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Dec 5, 2021
After dozens and dozens of dull and trivial anime seasons, the time has finally come: the time when a masterpiece of jewelry, a hidden gem of animation is released the entire anime industry is shaken to its very core. The piece of work that made such a seldom thing possible is nothing other than the follow-up to the Japanese Magnum opus from 2019 (time sure flies, doesn't it?), Miru Tights. Yes, you heard it right. Everyone's favourite artist, the madman, Yom himself, is making a comeback with a new short animation series based on his unique drawings. Fallen from the sky, the guardian angel that
takes care of us during our stressful weeks, the true definition of "saving grace", "Ganbare, Douki-chan".
Directed by the same man who worked on the worlwide hit, "Rent-A-Girlfriend" and not scripted by Fumiaki Maruto anymore, I was curious, but concerned about the series not being on par with Miru Tights. However, I was pleasantly surprised, since, despite in a different fashion, it delivered.
Story & Characters:
While Miru Tights focused more on everyday situations from different characters and scraps of connections through the storylines, Ganbare, Douki-chan hazards- and succeeds, with a single storyline that involves multiple characters. Miru Tights showed eros in a distinct way, through moments of silence, whispering and gently showing us the otherwise unshowable truth, whereas Ganbare, Douki-chan has a more light-hearted atmosphere that makes it a more relaxed, yet equally as charming, watch. The series talks about our unclearly named adults and their daily adventures in the workplace. The main girl, Douki-chan, has a crush on her co-worker, but, hindered by her insecurity and her shyness, she struggles to confess her feelings. To make 'it' even harder, two other ladies, Kouhai and Senpai, who have the hots for our lucky man as well, are introduced in the anime. While Douki-chan is shy when it comes to her emotions, Kouhai is very straightforward, maybe way too much, but that's up to you. Senpai, on the other hand, is the very image of the sexy and flirty office lady everyone would fall for. You name it! All these damsels together form a charming trio that is guaranteed to keep you glued to the screen. What's to be praised when it comes to this anime and its colleague Miru Tights is its begging to differ from the stereotypical and boring mainstream Ecchi anime. While the latter ones throw the girls' dignity away for the sake of the Harem factor, Yom's superb works don't disrespect or generalise the female gender. Instead, they provide women empowerment through representations of strong ladies.
Art & Music:
Even though Ganbare, Douki-chan doesn't contain the multidimensionally animated tights that characterised its spiritual predecessor, it is still perfectly animated and emphasises the heart of the matter, and that's what we care about. Simple doesn't mean shallow. Rather, spontaneity can lead to the most brilliant ideas. The soundtrack is pretty straightforward and makes us focus on the visual aspect. Like Miru Tights, the series knows what we want and goes straight to the point, no opening theme is needed. However, the heartwarming ending theme pleases us with the cutest and most beautiful shots. Also, it teaches its watchers the millenary, yet always current, saying that patience is a virtue. The end can be a new start as well, and Ganbare, Douki-chan tells this by integrating other precious scenes and, on top of that, a unique background to prize the virtuous ones.
Final Thoughts:
"Ganbare, Douki-chan" didn't disappoint. On the contrary, it's another piece of art that gives us hope regarding the future of our beloved Japanese animation. Plus, its context can favour employment, since it gives its viewers the aim to become like Douki-kun, our hero without a mask. By giving our best into what we do, life can grant us unexpected gifts.
It costantly involves its watchers through the everlasting question: can Douki-chan make her wishes come true? And we, as fellow human beings, need to support her: "Ganbare, Douki-chan!"
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 27, 2020
[Minor "spoilers" might be included here: they're not too important and merely references, just a warning for people who don't want to know absolutely anything]
Kaguya-sama: Love is War is an anime that came out during Winter 2019 and since then, it has become quite a very popular and well-received series. I'm not going to lie, I liked the first season a lot when it first came out, but my tastes towards anime and things as a whole has changed a lot since that period, in fact I don't like the first season that much anymore, so my negative perspective towards this new one would probably
apply to the first season too if I re-watched it. Or perhaps, Kaguya-sama just outstayed its welcome.
