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Sep 3, 2024
I finished this show being left with only 1 question, what the hell did people expect?
My confusion when it comes to this show's reception was only matched by the time I stepped on a Lego, for it to just disappear and never be found...
So bare with me for a sec.
From episode 1 I was seeing a dangerously notable amount of complaints about the animation being bad which if you have ever held a pen in your hand you would realize how absurd that claim is.
As if I hadn't already been convinced that the anime community didn't know what good animation is, this was
going to be the final nail on the coffin, but against all odds as the show went on... there was some level of truth to it. So the thing is, aside from episode 5 that had a decent amount of let's just say, not so great cuts, every episode of the show looks great in a vacuum, but when you look at them together....
There is a pretty serious lack of consistency. the show changes visuals, the characters change models (except Harley cause she hot), the way the fights are drawn, the way the movement is handled, everything is constantly changing. and the thing is none of it is bad, and if like me you're on the lenient side with visual consistency as long as it looks good, it won't bother you that much.... but it makes the show's visual as a whole feel messy.
Extremely polished messy, but messy. It's like a dish 20 chefs made using top class ingredients while not communicating and passing the dish together hoping it works out by the end. and It probably won't taste horrible, but you clearly taste the.... wait, what was I talking about?
oh yeah, the show.
Everything else is exactly what you expect.
It's a suicide squad anime held back by being forced to follow a generic isekai outline. The soundtrack is amazing and the op and ed are also both really good. Anime Harely Quinn is hot and entertaining in the best way possible.... the rest of the cast are fine too I guess.
The best (and worst) part of the whole thing is, the way it has been set up, a s2 would top this one in every way possible. As you see in the final episode, the conflict they set up for the sequal is infinitely more interesting than the generic shlob that was the villain of s1.
and the princess actually was set to become really interesting going forward. Idk about you, but I smelled a bit of a yuri in the air. could just be my imagination though.
Anyway, go in expecting it to be what it is, and you won't be disappointed.
If you're a fan of suicide squad, firstly, I'm sorry for the sheer amount shit you have went through. but also this is actually in the great zone as far as none comic suicide squad media goes.
If you're an isekai trash enjoyer, I see no reason for why you wouldn't enjoy this. I guess it's not as much of a power fantasy, but it has all the other elements that make the genre what it is. to me that's a negative, but that's besides the point.
If you want a great story, or top tier writing, or an emotionally rich experience in a fantasy world, go watch frieren or made in abyss or something. This is popcorn entertainment at it's (almost) finest. And there is a severe lack of rule34 from it. Like let's not lie to ourselves, 90% of us watched this for anime Harely.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 23, 2024
It's going to be hard to explain why I'm never going to be recommending a show that I thoroughly enjoyed, consider fairly solid, and believe exceeds in a lot of areas where most anime fail.
Metallic Rouge has all the makings of an incredible show, it is in theory a love letter to all sci-fi fans. This is the type of show that casually drops a reference to a short sci-fi story written in the 50s called "The Cold Equations" and expects you to get it. Any other show would see that as an absurdly niche thing to reference, but there is a fundamental love for
sci-fi that lives and breaths in every corner of this show. It isn't just a sci-fi, it's one that was specifically made for the fans of the genre.
From the designs, the clearly extremely well thoughts out world, to it's debates of morality, to the good ol tale of robots having free will and questioning the fundamental nature of the three robot laws in a world where those said robots feel, look, and act like humans.
The soundtrack is as of this moment what I consider to be the best this year, with it even having a track reminiscent of the soundtack of the Nier games , and on top of that the animation is somewhere between good-bloody amazing through out the entire show. The settings are fleshed out and the backgrounds alone tell you so much about the world. A world that isn't just the present, it also has a history. Every character has a memorable design that tells you a lot about them, but doesn't go over board for the sake of making them stand out. And there are a TON of characters all with different arcs, motives, and roles.
The character interactions are playful, and enduring, and the overall dialogue while not anything mind blowing is pretty solid. Hell, even the story is great when you look at the overall narrative.
I can sit here and praise every single aspect of the show.... because every single aspect of the show is great in theory....
