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Sep 24, 2017
“It might have looked that way to you, but I’m just normal ”
~ Setagawa, ep 4.
And that’s practically ever BL protagonist ever, isn’t it?
Anyway, if you aren’t interested in reading my entire review (because who enjoys reading long reviews, huh?), here’s a TL;DR version of it:
If you’re a fujoshi or someone who's tired of the same tropes being used in BL (abusive seme, weak MC, cliché romance), then Hitorijime is something you’ll enjoy. But if you’re looking for something new, refreshing or path breaking in the BL genre, look somewhere else.
This review will contain my opinions on what I liked and disliked about
the anime. If you’re interested, read on! Man, I remember when news of a new Shounen Ai anime was released. EVERY fujoshi account in existence went crazy over this development, and the Mystic Messenger fandom couldn’t get enough of the fact that one of the MCs totally looked like Jumin Han (which he really did from certain angles, honestly). My Insta and FB newsfeeds were littered with scenes and GIFs from episodes as and when they were released. But me being the kinda person who waits for an anime to finish airing so that she can binge watch it in a day, patiently waited for three entire months for Hirotijime to, you know, finish airing.
Now, since it’s Shounen Ai, the entire anime’s focus is on the increased closeness between our two MCs - Setagawa (the blond aka MC1) and Kousuke (the Jumin Han lookalike, aka MC2), as well as the doubts and trauma they both go through. The anime’s first three episodes, for some reason, were dedicated solely to the love story between MC1’s bestie (Kensuke) and his long lost friend Asaya (whose character design looks suspiciously similar to that of Sunagawa’s from Ore Mongatari). The dialogues were lackluster, the story had tropey elements and had certain aspects that I sincerely hoped the BL genre would have got rid of by now. The biggest sinners, ofc, are tropes where the seme kisses the uke WITHOUT HIS CONSENT and that’s portrayed as totally okay bc the seme is in love with the uke. Uh, no. Consent exists for a reason. But I digress. I did not like how this secondary romantic relationship developed – the seme gave the uke an ultimatum – bed me, or leave me. What the fuck?? That’s not what you say to someone who genuinely thinks of you as a good friend. And magically, this ultimatum made the uke realize his actual feelings for the seme and tadaaaaaaa!! They’re lovers. Again - what the fuck??
Also, the character responses were 1 second too late. So that was annoying.
However, things did improve for the better when the relationship between MC 1 and 2 was explored. But there were several things that were not explained. Like, at all. First, how does a ruffian like MC2 become a respectable teacher in a boys’ school?? How and when did he get such an education? What forced him to make the change? How was his violent past (and I’m assuming, his criminal records) NOT an issue with the principal when hiring this dude as a temp??? Second, when and why does MC1 colour his hair blond?? The change in colour isn’t even used as a plot device, so why bother changing his hair colour at all? If you really wanted him to be blond this badly, then why not make him a blond child, instead of a child with ginger coloured hair?? These two things confused me till the very end if anybody reading this review has an answer, do let me know. Third, and most importantly, how could MC2 be so chill about kissing MC1 so openly in the school hallways? I mean, I get that you don’t care about what people think and all, but DUDE. You could literally be jailed for getting physical with a MINOR. Fourth, why did MC1 have to be a minor? The setting could have easily taken place in a college instead of a school and literally everything would have remained the same, except for the fact that this anime wouldn’t have been normalizing paedophilia. Ugh.
So, anyway. Some of the dialogues were very well written, especially in the second half. My fav was when the dude who was ‘grossed out’ by MC1’s relationship (and was eventually shunned by his friend circle) said,“Nobody’s on my side. The one who speaks out is automatically the villain”. Not because it’s very deep, philosophical or ground breaking, but simply because of how REAL it was. I also enjoyed the little character details which made the show a little more memorable for me. For example, MC1 is a nice boy, yet he has ear piercings and wears rings on his knuckles (which nice guys absolutely never do in anime). His mother’s a prostitute, and it’s a miracle the boy turned out to be as normal as he is. Perhaps that’s also why he was totally chill when his bestie started dating a guy – you’re not exactly in any position to judge anybody when you yourself come from a pretty questionable place, you know. MC2 is a chain smoker (I didn’t like that, but it’s a unique quality nonetheless) and has big eyes, while it’s the uke who has smaller eyes. Generally, it’s the other way around, so this one thing that definitely stood out for me. However, MC1’s eyes were so beady (they reminded me of the eyes of the MC from Yahare Ore whatever the fuck its name is) that they actually made me not like him as much as I’d hoped. Why go for such an eye design? And he was the only one with such small eyes. Another breaking of clichés that I enjoyed was the seme encouraging the uke to take an initiative to kiss him. We don’t generally get to see that in BL bc it’s almost always the seme who’s the more dominant one (and by extension, the one more in control) in the relationship.
It was cute to see how one of MC1’s friend reacted (and handled) to his relationship with MC2. The friend then went on to join a different group of guys, and the way the group leader spoke to him made for an unnecessary (and yet more likeable) aspect of the details of the anime that I enjoyed about it.