As I said before, I'm not sure I'd like the first season if I re-watched it, but I'm dead sure that it would be more enjoyable than watching this one. Kaguya seemed a lot fresher back in 2019 because it brought a kind of unique way to portray a comical romcom anime, using a "psychological" approach through the two protagonists trying to be confessed to each other without doing it directly. Well, the main problem is that this season brings little to no difference whatsoever, using the same over the top and exaggerated formula, which results in this season being a chore to watch. In fact, I NEVER laughed during this whole season. Not at all. Zero. I chuckled so few times that I can count them on the fingers of one hand. In fact, this repetition might have exposed what was unnoticed to my eyes because of the novelty that I thought was there. The "Huh we're in love but we cannot say it so we're going to do everything stupid" gimmick still remains and it's basically unchanged with the apparent progress in the relationship being just a comical factor. I'm sick of it, because it gets annoying after a while.
My problem with Kaguya-sama is the fact that it tries SO HARD to be funny in every way possible through supposedly "strange and original" gimmicks. This is the problem: it's overthought to the point of not being funny anymore. An example is its use of a narrator that says "a character is walking" while the anime shows that a characters is, indeed, walking. What's the point when the anime doesn't need any? That's overdoing it and makes it more unfunny than it already is. Additional unfunny and stretched things are the overuse of the so-called "psychological" stuff: over the top mental trips that have no meaning, its use repetition that in some anime is funny but in this case it simply isn't. How many times did Iino Miko walk inside the room and find Kaguya & Shirogane doing misunderstandable things? This reaches to the point where I can predict what's going to happen in a lot of moments and that's a terrible thing for a comic anime that relies on taking the viewer by surprise.
Another thing I hated in this season is the fact that some moments looked like they were never supposed to be funny. An example is the election moment. What am I supposed to get out of it when it's an anime that's supposed to be comical? The atmosphere was tense for absolutely no reason and made me question: "What the hell is this supposed to be?" - The same goes for some other moments that I'm not going to write about. Anyways: I'm not going to feel like I have to take seriously this one, when it had one moment where Kaguya fainted, they brought her to the hospital, to be visited by a DOCTOR and... HUH it's a "sickness" that makes your heart beat when Shirogane is around. Yeah. When they were talking about it, while I thought "well, this will probably turn out to be some stupid joke too", on the other hand it might've been some serious stuff. Turns out it wasn't, so every time this will happen in the next events, I'm not going to take it seriously, regardless of it being a joke or not and this damages any good intentions that the series might've had to tackle greater themes. Speaking of which, in episode 11 they decided to talk about ISHIGAMI'S DIFFICULT PAST out of the blue, but I'll focus on it in the next section...
Story and characters? Well... there's not much to talk about. The story is still the same: Kaguya and Shirogane are in love but because the writer said so they're never going to confess until this series stops being profitable and its fans get sick of it (never). As I said before, there's basically no progress in their relationship and everything that happens between them is taken as a joke so... nothing there. I wouldn't mind a dumb nonexistent story if the anime was actually funny, but since it's NOT, well, I'm looking for anything to grab hold of. Characters? Oh well - they haven't changed at all since the last season, they remain the exact same cliches and they're just bounded to their own gags, perhaps they're even more ridiculed: Kaguya doesn't want to confess, Shirogane doesn't want to confess, Chika is Chika, Ishigami is still an incel nerd and isn't the character the makes me laugh out loud anymore, Hayasaka Ai says "haha me secretly crazy am I cool yet am I cool yet", the new "character" Iino Miko is as deep as a glass of water and all we know about her is that she walks inside the room and find Kaguya & Shirogane doing misunderstandable things. As I mentioned before, they decided to talk about ISHIGAMI'S DIFFICULT PAST in episode 11, but what's the point of it being there? The two leads are parodies of themselves, the apparent progress is not taken seriously, so why would an episode about his past make someone a real character? The series is joke-oriented and comical, so it's not like, say, this character is very sad all the time in this drama series and now that we know more about him we can empathize and feel his sadness. No, since the rest of the series is just jokes, the characters are just going to be ridiculous for the rest of the series, so it's completely pointless. The real purpose is just trying to make the series SEEM actually deep behind its comical mask with layers of depressing background. Yeah, seem, because it's just empty, after all.
The art is cool, nothing that blows my mind but it's definitely not bad too look at. Other than that, of course Kaguya-sama stretches and tries to put random writings, colours and styles of drawing, just to be exaggerated and try to be ridiculous in every aspect possible (Teen Titans GO-core).
About sound, there is not much to say about it: it's background music to add up to the "atmosphere" and nothing to listen outside of it. OP is sung by the same dude who sung the first one, so it's something I'd never listen to seriously, the ED is nothing out of the ordinary too.
