most recent CGI anime, namely this one and Duke of Death and His Maid, have been changing my opinion of it...slightly. I do enjoy this anime, but sometimes, the CGI physics sometimes fail. For example, when she fights that guy in the cemetery and she gets knocked to the ground, her hair is perfectly still. As if it were so stiff it cant move. This happens A LOT throughout this series. This is a minor infraction, but it happens so frequently once you notice it that it begins to bother some. It definitely bothered me. Overall, I still have a long way to go in accepting CGI, but the art isnt the best by any stretch.
The ambient music doesnt really set the tempo or build any atmosphere. It feels a little out of place. Blade Runner has always had a lot of electro synthpop to symbolize the futuristic music. That music is sometimes present, but most of the time, the ambiance feels a little off. I feel it couldve been more representative if they stuck to the more jazzy, synthy music that Vangelis provided the first movie.
Character: 9
I love the charcters in this anime. They all have interesting backstories to build character. The only one I feel hasnt been truly fleshed out as of yet is the one they call Doc and the guy that gave Elle the black lotus tattoo. I hope they flesh those characters out more so they can all be pretty solid characters. Oh, and the cop lady too. I would like to know more about her. Hope they smooth out her story too.
This is the one point I will ask that you take my opinion with a grain of salt. I really really love the Blade Runner world. It feels like something mankind would do to crate androids and treat them like property instead of living things. So to have a story from that BR universe really satisfies me. Therefore, my opinion on the enjoyment is something only I can appreciate. You will have to find out yourself if you can enjoy this. The CGI and music keep me from making this a solid 10.
In conclusion, this anime couldve and shouldve been far better received. I feel it is severely underrated. I also feel the CGI is a very big hindrance to this anime. If a studio with great artistic design produced this anime, say someone like madhouse, I believe that this anime wouldve been one of the best this season. Here is hoping that more people give it a chance and overlook the CGI. It is a great story being missed because of minor production issues.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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