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Jun 6, 2013
This review will be short and sweet...or at least I'll try to make it that way ;D
Strike Witches 2 was a pretty good show.
Story - 8
It's pretty much the same as the prequel, the only difference is Romania is taken over this time, there are a few new tricks, and even though there is some fan service, it's not as much as before (just the same old pantie shots and a few buttocks).Also, you see a few new faces, but really, the story flows pretty similar too this 1st.
Art - 9
Same old same old. I did like the end of the battle scene though
Sound - 8
Same everything. I liked the music though :)
Character - 8
Same everything. Even the new faces act and look like characters we already know.
Enjoyment - 8
It was fun. Not as fun as the prequel, since we new everyone already (so it wasn't much character development).
Overall - 8
It was a fun story. I think it was better in some ways than the prequel, but overall, I think I liked the prequel a little better. If there was a different plot or something, then maybe the sequel would have taken the prize. Anywho, if you liked the 1st season, then you should definitely give the second a try!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 6, 2013
Fruits basket is a beautiful series. I watched the dubbed version of this show along time ago.....I think I made it all the way through, but I know for a fact that I've seen the subbed version of this series 2 times.
Story - 9
It's a heartwarming tale about rejection and acceptance. Tohru is so innocent, gullible, optimistic, and all sunshine and rainbows that it kinda becomes obnoxious, LOL! She's very deer-like; a sweet and beautiful presence. She sees the good in people and loves others easily and without fail. She does have a hard time with this part of her personality towards the end,
however. I was in tears while I watched the last 2 episodes or so, and I'm not a big crier. Yes, this show may be a bit cliche at times, and completely unrealistic, but there is a beautiful lesson to be learned behind this series. Everyone needs love. Nobody can survive completely alone.
Art - 9
Not the best drawings, but it was good. Really, the art is more so around an 8, but I'm admittedly being a little biased and am keeping it at a 9 :)
Sound - 10
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the opener in both English and Japanese. Both versions of this smooth, heartwarming song really fit the show. The song has a subtle taste of nostalgia to it. Usually I skip straight past openers, and will listen to the best of them once or twice and that's it, but for this series, there were many times where I would actually sing along to the opener :) I actually like the voices in both versions I've watched. Even Tohru's weird voice, I felt fitted her quite well.
Character - 10
These are some of the most memorable characters out there. I LOVED the characters in this show. Even now, sometimes I will see something that reminds me of a character on Fruits Basket, and I will find myself quietly laughing, remembering the enjoyable moments of this show.
Enjoyment - 10
Great show. I loved this show so much that I've rewatched this show 2 or 3 times, and I really don't like watching or reading things more than once, unless it was really, really, really good. Also, It wasn't super long, so it's easy to rewatch and get into as many times as needed. I think anyone will enjoy this show. Maybe not everyone would rate it a 10, however, almost everyone will finish this show with a satisfied smile on their face :)
Overall - 10
Once again, I must say.......I loved this show. This is one of my all time favs! :D Fruits Basket.....I'm so happy that I gave this show a chance, and I'm sure whoever you are that's feeling a bit skeptical would more than likely find this show quite a pleasant surprise ;D So just go on and give it a shot.Watch this show! :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 6, 2013
It's been a long time since I've watched this series. I really liked it. It was a great show, for like the 1st 50 episodes. The website I use to watch most of my anime only had 50 episodes uploaded, so I had to do a lot of digging around to find the other episodes. I never actually finished the show. I know I made it to episode 100 and something, but I don't know exactly. The reason I stopped is because the show's art and graphics got to the point where it turned into pure crap.
With all this being said, it's kind of difficult
to rate this show.
The story - 8
The story is actually really good. Yes it's pretty cliche, as you may have heard already, but it was still really cute, fun, and entertaining. However, after so many episodes, the show begins to lag on with not much plot development at all. It's as if the creators of this show tried to stretch it as thin as they could before it finally broke. To be honest with you, the show starts off at an 8, almost , for me. But by the second half of the show, it drops to a 7.
Art - 8
I initially gave this part a 9. The show is well drawn. I like the characters. They aren't the best that I've seen, but they don't completely look like every other character out there (from what I remember). The only problem I had is sometime during the second half of the series.......the art begins to lack here and there.....then it just gets to the point where it completely sucks. Initially it's around an 8, but as it gets closer to the end, I would have to give it a 5.
Sound - 9
The songs are catchy! I love the music, it's so cute! Even the guys songs are cool. I have actually listened to the live performances of some of the music. Even when the show starts to suck, the music is still around an 8 or 9. That's the one thing that they kept more or less consistent in this series.
Character - 9
I like the characters. Because the show is so long, you do get to know about some of the characters a lot more than you would in other shows. Some characters are down right annoying however, LOL!
Enjoyment - 8
I enjoyed this show....or at least the first half of it.