What you need to understand about Metallic Rouge, is that it's a 13 episode long show.
That may sound like a none factor, until you think for a second about the sheer number of things I just mentioned this show does, and the fact that it's a completed story. and it does not cut any corners when it comes to any of them.... and that creates some pretty big problems.
Problems that despite the show being great in every way on paper, made it be somewhere between bad-just ok for the vast majority of the people who watched it.
For one the plot is so extremely dense, that there is a good amount of expositions through out of it. They aren't here because they are the best way to tell the story, they are here because actually showing the things being explained would take more time. more time that this show does not have.
That applies to the world building, to the character motives, to the plot that is unravelling, to pretty much everything.
Mix that with the fact that most of the character arcs and plot points are only kept to their very essential elements, and you'll start to see why none of those developments or many twists and turns can leave a true impact.
Pretty much anything and everything in this show lacks enough build up to hit as hard as it can. And even after all that, they ran out of time by the end, and the twist villain's final battle ends up being an after credit scene that basically just tells you "it happened, you won't exactly see it, or the result of it, but it happened".
but that alone wouldn't earn the show this low of a reputation.
That is why I, The massive sci-fi fan consider it to be only "good" and not "great".
but there is a second bigger reason for why most other people dislike the show.
Metallic Rouge is a story that expects you to pay attention. It starts you in the middle of the story, and drops you in a completely new world with history, rules, new terminologies, multiple different parties, planets, a massive cast etc and expects you to pay full attention and slowly catch up to all of these, just to understand wtf is even happening.
And if you don't have at least a decent grasp by the half way point, it's going to get even harder to catch up, with the show dropping twist after plot development after twist. It's by no means an easy watch, and you need to make an active effort to catch up to speed before the major plot developments start to happen. It is worth mentioning that this issue is even more damaging for watching the show weekly, since forgetting information is the last thing you want to do here.
Now mix that with the show cramming what could have been 24-48 episodes worth of stuff into a 13 episode long show, along with the plot structure being hard to follow to begin with, and you can see why your average casual fan would say "fuck this shit" sooner or later.
Metallic rouge is a "good" show. But it's a show that only someone who truly loves the sci-fi genre would be able to get enough enjoyment out of for it to be worth watching.
Considering how it has a pretty big barrier of entry to begin with, being only "good" just doesn't cut it.
There is a world where metallic rouge is a modern sci-fi classic that ran for 50 episodes with slightly better writing and blew everyone's mind. This is not that world.
In this world it's a 6-7/10 show that most people are going find boring and confusing, and the few that appreciate it, only get a "good" experience out of it.
I liked Metallic Rouge. I consider it to be a good show. But I would probably never recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 28, 2023
There is a lot that shouldn't work about Oshi No ko, at least on paper.
it's a mixture of so many seemingly random genres and ideas, that by the synopsis alone one could not be blamed for thinking it's a complete mess. Coming from the author of love is war, Aka Akasaka, you would also not be blamed for thinking the show isn't that funny in comparison.
there are some good jokes here and there, but it's nothing like the masterfully structured comedy progression of love is war that some people may expect. Actually, on a writing level or even style, these two stories feel completely
different. The only real point of comparison, are the more depressing and serious parts of both stories, so unless you are specifically looking at things like Ishigami's backstory and Akane getting cancelled, you will not have a single reason to think these 2 stories are from the same author.
So, if Oshi no ko is nothing like love is war, then what IS it like?
Stories have different goals. some are there to send a philosophical message, some are there to make you laugh, and some are there to make you cry. one of those possible goals, is to show case something real or "social commentary".
and in oshi no ko's case, that thing is, the entertainment industry.
it goes out of it's way to dive deep into each part of it, show you the behind the scenes, and scummy acts or people that go into each part of it. like the power dynamics, or the affect online harassment and attacks can have on one's mental health. but it doesn't show you an overly negative image, you will also see what there is to love about the industry, and why for the right people dealing with the problems is nothing but a set-back to be overcome for reaching greatness.
the show is not biased and that's a great thing. but the story is not about that.
it's actually about these 2 characters who got reborn as their favourite idol's kid after they died while keeping their memories....
but the story is not about that. It's actually a murder mystery, where the primary goal is catching the killer, and every other event is a stepping stone for reachi.....
but the story isn't about that.
it's actually about these flawed characters and how they each deal with set backs that life throws at them in different ways.
but.... it's not that either....
