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Dec 2, 2022
I haven't written a review for anything in YEARS but I recently got back into anime with this season because of this anime! I have loved every season of Mob thus far and this season isn't any exception. The review format is also a lot different but I will comment on every part of the show like I used to!
Art & Sound: 10/10
Bone is a fantastic anime studio who hasn't disappointed me once with any of the seasons. The fluidity of the animation and the colors, just wow. Absolutely beautiful. The music? The Mob Choir creates such bops and I love the opening so much.
The line "the one and only one" at the end of the OP is just touching with the overlaid animation.
Story: 8/10
Season 2 was much better with its story compared to season 1 and this season as well. I do feel as though it lacks that punch that the previous seasons had, but it's not over yet! Episode 9 just came out and it seems like it's about to go from 0-100 (haha pun intended) real quick. I wrote a review on season 1 when it finished airing in 2016, and I still stand by my point is that this isn't a story driven series. This series is meant to be character driven. It's all about Mob and his growth from young adolescence to young adulthood. And all those tidbits we all the "story" are just part of his journey to being a better version of himself.
Characters: ???/10
Do you remember that scene in season 2 where Mob goes beyond the 100? That's how much I'll score the character scale. One of the biggest reasons I absolutely love this show is for the characters and to watch them interact with each other. The comedy isn't for everyone but I laugh at least once an episode. I've also cried at a part in this season, but you'll have to watch to find out why!
Mob is by far one of the best main characters I have watched in an anime in a long time. If you haven't watched either of the 2 seasons in awhile before watching this one, then maybe you have forgotten just how much development we've witnessed. Or maybe you've never season the series and you're wondering what all the fuss is about. The mere fact Mob starts out as some emotionally unbalanced teenager who'd fire up his psychic powers unintentionally, to witnessing such beautifully animated fights of him demonstrating the exact opposite is just a different type of beauty. You watch this loner boy, grow such a community around him. He really does change those he reaches.
The supporting cast engaging and encouraging this development makes everyone such a treat to see on screen. I just love every single character in his show and what they deliver for our main character. There's so many fun moments of downtime, laughs, and just some even maybe 'dull,' moments. But there's always a calm before the storm. It's good writing that whenever there's too much of a good time, there will be a terrible coming approaching. MP100 S3 does that with their characters.
Overall: 9/10
I am so excited to see where the anime goes for the next last episodes! God, I will miss this series so much.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 20, 2018
*Spoiler Free!*
This is one of those reviews where I recognize the flaws in the series but can't help but ignore them for the outshining aspects of other qualities. Much like others, the anime that's airing in 2018 helped spark this manga's popularity. In actuality, I was going to skip the anime last season but I watched the first few episodes and it led me here. What a shame that I didn't know about this manga sooner!
DISCLAIMER: This manga/series in general isn't yaoi or even romantically driven. If that was your main concern, then you should be relieved. HOWEVER, know that this series does mention
a lot of SERIOUS issues such as rape, child molestation, gang/government entanglements, and much more.
STORY: 8/10
The story starts off strong in terms of its foundation, "Banana fish." Pondering what that is and how it's much more trouble than it's worth. The first few volumes are heavily focused on that but slowly drift off into other subplots and arcs that have "banana fish" as a drifting concept. It slowly becomes more of a character driven story in my opinion. But not in anyway like a slice of life. There's still heavy themes of the things mentioned in my disclaimer. This is not for the faint of heart. Especially with the rising mention of rape in modern media and organizations like THORN that are trying to safe/prevent child sex trafficking. Lighthearted moments exist of course. Some are pretty funny or heartwarming. But the story is written to always juxtapose that happy narrative with the harsh reality that is Ash Lynx's life.
I'd also like the comment on how well written the series is wrote as a whole. I tried to do research on the Mangaka but unfortunately I haven't found much of anything that's in English. She captured 80s America pretty well. The Mafia and gangs were a huge thing. She seems well educated as an American myself. I love that the settings takes place somewhere else other than Japan. And my god, I don't know if it was the translator, but some of the symbolism and foreshadowing that's expressed throughout among characters is so beautifully written. I adore it so much. Despite this however, like I mentioned, she does trail off onto other subjects. By the end the reader forgets it was about Banana fish to begin with.