Overall - 8
This show was good. But it become more and more poorly executed. They began to lose grip while creating this show, and by the part I got to, it seemed like they had completely dropped the ball.
This show reminds me of shows geared more towards children, like Pokemon, in how there's an idea of a plot, but not a real plot. This show was a musical adventure. And just like other children shows, they tried to keep this one going, but they failed. It was a great try though. This show has SO MUCH POTENTIAL! And I would love for this show to be remade oneday :D
I recommend this show to anyone that likes music, cuteness, hints of romance, hard-work-always-wins type animes........but be forewarned, even though it may be a great show at first, you may find it becoming more frustrating towards the end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 5, 2013
The girls in Saki: Achiga-hen were childhood friends of Nodoka. It starts off showing their elementary friendship. In the beginning, it was cute, funny.....but then Nodoka left, and just like how the girls were trying their best to catch up to Nodoka, this anime was trying it's absolute hardest to catch up to the greatness of it's parent story.
For the entire first half of the series, everything felt rushed. You don't see any real majong games, and although you know the girls have grown in talent, you don't actually get to see it happen. It was almost like a summery, rather than it's own show.
Then once they finally catch up to the prequel, it slows down and becomes a great show. By the last handful of episodes, it really finds it's flow, and you get to see great majong games and great characters. You get to see the personality of Saki's sister, and you actually get to see her play :) Old friends show up in this anime, and new ones are made. If you loved the Prequel to this anime, then you will really like this one!
Story - starts at a 7 and ends at an 8, almost 9. It was cute, but maybe instead of rushing through the entire first half, they could have broken the series into 2 seasons, or spread the story out over more episodes.
Art - I liked the characters in Saki. As always, some of the hairstyles draw a huge question mark for me, but I didn't see any real flaws in it. It wasn't the best art out there in my eyes, but it was really good....actually, to be more precise, it was very CUTE. This anime was more so CUTE than it's predecessor. So in art, I'll give it a 9.
Sound - I'll give it a 9. It extraordinary, but it wasn't bad at all. I like the voices of the characters.....but I do question if Teru's voice was that high in the first series of Saki...I know she only spoke once, but I could've sworn the timbre of her voice and the tone was a little different...........but maybe it doesn't really matter since she only said like 1 word in the prequel (as far as I can recall)
Character - I'm tempted to compare these characters to the prequel. But in truth, the reason why I liked the Saki characters better than the Achiga girls, is because I got to know them better. This show was so busy trying to catch up, that you didn't get to really know the characters as well as you may have wanted to.
Enjoyment - I really enjoyed the show! However, because of the rushing to catch up, I really thought the were headed to the exact match that the previous show left off at.....ok, I don't want to write any spoilers, so I'm going to stop here and leave it at that. This show is cute, and by the end, it reminds you of why you like the Saki series so much! :D I give it an 8.
Overall - 8. This show had lots of potential, and even with the few hiccups the series had, the show managed to find its pace and hold its own. It was very good :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 4, 2013
First and foremost, I must say this....if you have a deep hate for fan service, you will not like this show. Everyone else, I'd say give it a try! :)
For the first 2 or 3 episodes, the biggest question in my mind was "where are their pants?" I could not get over the fact that about 90% of girls wore panties, bikini bottoms, or school swimsuits under there uniform top....and that's about it. However, the story is actually good, so you will actually end up forgetting about the unnecessarily often pantie shots.
Story - 9
The story is very interesting. It puts you
in the mind of Sky Girls, but was pulled off so well that you don't mind the similarities.
Art - 9
The characters are your average characters. When you have an anime with a mostly all girl cast, the characteristics of the girls are always similar between all the shows. There wasn't anything special, but it was very well drawn.........ok, but I did have one little issue. I forgot this was going to be ecchi, so I was not mentally prepared for some of what I saw. It was mostly panty, a few boobs, the occasional buttock, lots of crack, and there were 2 or 3 full on nude shots of the most private are of a women's body :) But the story is so good that it's easily overlooked (for those that don't want to see). And also, unlike most fan service anime, the boobies are a reasonable size.
Sound - 9
I was ok with there voices, which is usually one of the things to what I am most attentive and critical, when it comes to anime. The music was good, even though I skipped the opener and ending every time, LOL!
Character - 9
I feel like I've seen some of these characters before. Look wise, some were similar to others in other anime, but there were a few that had their own looks....but characteristically, they all remind me of characters I've seen before. It's 12 ep show, so you don't get to know the girls as much as you would like to, however :)
Enjoyment - 9
Once one gets past all the fan service (if you aren't into that kind of thing), then this show is easy to enjoy :) I do recommend it to anyone! Unless you absolutely hate fan service, you will love this show ;D
So Overall, it's a 9!