It's all of these.
To me the greatest strength of the show is how all these seemingly unrelated elements come together to create a cohesive story. the reincarnation premise serves as a wacky initial hook to keep you going. then the small bit of comedy makes you care more about the cast. the showcase of the entertainment industry, becomes the main setting of the story. the backstories and character progressions are what give the characters depth, and now that you care about the story and characters, the depressing plot points are what create the most impactful moments.
and to make it fully work, the murder mystery serves as that 1 plot point that the show is constantly moving towards. the final piece that gives the story a sense of progression.
And that cohesiveness created from a jumble of ideas, is what makes this series a one of a kind. and why I fully recommend it to anyone who may be interested.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 24, 2023
If a works' value was in it's detail, this show would be a mountain of diamond.
There is so much that can be said about this show's production value alone, but most of you have eyes and ears, and when something is this god damn polished, you don't really need someone else to tell you it looks and sounds really fucking good.
no, the thing that I'm going to talk about, is a thing that for some Haruhi forsaken reason, I am one of the 12 people who cares about, and that's the mystery writing!
mystery is my favourite genre for a lot of different reasons, the
biggest one is, I love the feeling of not knowing. To me something that I don't know is a lot more intriguing, than something that I do know.
but here's the fucked up part about mystery, it's pretty hard to write it well.
you NEED to create a balance between, intrigue and answers, build up and pay off, deception and telling the truth. there are so many elements that go into creating a good mystery, and this show nails EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. THEM!
so let's start by pissing of the AOT fandom, cause a new king of foreshadowing is upon us. if you think attack on titan building up to it's biggest plot twist from the start is impressive, then you have seen NOTHING.
from the very first episode: we have throw away joke of the main character saying "I'm also a boy" which to everyone's surprise, is more than a joke. I don't want to spoil the show here by naming all the foreshadowing bits, but trust me, there is a lot of them....
for those of you who have seen the show, Imma give you one that you probably didn't notice, did you know maru means circle?.... yeah imma leave that one at that.
but what would be the point of foreshadowing if the answers weren't good, except that they are really god damn good, and the show is so smart with how it gives them, it starts by giving you vague hints on an answer, but then it slowly makes them more ands more obvious. it's designed so that sooner or later you will reach the answers yourself. which is how it manages to convey countless twists, without ever outright saying any of them. you feel smart, but you aren't. the show has just brilliantly placed it's answers in a way that you feel like Sherlock Holmes for figuring it out, while it was part of the plan all along.
It's some Joseph Joestar shit I tell you, I can just imagine the author sitting in their room yelling "next you're going to say, oh so this is how that happened" after every chapter.
now, I said I wasn't going to talk about the visuals, and I won't, but I can not, not describe how good the visual story telling is.
you hear one line get cut short, and then a faint smile met by another character getting shocked, and boom that's somehow a whole ass character arc.
in that same episode, you see a keychain, and then you see it again, and boom that's a twist.
every background, every expression, every setting is filled with information so seamlessly that you don't even know you're learning about the characters and the world as you're watching it. it's fucking brilliant, and extremely rewarding if you pay attention.
and at the end of it all, after so many answers, so many hints, so many things that we learn through the visuals, it still feels like we are barely scratching the surface of the overall mystery.
there is a lot more that I can gosh about, but for a mystery fan like me, this alone was more than enough to make it my personal favourite anime this year. plus I don't want to write a novel for a mal review, so I decided to focus on one strong element, instead of barely touching on everything.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 23, 2022
Show don't tell
Is one of the first and most important rules of story telling. it's a rule that pretty much everyone knows, everyone understands why it's important, but next to no one actually cares about it.