ART: 7/10
I grew to really love the style (and frankly I like 80s style), but it is not the best in the beginning but gradually develops over the course of the manga. Not too much to say here. I liked it and the art got better.
This is the main reason why I ignore all the flaws in writing and art style. The characters. I absolutely adore all of them or hate the ones you're supposed to hate. We have true villains in this story. I have no empathy for some of them. I'll try to express how well these characters are written without spoilers to the best of my ability.
Eiji and Ash. These two single handily are the greatest contrast but perfect match. They both come from different worlds. Eiji is from a good family in Japan and Ash is from America but doesn't come from good graces. Somehow they're always sticking together and developing more and more. They both bring the best out of each other. Honestly, their moments in the manga are some of the purest and raw with helps juxtapose the extremely dark narrative. It makes their moments precious. I think that's what she was going for with her writing. I can't say too much more, but I promise they're the icing on the cake or your favorite book at the library.
As for the rest of the cast, Yau-Si is another well written character. You just want to hate him but somehow you can't truly. He's done terrible things but he has had terrible things happen to him. He's very much like Ash in that emotional travesty part, but this helps pan an interesting dynamic between the two and the rest of the cast. There's a lot of characters and I couldn't possibly comment on all of them but damn, they're great. Never forget our man Shorter <3 He's the best friend to Ash and that's all I'm going to say haha
I really want to convince more people to read the manga. I can't stress how much I underestimated this series. I didn't think I'd feel so shattered after finishing. I never thought this manga with a silly title and odd presence would make me read for hours. I didn't think I'd love these characters so much. Please give it a try, ESPECIALLY if you were like and were drawn in from the anime. There's so much greatness in this series and it will forever be one of my favorites. Don't be fooled !
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 25, 2018
It would have been a 5 if the ending hadn't been so nice haha. This review is spoiler free !
Story: 6/10
I picked this series up right away simply because the story seemed very different, and well, it is extremely different. I enjoyed the originality of the series but at times it feels convoluted. I still don't entirely understand the show and that's disappointing. It feels rushed in parts where I could see them expanding on a specific concept or character idea. I understand the general gist of the story but I still have more questions than answers. It's most definite that we won't be getting
a sequel which blows. While I did enjoy the ending and how it was tied together, I think the final episode could have been more fleshed out in more than one episode. Again, awesome concept, but poor execution.
Art & Sound: 6/10
Art/Animation is pretty average. It looks bland in most scenes and doesn't really captivate me in anyway. The score is also average, nothing outstanding. The only great part of the whole score is the Opening! I love the opening. One of the best of the year by far (as of March).
Character: 7/10
Most of the characters are enjoyable and Juki does get some development as our main protagonist. However, I don't feel any emotional attachment to any of the characters. I can't say I really remember their names ? I liked the grandfather and Juki the most but other than that, they're all pretty forgettable. The main villain is alright, but he's not that great either. AND he has the weirdest twist to him. Like weird on a whole new level just like the major Psycho Pass twist (if you don't know what I'm talking about then you need to go watch Psycho Pass!!!!) To me, the characters are just average but not unbearable.
Enjoyment: 8/10
Despite the criticisms, I did enjoy myself. There were some highlights to a otherwise very average show. I was always interested what was going to happen next and I really did like the ending :)
Overall: 6/10
Would I recommend? Yes, to people new to anime. To people who have seen a lot of anime and know what they like, no, unless you're into weird anime like this haha.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 22, 2018
*Spoiler free & straight to the point*
I saw this movie around the time it was hyped up and as expected I had some sort of expectations. This review is like 1.5 years late but it started to bother me that people slap this anime with a 10/10. Granted everyone is entitled to their opinion as am I, so let's get started.
