So, overall I'm giving this a 7.
For my standards, realistically it'd be a 5 because it is kind of average for my tastes. However I find this to be so because of my current self (over 25y.o. and way past this fresh age of highschool freshmen) and it simply does not resonate with me. It is not however that average, it is a pretty good manga, very sweet and a beautiful and pleasnat reading.
The story - 7
It shows with a very realistic approach, the worries of a highscool freshman girl when she finds herself in a completely new environment and without any acquantances
Jun 10, 2024
The Divorcée's Dessert Cafe
Okay, so I'd like to start by saying that this is not bad manhwa, but it's really not a great one either.
When I started it, I thought it was fun, simple and easy to read and I'd have a very pleasant pastime without it being too much, too heavy, too complex. Athough I still find it fun, many times while reading a chapter I'd think to myself that it's kinda crappy. The pacing - too quick, the characters - kinda shallow, the "dramatic" events that supposedly add to the plot and story - too many & without substance or proper development. The author ... |