I mean we all acknowledge that most shounen anime explain what is happening in the fight, while it's happening. and we all make fun of it, but from everything that I have seen rarely anyone actually cares.
there is a certain truth that I have learned from looking at people's takes when it comes to this subject, and that's the fact that the casual watcher would rather have info dumps,
than to have to pick up small things to get the story.
now don't get me wrong, if the show don't tell is used for a simple to follow enough story like a silent voice, people do understand it's magic, but when it's used on something a little more complex, that's when we reach a problem
which brings me to this show. If you go though and read the negative reviews, you will start to see a pattern. half the people claim this show has many plot holes, doesn't make sense and is boring, and the other half of the people claim it to be absolutely amazing.
there isn't really a middle, people either didn't like or loved the story.
Now here's the thing, 90% of the time, when someone uses the phrase "you just didn't get it" it's just a lazy excuse to ignore actual, real criticism.
or it's used when two idiots are arguing about a show that has clearly left things for interpretation over if it has meaning or not.
but this is not that. this show has a clear story, there isn't anything to be interpreted. so when I say the fact that this show had heavy use of show don't tell is the reason many people actually didn't get the story, I'm not being an asshole, that is actually pretty much the case.
the first episode alone was one of the best first episodes I have ever seen, and you can go read the comments on it. you will find people praising it like it's the greatest thing ever, while also having people calling it dull, boring, and uninteresting.
Now that you know why the reviews are super mixed, and the why the rating is so low, let's get to everything else.
Story 7.75/10
A semi-historically accurate Tragedy with vampires and military. Just as everything else, the story embraces that stage play feel, which if you didn't know, is what the show is based on.
the show has three aspects to it's story, the character driven subplots, the overall military plot. and the overall tragedy plot.
out of these, the tragedy plot is near perfection and the character driven subplots are amazing...
but the military stuff, their kind of just, ok. that aspect has a villain who is pretty uninteresting and one dimensional. and honestly, it's a little dragged out.
nevertheless, that's only a third of the show, and even that plot line has some great character moments.
The ending is also extremely good, which if you're anything like me, you will care about it a lot.
Art 9/10 - Animation 5/10 - overall 7/10
the art is stunning, but the animation doesn't do it justice. there is a pretty shit looking fight in the second half. although the last episode fight which was by far the most important was pretty damn decent animation wise.
for the most part, other than that 1 fight ,the animation was good enough when it mattered.
Voice acting (dub) 9/10 Music 9.5/10
I haven't seen the sub, but the dub was pretty damn good, with a pretty damn well written script
and the music is, one of my favorite soundtracks in all of anime. there is nothing but praise to give it. in fact I'm listening to it while writing this. it's just too good.
characters 8/10
Not all, but most of the main characters were fully 3 dimensional, well realized, developed characters with clear motivations and story arks. of course there were a few characters that got the short end of the stick, but you can't expect a full cast of complete character arks in 13 episodes.
not every show can pull off an odd taxi.
enjoyment 9/10
despite the fact that many people call this show boring. I enjoyed every second of it.
I was more hyped for the fights than most battle shounens, even though the animation isn't even that good.
I cried, I laughed, and I Felt for the characters.
and that is something special. I was fully invested, which at least for me, doesn't happen too often.
Overall my final score is an 8/10
It's certainly not for everyone. but if you think you're the type of person who would like a uniquely directed, tragedy that doesn't hold your hand, watch it.
thanks for reading.
Edit: it's now a good 2 years later, and I finally got the chance to rewatch this series, and frankly, it's far better than what I remembered, so keep in mind that even this review, is underpraising the series. I will likely make a whole video essay on it the first chance I get on my Youtube channel. so keep an eye out for that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 21, 2022
As much as I want to hate this series I just can't do it.
Despite the countless info dumps, despite the mostly generic cast, despite the extremely poor and badly directed visuals, despite the forgettable music....
I still thought it was damn entertaining.
To it's credit some of the mind games were genuinely smart.
The first game and the rock paper fingers were pretty ok segments, and the second game actually impressed me with it's ending.
And even the weaker segments while not being great, were certainly not bad.
But you know what is bad?
The entire show looks dead, there is never anything interesting to look at. The art is weak, the backgrounds are dull and boring, and the animation is laughable. Last time I was this not impressed by the production of a POPULAR show, was hige hiro, but I think this is even worse.