Story: 7/10
While incredibly ambiguous and confusing at moments, I was intrigued. It was something sort of refreshing and different then most concepts in anime. Unfortunately I felt like there was something lacking. It felt incomplete. It felt rushed in parts and undeveloped in others. I
was disappointed to say the least. This is #2 on MAL and I don't really understand why. The story could have been amazing if this wasn't a movie. If this had been a series the story could have been more fleshed out and maybe even possibly groundbreaking.
Art: 10/10
I lied, I know why this anime is #2. It's because of the art and animation. I do agree that it's beautiful to look at. However, just because it's pretty doesn't mean we should ignore the flaws in the movie. It's like saying this man is so handsome and charming, but his personality is repulsive. You can't acknowledge the good without the bad.
Sound: 8/10
Much like the animation, the music is another reason why people flock to this immediately. My previous point I just mentioned is relevant to this as well.
Character: 7/10
They weren't used to their fullest potential. There was so much more I wanted to know about them and I wanted more progression. I wanted to love them like everyone else did, but I couldn't. The two main protagonists just don't do it for me. I didn't dislike them or anything, but I wasn't in love with them either. And as the story came to a close I just left feeling "is that it?" And you should never have a movie or series have you say that.
Enjoyment & Overall: 8/10
While I did enjoy the movie on an overall scale, I find it extremely difficult to call it a "masterpiece." I wasn't emotionally engrossed and the story & characters didn't impress me enough. My main point is that this movie should have been a series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 26, 2016
Have you ever watched an anime that had 12 episodes that had very interesting visuals, great characters (and development) and story that was charming in its own nature? No? Well Mob Psycho 100 is right here for you to watch!
Story - 8/10
To be entirely honest, I didn't think much with this series. I was going to skip over it and not even bat an eye at it--why? I heard it was by ONE and even though I enjoyed One Punch Man, it wasn't something I'd rewatch and go after again. I tend to steer away from "stereotypical" shounen series nowadays. I thought this
series was going to be the same formula. I was wrong. Yes, the anime starts off slow--yes it appears to be recycled garbage at first. But it really evolves into something very charming.
The premise of this series is pretty simplistic. Mob is the main character and he's a middle school boy who's an outcast from most of society, including social circles. What separates him from the norm is his psychic abilities. It's quite a quirky show with a lot of comedy elements. Each episode consists of Mob going after spirits and performing an exorcism using his psychic abilities. Along the way you meet different characters that add to the comedy aspect of this anime. With this said, story-wise. It's more of a character driven show, but honestly, I like the simple story and how it goes deeper and deeper into the world building. Conflicts arise later in the series and the way it's handled between the characters is nothing short of amazing. I don't know about you, but I'm really sick of melodramatic sequences in stories where characters act really stupid (i.e. romcoms) and it ruins the quality of storyline.
Mob Psycho 100 doesn't do that--it propels a simple story with endearing characters. I'm honestly so surprised how much world building we got in 12 episodes without it feeling rushed (I'm an anime only so I do not know how well paced it was compared to the source material).
Art - 10/10
Bones has done it again with another incredible job with animation! The art is probably what makes this anime stick out so much--and why people probably turned a blind eye to this series. Which is such a shame given the beautifully fluid animation; especially in action scenes! The style may come off more cartoony than the traditional "moe" anime style we are all used to, but I promise you that it's not a reason to overlook this anime. I personally think the style is unique and really sets a tone for the series. It's simple in nature much like the story.
Sound - 9/10
The OP "Mob Choir 99" is such a catchy tune and you start counting with the song every week! The visuals that go with it is also very catching! You notice something new every time you look it. The ED song is very simple and mellow--this captures the easy going nature of the series (until the battles scenes though lol). The OSTS are also very interesting to hear.
Character - 10/10
I've seen comedy series get 25 episodes and do absolutely nothing with the characters and shove repetitive rubbish in my face episode after episode. Whether you like the comedy or not is entirely subjective, but regardless, in 12 episodes I never once felt that rubbish shoving in my face. The characters manage to get more development in such a short amount of time compared to anime with 24 episodes.