It's a really good show; you should try it! :D
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 4, 2013
I honestly did not know what score to give to this anime. It was cute, fun, and had lots of action. The story got right to the point, stuck with the plot, and it was over in 12 episodes. I really enjoyed this anime, but at the same time, it wasn't the best I've seen by far. This is the perfect show to watch watch while looking for another anime to replace the amazing series you've just finished! And it's also the perfect show to watch when you really don't feel like doing anything at all, but need something to take up your time ;D
- I'll give it a 7. It was a good story. Not too dramatic or complicated, and it was executed nicely. Once again, it's not the best show I've seen, but it was truly, and honestly "good".
Art - I'll give it a 9. Everything was drawn well, just like most anime series out today. The tanks, the ship, the town, the school, the people....everything was drawn very, very well. IT was your typical anime art - nothing too special, but still really good.
Sound - I'll give it a 9. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary about the sound. The effects were great, and the music was cool. It was your average anime. However, that is one thing that annoys me. Most voices of the female students were the same high pitched, whinny sounding voices that you hear in most "cute girl cast" anime. It's annoying, and I seriously want to give sound an 8 because of it, but all of the voices weren't like that, so it's fine.
Character - I'll give this an 8. The characters are the same characters you see in many similar anime. You don't get to know them as well as you'd like, because the plot moves pretty quickly......however, many of the characters are so similar to others out there, that you don't feel like you're missing anything.
Enjoyment - I don't know.....I'll go on and give it a 8. If I was looking for an anime to really impress me, I would so bump this score down to a 7, however. This show was cool. It was a nice snack while I'm searching for a better show to watch.
Overall - I give this anime an 8. It was very good. I recommend it to those that just need something, anything to watch. I recommend it to those that like cute anime. I recommend this to those that like all girl casts, and/or girls doing things you'd think guys would do....this is more of a cute, "girl power" type anime than anything, so if that's what you're into, you'll love this show....otherwise, it will simply be just another good, or maybe even another really good show to you.
:l :) ;D :D :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 1, 2013
I always get lost in this show. I loose time. I forget where I am. I absolutely love Chihayafuru. This show is so motivating. It makes you want to do your best at whatever it is that you do, despite any odds you're up against. I am currently on episode 21, so I'm not exactly finished, however, I still recommend this show to everyone.
Just like it's predecessor, Chihayafuru 2 has an air of realism surrounding it. It's not super cliche, and I appreciate that. Chihaya's team's struggle is clear and inspiring. This is a warm show, and once the games begin, you find yourself
once again on the edge of your seat.
For some reason, even though this season is very enjoyable, it wasn't able to stand head to head with the prequel. It's great, but for some reason it fell a little short. It does get better around the fifth or sixth episode, however.
The art is as good as always. The sound is cool and the characters are good. You don't get to know the new ones as well as you did the original 5, but I still love them. If you were a fan of Chihayafuru's first season, then you will definitely love the second season ;D
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 31, 2013
It's funny how with many of the greatest anime I've ever seen, I honestly almost initially passed over. This is no exception. I was looking for a heart warming, feel good series when I found this one. It seemed cool, but I was unsure if I would like it. The art looked pretty cool, so I pushed myself to give it a try.......and I fell in love. Personally, I hate shows that are still airing, but I loved this one so much that I really did not mind the weekly wait for each episode.
Chihayafuru will suck you in and keep you on the edge of
your seat. The characters are great, and the story is just as good. The one thing I loved about the story is that it wasn't as cliche as I thought it would be. It was a realistic sports anime. In the real world, no matter how much you prepare or how much you desperately want to win, there will be some bad luck, good luck, wins, loses, regrets, and learned lessons that you will inevitably encounter, and this show has it all. I fully recommend this series for just about anyone. It's a really easy show to enjoy, so don't be scared to give it a try ;D
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 30, 2013
This show was really, really good. It felt like I was on a fun ride with some great friends. Every now and then the plot gets serious, but for the most part, although the show seems to move forward, it's not moving towards a particular resolve. It's funny and full of action. You really get to know the main group of characters pretty well. You are told a little about side characters as needed, but for the most part, the show revolves around one particular group. The art is pretty good. Personally, I don't always like the way Natsu looks, but for the most
part, the show was drawn very well. The sound was cool, and I really think anyone would have a hard time not enjoying this show.
If you are looking for a good action show, great comedy, a hint of drama, and some pretty cool magic, this is definitely the show for you ;D
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 30, 2009
This is my first ever review, so bare with me! :)
Im a big fan of the Magical gril type anime, so I felt a little hesitant in my decision to try this one, however, Im so glad I did. The plot deals with the growing bond between an imature guy and his abandoned 5 year old cousin. They both learn valuable lessons on love and friendship, as they go on living together, each day. To me, one of the most rewarding parts of this anime was wathcing Kippei turn into a strong and mature young man, due to his new
found responsibilites.
This is a very warm and heart touching show. I believe that even if you're a little hesitant in trying this anime, like I was, go for it. It wont hurt to watch one or two episodes, but let me go on and warn you now, if you do, you are bound to get hooked! ;) :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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