At the very least hige hiro had a handful decent looking shots.
This show is consistent with it's garbage visuals if nothing else.... Actually that's a lie. There are scenes that are even worse looking than normal, but I can assure you that, that's a one way highway.
The music leaves a lot to be desired. The opening and ending are pretty good, but the soundtrack itself is so forgettable I don't even remember it. And I finished the show 20 minutes ago.
The characters are not the worst, but certainly not the best either...
Half of them are one dimensional plot devices, and the other half are somewhat interesting edge lords.
In a perfect world this would have been directed by Tetsurou Akari and it would have been the edgier, less profound second coming of death note....
kind of like what we thought platinum end was going to be....
Here's the deal, other than the few decent-good mind games the story has NOTHING of value to offer, the production is shit, and the pacing while not being the worst thing ever is certainly not good either.
the show is in the low 4 high 3/10 category, but If like me, you enjoy these edgy death game types of shows, I say this is one of the more enjoyable ones.
it's not nearly as fun as mirrai nikki, or as stupid as gelipnir, but it is still enjoyable, and it would have been one of, if not the most fun to watch shows this year if it had good production.
If I had to say what would make this show the perfect death game, these would be it:
1. Get better production: a competent director, a talented composer, and a bigger budget.
2. Change some of the character designs. the main characters have ok designs, but some of the side characters look stupid. you don't have to give a character a pink bowl cut to make them stand out. There are better ways of doing it. look at sonny boy, look at steins;gate, or vinland saga, or kaguya sama, or attack on titan.
3. Get a better script writer.
4. Add blood and gore. don't pretend like you're above it, with or without mind games, you're still an edgy death or I guess in this case "friend" game.
5. Make it an ecchi. now this may be the one thing people disagree with, but I firmly believe that in a show like this, tities are an improvement. there are rarely death games that are more than just mindless entertainment. and fanservice is always a plus in these kinds of shows.
This show is not deep, nor does it have a ground breaking story. the mind games are there purely for entertainment, there is no philosophy or social commentary, and if there is, it isn't good.
So just embrace it. be the generic death game but to perfection. Mirrai Nikki had this perfected years ago, if only it didn't mess it up with a shitty ending.
Anyways this went for longer than it should have.
Do I think the show is worth watching?
Honestly, just read the manga if you're interested. the anime adds nothing to the experience. and I heard the manga has way better art and pacing.
I hope you have a wonderful day and, thank you for reading :D
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 16, 2022
For only 5 episodes,
This was Way more impactful than it had the right to be.
I'll make it easy for you, the show is worth watching. The Best thing you can do to see if it's for you or not is watching the first episode, which is one of the best first episodes I have seen in a long time.
It does get a little weaker around episode 3 and specially 4, but it picks itself back up for the final episode so I wasn't too bothered by it.
Bottom of the line is, if you want to go in completely blind, do it. it's worth your time,
but if you're still unsure, keep reading:
the story is about a world were vampires and humans are at war while both sides are kind of both at fault and victims at the same time. Vampires think humans are the assholes who started it all, and vice versa.
we follow two leads, a human, daughter of a big shot in the military, who ran away from home, and a vampire royalty who is dealing with her past. And most of the show is the journey of this unlikely duet living, surviving and running away together while being chased down by both humans and vampires.
they're relationship is the main selling point of the show. you just can't help rooting for both of them.
in fact all the characters are likable. no actually scrap that most of them are, and even the ones that have little to know screen time have enough depth to not be 1 dimensional. I even go as far as saying for a show that is only 5 episodes long the character writing is kind of impressive.
but that isn't even close to being the most impressive thing about the show. The star here is easily the execution. I'm talking about the directing, pacing and music. they work flawlessly in a final product that I can only describe as cinematic. so much so that I thought the first episode was the most cinematic and masterfully directed episode of Anime I have seen since the made in abyss movie.
which says a lot considering how made in abyss is visually stunning, and what I'm talking about is a god damn movie.
And it's not just the visuals and direction, the music and it's placement is simply perfect. If I didn't know any better I would have guessed the music was done by the man himself Kevin Penkin. the style is very similar to his work, and that's a good thing, great even.