Our main character, Mob, starts off fairly easy to read. He's introverted in nature and isn't good with social interactions. The only thing he seems to be good at is his psychic abilities--he has deep admiration for his little brother who seems to be the top at everything except what Mob is good at. Later in the story, we see how Mob expresses his emotions and feelings. We see how complicated and powerful he truly is. But what separates him from most main shounen characters is his modesty--he doesn't want these powers and he never once in the 12 episodes ever desires to be stronger. He's never egotistic about it. He never shows it off. He's almost always kind to anyone who returns kindness to him. He tries his best and he's deeply supported by those around him. He's a misfit in theory, but he's managed to have so many people care about him and despite his struggle to express feelings, he's close to them as well. He never wants to hurt anyone unless it's a spirit. He'll do anything to protect his brother and friends even if it meant throwing away personal values. And even when he's been knocked down and defeated, he gets back up and though he may lose his way, he still tries. Maybe not with strength, maybe just maybe, in the end he will win without really winning. Maybe he'll succeed with only restoring those personal values and the faith others have given him. Mob, the main character of Mob Psycho 100.
Anything else I say about the characters would be considered spoilers, and I wouldn't want to ruin it! But for the sake of summary, Ritsu (Mob's brother) has great development and beautiful characters bonding between brothers :') Reigen (Mob's Master) comes off as an asshole in the beginning and you come to think that he only uses Mob as a tool for his own personal gain. Later on however, you come to realize there's way more to him than at first though. He will also have his shinning moment! Ekubo (Mob's spirit friend) starts off evil but then develops a bond not just between Mob, but the other main characters and even some of the supporting characters. He went from bad to not so bad haha.
Any other characters that have some sort of role are likable and charming to say the least. It's just all well balanced with a full set of cast without making it feel overwhelming! I'm just so impressed with how Bones handled this anime--so very impressed.
Enjoyment/overall - 10/10
Through the comedy, stunning action, great characters, and unraveling plot, this anime didn't fail to assume me! I'm so excited to see a season 2 ASAP! I highly recommend this anime :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 19, 2015
Okay okay, before I get backlashed for my "high" rating, please read this (almost lengthy) review.
For a disclaimer, I haven't read any of the source material. I've heard bad things about this adaption, but I can't agree or disagree. But you have my condolences on it not being to your standards, really, I understand. And yes I'll probably read the source material in the future.
Story - 7/10
The story, for my tastes, was interesting for the most part. There of course are lots of things I wish they had done differently, but you can't win 'em all I guess. For example the
"comedy" relief in Ranpo Kitan isn't that great. I didn't find most of it actually "funny." Then again, humour is subjective. The characters are also a disappointment, but I'll get more into that later.
The actual plot of this story, to me, is interesting (even with execution not being as good as it could have been). It makes us ponder the everyday vision of society. Who are we and what do we mean? Who is bad? Who is good? Is there really a difference? I love anime that makes me blur the line between "good" and "evil." Whether it's cliche or not, it's interesting to think about.
*spoiler warning ahead--just skip to the "art" part*
Before I get into the actual spoiler part, let's do some backtracking. This anime is filled with a plethora of symbols and metaphors. Ranpo Kitan's whole plot and visual aspect is built on this. So of course if you don't look into the small detail or even care about it, you'll miss out on something. This isn't an anime you can turn your brain off and watch. You have to pay attention.
With that said let's get into the ending spoiler. A lot of people are complaining about the ending and how "nothing changes," and how "this was a waste." While I agree there was TONS of wasted potential, the ending was perfect. All the efforts made by the characters proves futile. That's right, useless. But life is a paradox; this ending was suppose to represent the society we live in. While things do and will change, there's just some things that won't. We CAN'T make the bad people go away. Evil will always exist. So Namikoshi's death (or maybe he tricked the formula into thinking he died) went in vain. Nothing came of his disappearance. This means deaths everyday in this would are "wasted" on this idea that it will mean something. While some do, most don't from the other people looking in. Their death, unfortunately, becomes a part of a statistic.
Evil isn't born, it's created. it's created by people who were also created by evil. It's a never ending cycle that can't and will not be broken. Bullies, rapists, molesters, kidnappers, murders, etc etc will always exist and other people will always be a victim to these monsters. And that's what this ending represents; a never ending cycle of bad people being created in this world. Take it or leave it, but just know that our justice system is just as messed up as these people.
