Okay, only 9 volumes in and this is already a hidden gem. This manga is a masterpiece. Everything about it is just awesome. If you haven't read it I would definitely recommend.
The protagonist is just incredible. Riku is in my top 10 greatest manga protagonist. A simple yet sufficient protagonsit.
The caracters also do the trick. I went falling in love with Renoma Sasaki as a caracter. This is the incarnation of GIGACHAD. Nothing more to add.
The manga takles themes like Justice, Freedom or Society/Capitalism on an individual scale and it does in a good way.
100% suggest to read this while listening to guilty gear'
Aug 11, 2022
One Piece Film: Red
First off, I would like to acknoledge the fact this is a non-canon movie althought we will get back to this. It's non canonness doesn't change the fact that, althought being a movie that doesn't inscribe in any timeline, it's still pretty incoherent. The movie is a huge purge to watch and I have seen a lot of people online stating that this is an incredible movie, they should use those words more carefully. This movie has a lot of objective flaws that are not my opinion that are simply made here to attract the fans.
At out the way, I would like to talk about ... Jul 19, 2021
I would seriously rather drink cat piss than rewatch the first boring episode of this mess. It's boring, the plot is unrealistic, the caracters are unrealistic. It's a pain to watch. I dont know what to say about this, it's just long and unrealistic. And if a romance anime is unrealistic than it has already lost because it can't make it's caracter relatable and if it can't make it's caracter relatable than why bother watching ? Compare this to Nana wich has some really relatable caracters and you see that this anime is a mess and a pain to watch. It is clearly an anime
Jul 15, 2021
After seeing 3 episodes the anime got me like : -_- , no laughts, no interested, bland caracter, bland plot. The best part about the anime is the openings. I don't why people put this anime at such a high estim while it is : not funny, not enjoyable and the caracters are really unrealistic and unrelatable. The best part about romance anime is that you can make caracters that are realistic enought that you can relate to them, just like in NANA. This anime has none of that. And it's not even funny, Nagatoro, one of the unfunniest anime i have ever seen is
Apr 10, 2021
Visually, this anime is a disgrace to Berserk. It has some of the worst animation I have ever seen. Some people go on a huge crusade to destroy this anime from top to bottom but the anime doesn't deserve this much hate, being called the worst anime of all time. Berserk 2016 has some of the best OST I have ever heard in an anime. The openings are great and the soundtrack is just amazing like I said. It has a powerful orchestra that sublims Gut's caracter. BUT, the animation doesn't follow. I give it a 3. For the people who made the music because