Well, I don't mind these two aspects that much.
All in all, this season was repetitive, it outstayed its welcome and it was an unfunny journey all along. Don't think of me as a pretentious guy who wants DEEP PHILOSOPHY in every bit of anime, in fact I really enjoyed other comical anime; what I mean is: when I watch simple non-comical anime with a bit of slice of life, there are plenty of times in which I smile or chuckle, because I don't pretend THAT much, I prefer simple things than "overdone and overthought to the point of unfunny" gags that try too hard.
Well, it looks like I'm the minority here, since this season has a busted 8.93 mean score.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 27, 2019
Ecchi is a genre loved by a lot of people and hated by others.
Most of the time an ecchi anime is also an harem anime and it features a male protagonist which attracts every girl in that series.
Usually, the focus in ecchi series is woman's chest. Every time.
Also, most of the time the animation in those series is bad.
Aren't you tired of these cliches?
Miru Tights is a breath of a fresh air and a masterpiece in anime. This is definitely is the one. The show that saved japanese animation from creativity bankruptcy.
Miru Tights doesn't care about dumb expedients to start a useless plot. It shows us separate stories. The daily lives of highschool girls.
No main plot. It shows us the beauty of quotidianity.
This does not mean that the series is plain and boring. Did you actually think that?
The anime isn't shy and surprises us with unexepected plot twists and breaks cliches.
Shots aren't the usual dumb coincidences. Seriously, everyone is tired of coincidences.
They are natural.
Example: a girls is walking. The skirt doesn't randomly fly away. The camera gently shows us the situation from different points of view.
The girls' dignity isn't thrown away. Their distinct beauty remains solid and substantial during the whole series.
As we progress through the series, you're gonna find out something: Miru Tights's episodes are not randomly put. They are actually connected.
You're gonna find out that there's a major plotline. An actual timeline. Yes.
At some point, the anime takes an unexpected twist. From a tights-only anime it becomes more different. Not gonna say much more since I want you guys to experience it yourself.
As a fan of his art, I wondered how my favorite pixiv artist's art would be adapted in anime form.
Luckily, I wasn't disappointed. His character design is portrayed with loyalty and justice towards his drawings.
Talking about animation, I was pleasantly surprised.
Usually, ecchi series have subpar animation from low-budget studios and that's bad. Yokohama Animation Lab is an exception.
This series has excellent direction and godlike animation and production value.
The ecchi scenes are intelligently thought and animated. The shots are perfectly put together.
I wish Yokohama Animation Lab makes more anime in the future, because they have an excellent technical value.
Miru Tights knows how to deal with people.
You're not watching this series to listen to its opening. Miru Tights knows that and doesn't have one. It goes straight to the point.
We have a short intro instead. In this introduction girls are walking and a legendary sentence is said: "Miru Tights". The focus during this intro is, obviously, legs.
As for the voice acting, like most of the time, it's actually very well done. In episode 8 you'll hear the peak of its dub. Not gonna spoil, though.
When a scene is supposed to tease you, the voice is actually really teasing.
After 3 minutes of godlike stuff, we have a short relaxing outro. There are different versions of it, too! The animation during this ending theme is based on, of course, legs.
Series like Baccano, Durarara and Boogiepop focus and develop more than a couple characters at the same time. However, Miru Tights is the absolute master of introducing perfectly new characters. It shows us new characters every episodes and all of those characters have a three-dimensional personality and are realistic. Male characters aren't cliched and there isn't even a silly useless harem lead. Girls are independent.
-Final Thoughts-
Miru Tights is a masterpiece.
It's a beautiful story about coming of age, discrimination, freedom of speech and a lot of other themes.
Perfect in every aspect, I can safely reccomend Miru Tights to literally everyone. Kids, adolescents and adults. Girls and boys. Even people who don't watch anime. Everyone will like this because of its qualities.
This anime changed my view of what a true masterpiece is. I'm speechless honestly.
Anime like this make me think "Wow, anime isn't dead".
This is the one. The anime that saved anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 29, 2019
(I didn't read the manga so I can't compare manga and anime side-by-side).
Will you do it with me, here? - random passing girl, age 16.
After this awful experience, I have to confirm my theory: don't follow friends' recommendations. I didn't want to watch Domestic na Kanojo, but some guys were saying Wow! It was E-P-I-C, watch it! - and I had time to waste - so in the end I decided to watch it and... what can I say? It was horrible.