All these elements mixed together had the result of dozens of goosebumps and me crying 2 different times during this 5 episodes. It's not too hard to make me cry, but again for 5 episodes, that's still impressive.
Here's the thing, it's a simple story that is far from being the most original, and there isn't really anything ground breaking in that said story.
I'm not going to pretend like it's a must watch masterpiece.
it isn't...
But it doesn't have to be.
there are shows that aren't really flawed in any way, but they won't reach for the skies either. those shows almost always end up being some of the most enjoyable and wildly loved stories out there.
I wouldn't say the show is good enough for you to go out of your way to watch it if it doesn't seem to be your cup of tea, but if you have any amount of interest, watch it.
My final score is a 7.75/10
thanks for reading, and I hope you found this review to be helpful, at least to some degree. :D
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 28, 2022
Tldr: it's a flawed story with likable characters, a lot of cool yet mostly unexplored ideas, top tier animation and an amazing soundtrack. by no means a must watch, but still worth watching if you're interested in the concepts or want some top notch parkour animation.
For the lack of a better word, this movie was lacking.
But why? the concept is great, the music is amazing, the animation is some of the best out there and the writing while not the best of the best, it is also far from being bad.
So why? what could possibly be the reason...
Loosely based on little mermaid. a well known story, that even if you somehow don't know it, you will since the movie tells it, and says how it ends not too far into the first act, and to me, that's this movie's biggest downfall. Basing your main plot around a well known story, means audience having a good idea of what the story beholds from the start, which obviously is not the best thing, specially when you say how it ends and make sure the few who don't know it are also spoiled.
But unlike what you may think, that's not always a bad move ,while that type of story in most cases is not as good or at least not as interesting as a truly original idea, it can and has worked before in many cases. But for that to happen you need a little something called, "reasons"
if those reasons aren't present, you are just actively spoiling your story for no, well, "reason". and to no ones surprise, all spoilers do, is lessening the impact. and ruining the shock factor.
again, it can work.
you can use the known story, to set up a twist by breaking the audiences expectation.
you can expand upon the idea and add to it.
or you can even just remake it in a different setting, but in that case telling the audience what you are based on from the start becomes a moronic move.
The problem with bubble is that other than the elements mirroring the little mermaid story, it doesn't expand on ANYTHING.
*********************************** Out of context spoilers for this part:
Where did the bubble came from? who knows.
Why had the time stopped in the tower? who knows.
why was the girls sister which was the other part of these "bubble" angry when she left? who knows.
Where did the bubble go? "yOu sEe thErE arE tHeSe vorTex"
no that is not an explanation. That's cop out answer/theming at best. At the very least the movie could have it match the themes of the show like what parasyte The maxim did.
The show had a lot of ideas, but it didn't even attempt to go through any of them outside of the bare minimum. I just don't get it, if all you had to offer in terms of story was the little mermaid story, why would you even think of telling that to the audience DIRECTLY.
And I do mean that, the romance barely functioned since it was kind of rushed, and the characters where just ok. nothing bad, but in no way special either. There is no message, there is no symbolism, there is no clever foreshadowing, theming or plot twist.
All the story had, was the little mermaid story and some unexplored ideas, and for some reason decided to spoil a massive part of it by telling you what the story is based on.
it's not all disappointment though. The animation and art are out of this world. the background were also some of the most wall paper worthy I have seen in a long time.
The music was also great. It didn't blow me away and become one of the best I have heard, but It was great through out the whole movie.
But the sad truth is that, this movie felt unfinished. it left a lot to the imagination in the worst way possible.
Wit has never missed the mark as far as I have seen, and this too was by no means a bad movie, but it was certainly disappointing.
thanks for reading
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 2, 2022
Color me impressed.
Another ark added to this fantastic series.
As far as princess principal arks go, this is the middle ground, it's not as good as the best of season 1, but it's also not the weakest part of the series. If you disliked the original, this won't change your mind. if you did like it, well then this is just more of the same greatness.
Story/writing: great 8.25/10
princess principal has one thing over most anime, and that's how well put together and well structured it's story arks are. The writing is near flawless. while yes you can dislike or see certain elements of the story as weak if you want, you simply can not find a single issue with the execution.