Art & Sound - 9/10
The animation in this anime is very fluid (for the most part). I enjoy the dark scenery and character designs in contrast to the characters' eye color. It could represent the light we see in people but how the darkness is an unavoidable concept. The art and animation is also visually beautiful. Mostly the symbolic story telling in a lot of the scenes. It's all so so stunning. I love the color pallet they chose for Ranpo Kitan overall.
The sound is also beautifully done. The OP is just great. I'm now a big fan of amazarashi's music. They are known for they storytelling music and I love that. "Speed and Friction" is one of my favorite OPs of the season. Now the ending song. Wow the first time I listened to it I was captivated. It's beautifully dark. "Mikazuki" is one of my favorite EDs this season as well. The whole soundtrack is on point and I love everything about it.
Character - 5/10
And this is where my review does a 180. The characters are so bland it makes me wanna bang me head on a wall. While I didn't HATE Kobayashi, I completely understand why people do. He's so annoying. He's part of that "comedic" relief I mentioned earlier. It all seems out of place and he makes me feel a lil uncomfortable. Especially because he's so fascinated by death and such. Now I personally find death interesting, but I'm more interested in where we go after we die, not dead body parts. I understand how his character is suppose to be a polar opposite of the entire plot, but it wasn't done well. I like the supporting characters more, but his best friend was pretty annoying too. I will admit his gay lil crush is kind of funny and cute, but that's about it. It's the only thing I like about either of them lol.
Now with Akechi, the paper bag guy, and Namikoshi. I like the "I don't give a fuck" archetypes such as Akechi. Nothing really stood out with him for me. I do admire the care and love he had for his best friend Namikoshi though. With no one in the world to understand each other, they only had one another. I get that on a personal level. This brings me into another thing people didn't like which was the cliche backstory on Namikoshi. Saying it was a typical antagonist backstory, which is all true. It's as cliche as they come, but it fits the overall anime well. It's the simplicity that really reflects society. There are tons of people in this world that are/were in the exact same situation he was in. This anime revolves a lot around death the social injustice of this world. So it all makes perfect sense.
The paper bag guy was just one small fraction of the humour I enjoyed in Ranpo Kitan. He was interesting. I still wonder who he really is, but some mysteries are meant to be unknown.
Enjoyment/Overall - 8/10
I know the flaws. I know the small plot holes. I know a lot of things went unanswered. I know this story had it's issues. With all that being said, I still really enjoyed myself. This anime is honestly a hit or a miss with people, and for me it was a win. This is coming from someone who loves looking beyond the given visuals. It's easy for me to read in between the lines. It gets an eight for mostly the ending otherwise it would be like a seven.
It's impossible for me to recommend or not recommend this anime. It's just up for the viewers interpretation. You might be disappointed and hate or like it and feel fulfilled.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 28, 2015
This was certainly a highly anticipated anime for this season. Now that it's complete I thought to express my disappointment with Plastic Memories.
Story: 6/10
I was honestly going to skip this anime this season, but everyone was raving over "the feels" of the first episode. I was convinced to check it out. The premise of the show is very interesting. I LOVE the concept, but much like Glasslip of the summer lineup of last year. it has SO much WASTED potential. You think the plot will focus on the sci-fi element of the series, but it doesn't. It focuses on this forced relationship between the two
main protagonists. Isla's personality does a complete 180 from episode 11 to episode 13. I can't stand horribly transitioned personality changes in characters. It's poorly written and to be 100% honest, I could write a better story than this. People will argue and say the feels are strong in this anime, and I have to agree somewhat. There are a few scenes that are heavy on the heart, but the ending for the anime, for me personally wasn't emotional. If you're going to do an anime on provoking the viewer's emotion, you need to build the characters into a define element and have a compelling story, and frankly, this anime didn't do that.
Art: 7/10
The characters lack expression and there is several "derp" moments when the animation doesn't hold up just right. The eyes really bother me too. I wasn't too impressed by the character designs. I'd say it's pretty average.
