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Shingeki no Kyojin
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Mankind is on the brink of destruction from an outside force , Attack on Titan the ones who do the destruction are of course the titans and in Aldnoah Zero are martians . The OST is similar from what I could hear / see .
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Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
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Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou
Romantic comedy on both sides that is played out very well . Unique , better said strange characters , though in Chuunibyou we don't have an ' M ' individual . The male MC is almost normal on both sides .
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Campione! Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou
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Tokyo Ravens
The most obvious similarity between these two is that the MC finds himself a badass over night . There are other similarity besides the main one , both have some sort of harem ( In Campione its a legitimate one , but in Tokyo Ravens its a pseudo one . ) and both have one main heroine .
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Sword Art Online
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How are they similar ? Hmm , lets see : Survival - Check Bad Ass + Gloomy + Game Addicted MC - Check Hot Girl - Check They Need A Second Season - Check And for all those who say that SAO isn't similar to this because it's a harem-ish anime in disguise , i can't agree with them , after all the guy ' selected ' his girl .