This movie is another part of that same good old pattern. The ark doesn't have anything you haven't seen before, even if you only look at this series, and the stakes aren't the highest we have seen. But don't let that distract you from the greatness of it, there is character growth, extremely clever mystery writing, and near perfect pacing.
I do have one small concern though.
and that one thing that has me worried is the ending, which is great on it's own, but it is something that is starting to become a pattern in this series. I hope they stop doing it again, because it is close to losing it's effect, at least for me.
Art/animation/directing: very good 7.5/10 as a movie and great 8.5/10 as a tv series
it looks amazing. idk if I should judge it by movie or tv series standards, but both ways it doesn't look bad or even generic.
and the directing is just A+ tier no matter how you look at it so there is also that.
music/sound-design/voice acting: near flawless 9.25/10
This is my second favorite Kajiura, Yuki soundtrack, and if you don't know, she is one of the most famous and highly praised anime composers. so that is not low praise. let me put it like this, The soundtrack is absolutely amazing. every track fits it's scene perfectly, there isn't really that many repeats and the opening sounds straight of persona 5. and if you have listened to the persona 5 soundtrack, you should know how high of praise that is.
sound-design wise, it's good. this aspect is not really something that i pay too much attention too unless it's noticeably great or terrible, and this was neither.
the voice acting is one of my favorite aspects of this show, I Adore it. the British accents are just perfect. what was that? you watched it subbed?
here's the thing, I am personally of the belief that this show is a 100times better dubbed, so much so that I waited a year for the dub and didn't watch it before it came out. idk about the sub, but the dub is flawless. shout out to Sentai for their work.
characters/chemistry: very good 7.5/10
There wasn't really any major development or moment of shine for any of the characters. now, they still have extremely good chemistry, they do have small character growths and the old man which this arks focuses on is very well written.
but well written is the key here. don't expect anything more than what you had in the show, for the most part it's still the good old same, which is not a bad thing or even a "mid" thing. but it isn't really too impressive either.
Enjoyment: 9/10
great pacing, great animation, great writing, great music and more...
how can I not enjoy the hell out of it?
it wasn't life changing or anything, but if you think it wasn't a fun watch, I'm sorry, but I don't think we can be friends.
overall: great 8.25/10
I say the tv series was slightly better overall, but this was for sure worth the long wait and I can't wait to watch the other movies.
Thanks for reading :D
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 6, 2022
I like ASMR. And this is an ASMR.
but is this a GOOD, ASMR? well. it's... the bare minimum
Story: 1.5/10
there is none. the stories are things like this:
oh, an ASMR mike, let's talk to it. oh an ASMR mike, let's talk to it like my baby. although there was one episode in the bar that was kind of interesting. If all the episodes were like that, It would have been much nicer.
since it was the only episode with a male talking to you, they also couldn't do boob and panty shots all the episode, so it also had much more interesting directing.
basically one of the episodes was decent, the rest were... as low as you can go without just not being an asmr anymore.
Art: 1/10
the art and colors are boring and the show is barely animated. so no the art isn't good.
sound: 3.5/10
I will be honest, the sound quality is below an average asmr you can find on youtube. but... it's not terrible.
what is terrible is the ending song. but not the song itself, the song is basic and boring, but the problem is not that. the problem is with the song's tone. it's way too energetic for an ASMR ending. it's like oh that was relaxing.... "INSERT BOBASTIC MUSIC RIGHT AFTERWARDS"
idk who's idea was to make the ed like that, but they should be fired asap.
characters: 2/10
1 dimensional pieces of fanservice. their design is not that bad though. it's even half decent for some of them.
enjoyment: 6.5/10
despite all that, I still enjoyed it for some reason. maybe it was the horny camera angels. maybe it was the actual asmr not being that bad, or maybe it was the fact that the episodes were so short that I didn't have enough time to get bored. idk, but what ever the reason, I did enjoy it.
overall it's a low 2/10.
since there aren't any other asmr anime out there, it's kind of your only pick for this kind of show. and it's pretty damn short so.... eh... I guess it's kind of worth it? it's hard to say.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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