Sound: 8/10
I actually like the OP and ED song. It's shocking, I know. It seems a lot of people dislike it. The osts are also well placed in certain scenes.
Character: 6/10
Much like the story, the character's are poorly written. They have either no personality or they're generically bland. I didn't like Isla, she is nothing special about her. She's a typical moe archetype. Tsukasa is really no different. Michiru is really (pardon my language) fucking annoying. Every time she talks I wanna punch her in the face. She might be slightly developed with her backstory about her dad, but that's pretty much it. It's the same thing for Isla. All the characters are too one dimensional for my tastes. I only liked them at certain points in the anime, but it wasn't enough to win my affection over wholeheartedly.
Enjoyment: 7/10
I did enjoy how they started off the anime. Much like Owari, they had a strong beginning. But I was disappointingly led astray from what I thought the plot was going to be about into something that didn't really fit into the premise of the series.
Overall: 6/10
With all this lost potential with robots and memory processing of what could have been a great sci-fi , it deserves this score. Which in all honesty isn't as nearly as low as you may think. I really don't recommend this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 30, 2015
*may contain minor spoilers; read at your own risk*
I've finally watched this after putting it off for so long. And before you think I'm some crazed fan girl who's rating way to high, just read. I promise it has nothing to do with Sebaciel.
The story is pretty basic in itself. Ciel gets a letter from the queen and he's off to obey this, just like a guard dog. And what isn't fun about a circus? Don't worry, they'll only go into town later and kidnap children for some sinister purpose! But what is this purpose? This is where I like Black Butler, it always has
that nice element of mystery and suspense.
And I commend the writers by now following the manga. Because second season was an atrocity of filler and nonsense. If you're thinking of watching it, don't. It's filled with facepalms and a plot that makes zero sense.
Disregarding that, I think I've enjoyed my time with these 10 episodes more than I did with all of season one. I admire how the true nature of humans is exclaimed.
"Unlike demons, you're base, you harbor a complicated malice, you lie...You struggle desperately, knocking down others on your way...You steal and are stolen from, you make endless excuses...And still you strive to get over the hill far away."
The art for this is very stunning and fluid. The dark tones contrast pleasantly with the sharp and crisp colors. Outfits of the characters is very eye catching and unique as well.
One outstanding aspect of this season is the sound. Voice acting is on point as always, but that Opening and Ending song. Both are probably one the best of the summer lineup last year.
Even though the main circus cast only had 9 episodes, I feel so impacted by them. They weren't anything special. But they all shared the same past. Human beings being rejected from society because of a physical difference. Then one day they are given a hand of kindness, but to only be stabbed in the back with that same hand holding a knife later in life.
All they wanted was happiness. For them, for each other. And they had all that taken away from them. They became obsessed with protecting something that wasn't even worth protecting. We are after all, only human. We do what we can to protect what is dear to us. They didn't deserve to have their life torn from their hands.
I'm very happy with this 3rd installment of Black Butler. It tug on my heart strings. I actually cried. The last few minutes of the last episode is so beautiful.
Overall: 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 24, 2015
It's finally over. This exquisite anime is finally over.
Story: 9/10 - The story seems very simplistic on the surface, which it is, at least you think is it. This anime has a define plot. It has a backbone that a majority of shoujo's don't have. This isn't an anime completely submersed in romanticized scenes with petty fanservice. While comedy is subjective, Akatsuki no Yona is magical experience with a well structured outline. It's slow paced at first, but it really builds up to moments and really, this anime should get a gold star in having one of the best female heroine's I've seen in
awhile. This is definitely a hidden gem.
Art: 9/10 - Art style has a unique premise to it. With playful styling in not so serious moments, while having the really sharp beauty in fighting scenes. Gosh, the animation with Yona in certain episodes is just so breathtaking. The lighting effect in the anime is also something to notice. It really highlights the eyes, always.
Sound: 9/10 - The background music is very fitting for each scene depending on what's going on. Very pleasant. Though I wasn't too keen on the first Opening, the second one proves to be better. Same goes for the Ending song, the second one is probably one of the best.
