First of all I would like to say that I really started this manga with no expectations, no one recommended it to me and I just found some information by chance. This manga may seem common and ordinary at first, if you read the first chapters you can see the twists and turns of the plot from the beginning of a chapter, it becomes predictable and lacks surprise... but...
Isn't that the interesting thing about this type of manga? that you really don't know what you're reading, you can anticipate the plot, but can you really keep up with the frenzy of absurdity you're reading?
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Aug 15, 2017
Owarimonogatari 2nd Season
Not Recommended
"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.'
This review does not contain spoilers. This review is not made by a blind fanatic or a hater who has nothing better to do, this review is made by a person who saw this series for more than 8 years of his life. I'll be honest and I'll go straight to the point. I will not speak with fanaticism in my words, I will write just the truth about these episodes, my truth, nothing more and nothing less. I have no sweet words to these episodes, so if you can't digest a different opinion ... than yours I ask you to not continue reading my review. I want to clarify this before I start, I'm a fan of this series since the day it was released in 2009 and the second season is in my top ten favorite anime of all the time, so you wonder why I did not like this part? and the answer is very simple, I do not like this part because it concentrates everything that is wrong with the last works of the Monogatari series by the acclaimed Japanese animation studio shaft and directed by Akiyuki Shinbou, oh wait a moment is not even him who directed these episodes, that makes so much sense and at the same time so little, Shinbou why do you disappear when the fans of the old times need you more than ever? oh, I see you're a captain who does not sink with the ship, intelligent move on your part, traidor. One of the clearest problems is the speed with which the story advances, being so fast does not create a sense of importance in the events that occur in the story, at one point we are with a scene that pretends to be emotional and full of stress and the next moment the protagonist is making jokes about the underwear of a minor and you can tell me that that always happened with the Monogatari series but this time it is in a more clumsy, notorious and completely out of place way. It is really depressing and insulting for a lifelong fan to see that the mistakes of the past have not been corrected and not only that, but that the problem has been aggravated in such a stupid way that you can not do anything more than pretend that you did not see anything. I was the best accomplice of this series and I did not give importance in the past but I got bored of the same grotesque joke again and again, which leads us to the following problem with these episodes, which is the repetition of the same old material, these episodes only repeats the same jokes and ideas that in previous seasons, these episodes did not innovate at all and you know what is worse than that? is that the people behind this work does not even try or care about the fact that they are just recycling the old stuff over and over again, they are hitting your head over and over again with the same old ideas and jokes until you say enough and I'm a fan who got tired of this deal, it is no longer funny, it is not innovative anymore, it is not even artistically pleasing as it was before. It's just an endless number of memes that died a long time ago. They pretend to be funny when it's just a lot of trash that they're recycling to not create anything new. Why strive to create something new if the old is accepted as something with some value. These episodes suffer from not giving much explanation to some important events that occur in the life of the characters, how convenient is to not explain anything and just move forward as if this were a race but the production team can take the time to do the same joke again and again, so it is not a problem of time, they simply do not care in the desire of the fans, "give us your money and go away". Also includes many characters that are only present for a brief and insignificant moment, this is an insult to the characters themselves and fans of these characters, an absolute disgrace. In other occasions the characters act as if they were a stereotype of some very obvious program and they make clear what are their intentions although the series wants to generate an atmosphere of mystery, but is not a mystery if you are telling me everything directly or at least is not a good mystery. These episodes are the clear sign that studio shaft loves to play safe and just want the easy money of the fans who are hungry for more material, for more empty dialogues and characters pretending to be talking about something deep when it's just about the panties of a little girl. The fans are many, they will eat whatever it is, they must create something that many will like, easy to eat and bring it to their tables as fast as possible and the result is a hamburger. this is a hamburger that instead of having interesting dialogues full of new ideas is full of the greed of the people who are in the production studio, instead of having witty and provocative comedy has jokes about the tits of a little girl and instead of taking the time to develop the characters and be careful with their emotions has recycled material fresh from the trash. I firmly refuse to accept this insult to my loyalty for this franchise, I refuse with all my love to accept this mistreatment of my patience and I refuse with all my passion to remain silent, these episodes were the worst I saw in the whole series and it's sad that everything has ended in this mediocre way. Each movement of the characters was predictable, each word was said in the past and every joke was repeated so many times that it is no longer funny. Sweet dreams my beautiful monogatari series, you are no longer what you once knew to be. I have admired you for over 8 years, I laughed with your first jokes and I identify with some of your characters but after more than 68 episodes, 3 movies, 2 ovas, you're not longer what you used to be. I do not need buzzword like say "masterpiece" every 4 words to describe my feelings, I just let the heart speak and this review was made with heart and passion so I hope you understand that I do not hate this series at all, I just wish everything was better... Every moment, every word, every plot change in the story did not live up to expectation and the name of these series. Rest in peace. From a real fan who was waiting for this moment for more than 8 years.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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