- Plot
The premise is quite dumb, because Domestic Girlfriend talks about a random girl called Rui who asks a TOTALLY RANDOM boy she
meets, called Natsuo, to have sex... well... okay? He accepts. And Natsuo is in love with his teacher, Hina. Okay. Then, we get to know that Natsuo's father is remarrying. Natsuo's new stepmother is Hina and Rui's mother. Wow! What a coincidence! You may think: "This is just the original premise. It'll probably get better later, don't worry!". But you're wrong. Domestic na Kanojo's plot is ENTIRELY BUILT on coincidences. Let's talk about coincidences in anime.
There are cute coincidences, like "boy accidentally meets girl" and they don't take themselves too seriously. There can be Deus Ex Machina in an event. But this anime is a constant succession of coincidences and Deus Ex Machina! There were points in which Domestic Girlfriends could end! No. The plot forcedly goes forward, episode after episode.
Examples during the series
- Natsuo's new stepsisters are Hina and Rui.
- Hina sees Natsuo and Rui while kissing.
- Rui sees Natsuo and Hina while doing things.
- Natsuo sees Hina while mast-
Got it? This series should be taken itself seriously. But it's not, because it's not believable. It has more fantasy scenes than an isekai anime. And that's bad. But HEY! BD/DVDs will have explicit scenes! More actual PLOT!
- Art/Sound
The art is actually alright. Not the best ever, but it's okay, not bad like some shows this season (mmmmh... Date a Live III is that you?) - so we can say art is one of the best aspects this show has got. The OP is really good. The greatest this season for sure. Too bad it's wasted on a series like Domestic na Kanojo... The ED is quite good too.
I don't get why a sad music was played when Hina was mast----
- Characters
I HATE THEM! I HATE THEM ALL! Except Rui, maybe
Thinking: "A character who does bad things is not automatically a bad character" is right. But Domestic Girlfriend's characters are awful.
Natsuo is a dumbass. He accepts to have sex with Rui while he's in love with Hina-sensei. Then he tries to kiss Hina while she's sleeping the same day he gets to know that Hina and Rui will be his stepsisters. Seems right, yeah! Then he's sad for Kashiwabara Momo's story so he hangs out and does things with her, too. He says romantic sentences to Hina and then he kisses Rui. Then he constantly lies to Rui because he wants to go to Hina's house. Then he does explicit things with Hina, too! WHAT. THE HECK. IS. THIS. Are you joking? His characterisation? Mmh... let me think... I don't know, he's just an unfaithful boy. He likes to write books and tales about his love for Hina-sensei... okay.
Another thing pisses me off: when a girl sees him while cheating, he asks the girl who saw him betraying her: "why r u saddd, why are u angryyyy" - WHAT THE HECK.
Then we have HINA SENSEI. The woman Natsuo fell in love with. She has a relationship with a married man. Some days after she left him, she's interested to Natsuo again. Wow! It's right! When she sees Natsuo and Rui while kissing she is immediately HEARTBROKEN and she decides to move to a new house. BUT... she wants to f- with Natsuo, still! Hey! You've seen YOUR SISTER kissing him last day and then you betray her! What's wrong with you! You heartless monster! I hate her and Natsuo a lot.
In episode 11 she says: "Natsuo our relationship should end-", then, in like T-W-O seconds, she completely CHANGES idea. WHAAAAAA-
We have Rui. The only girl on the right side, probably Sure, asking a stranger to have sex for knowledge isn't normal, but at least she is kinda faithful to Natsuo and she doesn't betray him/go with other guys. She didn't know Natsuo was in love with Hina-sensei, so she didn't betray her sister's confidence while kissing Natsuo by purpose. Natsuo did.
We have Momo, a girl who hung out with billions of guys and she's infamous for it. Ok. Natsuo was sad so he decided to have sex with her lol. EVERYTHING IS FINE.
Minor characters Natsuo, Hina and Rui's parents! Wow! They don't know their children are constantly cheating!
Fumiya! Natsuo's friend he doesn't care about because Natsuo is too busy on CHEATING.
Masaki Kobayashi! A dude who works of a caffé.
Ashihara Miu! The president of the Literature Club! We don't know much about her, but Natsuo will probably cheat another time, I guess.
Other useless characters.
- Overall
Domestic na Kanojo was painful to watch. It's one of the worst anime I've watched so far. I don't know if I'll read the manga, but this 12 episode-based series was enough for me... I continued it just because I wanted to laugh.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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