Character: 10/10 - One aspect I really admire about this entire anime as a whole, are the characters. They aren't two dimensional. They are well developed for the most part. Though Zeno was briefly mentioned in the last episode, I'd like to point out his backstory isn't for a while in the manga (like in the 100s I think). Disregarding that, the development given to the characters makes them not only interesting, but really lovable. I can honestly say there's isn't a character I dislike, even our murderer Su-won. His character is development as well.
One character I'm going to point out is Yona, our princess in this anime. She starts off so weak and naive to the outside world. What's so great about her? She never suddenly gets stronger, she never acts out of her character; her character gradually changes with each episode. She slowly becomes this strong person she's striving to be. Her feeble yet bold personality really shines through in this anime.
Enjoyment: 9/10 - I've enjoyed this anime to the max. I can't believe I almost skipped over this anime last season. I was extremely hesitant to watch this; thinking it would be some basic story. This became so much more than a story about a princess and her bodyguard Hak. It became something magical.
Overall: 9/10 - *crosses fingers* I want a season two.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 15, 2015
So this is a very updated review that I'm making since this manga is now complete.
Story: 7/10 - I really loved how the started off the manga. The plot was slightly cliche but was pretty decent. Like how they built up Kou's character to finally reveal his sad backstory. But in the later arcs, I feel as if the whole "love triangle" ordeal was a bit too much. It had pointless drama and the drastic character change in Kou towards the later chapters of the manga felt forced. So forced & drastic I didn't even think that was actually his character. I felt like the
author was just throwing random details to try and wrap up the end. Which is a shame because I felt like it could have been something significantly better.
Art: 8/10 - I really love the art style of the characters and how everyone had distinct features. Overall very eye pleasing.
Character: 7/10 - I'd say all the main characters and main supporting characters had some decency. The personalities weren't too bland.
Kou obviously being the asshole of the manga (in the beginning) has very nice development. He was probably the character with the most depth and had the most development. But his drastic change throw me off. It was nice to see a sweeter side to him, but there was literally no gradual transition. Just a "oh, yea, he's such a sappy sweetheart now" It looked like the author was running out of ideas.
Futaba was annoying at times with her almost winy personality. Her character hardly changes except after her fake friends ditch her after the first couple chapters. But the bond between her and Kou is quite pleasant minus all the stupid love triangle jazz.
Now to the friends AKA the supporting Characters.
Yuuri was the sweet innocent type, and her overall character never changes and her personality is pretty typical in a shoujo. Not saying it's necessary a bad thing, but she has no depth.
Murao was the quiet, caring type. She's very straightforward and had good head on her shoulders.
[the next part is a spoiler--skip if you don't want to know]
It's revealed later on that she really likes Kou's older brother, who is a teacher at the school, and they go in a backstory of her and him. It was nice to see how her feelings for him grew and intensified throughout the story. But it was also sad to see her confess and then get rejected. I appreciated her character.
[end of spoiler]
Kominato is that blunt yet very caring guy who you could just have a great time with. He has slight development later in the series, but he's the typical "go to man" for Kou. Not really a spoiler since it states it in his description, but he's in love with Murao, which adds for future tension in the manga.
And now for Kou's brother, Tanaka Sensei. He's a big ball of joy who really cares for his little brother. There really isn't much to say without really spoiling too much (I mean the last chapter of the manga). Pretty average character overall.
Enjoyment: 8/10 - Regardless of my opinion on the plot and characters, I did really enjoy this series. As soon as I saw the first episode of the anime in July, I had to know the secrets that Kou was hiding! So I picked up the manga and fell in love.
I wish my enjoyment level was higher, but due to the obvious things I pointed out, I don't think it's possible. But on a side note, I really loved the last chapter, even though it was obvious, I felt like the very last pages of the chapters were symbolic to the entire manga.
Overall: 7/10 - I know this is probably an unpopular rating, but I really did enjoy this manga. I do suggest that if you do like shoujo, to read this one! It's definitely a good manga to pick up if you're new to the genre :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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