Episode 11 was definitely the highlight of the series. It had raw dialogues, show cased the internal/emotional struggles between both our MCs when MC1 decided to call of the relationship, and both the boys reacted exactly like normal people would in such a situation. I believe that episode was handled quite well. The engagement at the end of Episode 12 was totally ripped off Yuri on Ice, but I liked how it was played out. Totally did not see that coming!
***End of Spoilers***
My scores:
Art: 6 (basic)
Story: 6 (predictable)
Sound: 6 (Catchy OP)
Characters: 7
So, why an overall score of 7? Because of late, this has been the only anime that I binge watched in two days. It was nothing path breaking, but it was definitely worth a onetime watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 19, 2017
“As hard as we may try, we’ll never know the right answer”
~ Shindo
If you were expecting me to shit on this OVA, then haha! The joke’s on you, because I’m not gonna do that.. I quite enjoyed the OVA, and it was quite fascinating to see how Shindo behaves when he isn’t acting as a negotiator on behalf of an alien that’s billions of years old. I see that MAL has no rewrite of it, so here’s what the OVA is about: We get to see most Kado characters in their environment, going about their lives and pretty much being regular folks. A majority
of the focus is, of course, focused on Shino and quite honestly, I liked this side of his. This OVA also ties in nicely that metal plate he’s holding in the first few scenes of episode 1 (when he’s inside the airplane) as well as explaining the story behind the picture he’d taken with the owner and employees of that metal plating factory, and why its owner trusted AND helped Shindo when literally nobody else would have.
What I found most interesting was, despite Shindo explaining towards the end why he decided to ‘help’ the employees and owners of the factory, the fact that this reasoning a little too pragmatic of him. Why did he really help those people? Was it altruism? Was it because he’s always looking for a ‘bigger job’ (as pointed out by his colleague)? Or was it because it fit in with his philosophy of finding a solution that’s desirable to both parties involved? I don’t know, and that fascinates me. Of course, I might be over-thinking and I welcome any thoughts on this topic!
Oh, and interestingly, this OVA is animated via old-school hand drawing, which switches to CGI during the last few minutes of the OVA, which also happens to be the opening scenes of episode 1. All in all, as you’ve guessed by my rating and review, I enjoyed this OVA. I genuinely do not understand the low score that it’s received – it's truly beyond me.
TL;DR: If you enjoyed the anime, watch the OVA. If you didn’t, skip it.
PS. No zaShunina in this anime!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 30, 2017
Jackass is a terribly cute manga. I'll keep my review short and sweet because writing too much about it will be giving away spoilers, and I don't want that.
I'll begin by applauding how well the mangaka handled the 'I'm gay but I didn't know I was gay till something happened to me'. It was completely natural and progressed in an organic succession; both the parties involved behaved in a manner that would be typical of people in their position, esp the MC. I also loved how the fetish angle was added to the entire drama - this was a first for me and I
thoroughly enjoyed it!
It was also interesting to note how 3 different stories were told in 7 chapters. The bully's story was especially interesting (at least for me). All in all, if you're looking for something light, fun and completely kawaii to read (with very few sex scenes), I'd highly recommend this manga!
The only issue I had with this was the way a sexual relationship was handled between a 15 yr old child and a middle aged man. I mean, if the seme was 18-20, I'd have been more forgiving bc of the small age gap between them, but 20 years is too big an age gap for me to look past.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 30, 2017
*cracks knuckles*
Alright, time to whoop some ass. I’ll begin by asking one Q: why do guys even bother watching shows that aren’t meant for them, just so that they can whine about how ‘bad’ they are and bring down the entire show’s average rating? I’ll tell you why – because nothing else makes them feel better than to trash something that clearly isn’t made to cater to *their* liking!
Anyway, coming to my review. The anime was pretty good, considering it didn’t have a big budget OR that many hours dedicated to it. Lemme break it down for those of you still reading my review:
Story: 8/10
an 8? Because despite what everybody here is saying about the story being boring and predictable, I did not find it so. There were little twists and turns that constantly managed to surprise me, especially seeing how this anime was adapted from an otome game
Sound: 9/10
The OP took me completely by surprise, because it was way too heavy for a traditionally female fanbase, and I suppose that made me like it even more! It’s the same for the ED!
Animation: 8/10
Again, considering the budget restraints this anime had, I was very happy with the quality of animation they presented, especially when the fight scenes came over. I expected them to be choppy and clunky, but nope! They were pretty seamless.
Characters: 7/10
Ah, when an anime is 6 minutes long (excluding the OP and ED), you really can’t expect much character development, can you? With the introduction of every new character, their personality was made crystal clear, and if you ask me, that’s a hella difficult job. Sure, they do fit in your typical anime stereotypes (the pretty idol, the tsundere, the protective one and the loner), but then again – this anime doesn’t have the luxury of delving into deep character developments because of its severe time constraints. So, no complaints from me!
This was a reverse harem, so my hopes weren’t very high. Because we all know how the female leads are – stupid and completely clueless of people’s feelings for her. But not here. Because for starters, nobody liked her (except the idol star) – they all treated her as a friend, and she had more than one occasion to showcase how strong she was – both emotionally and physically. She did not need any boy to save her. If at all, she was the one saving people’s asses and I simply LOVED that in this anime. If this is how modern reverse harems are gonna be, bring ‘em on!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 28, 2017
I trudged through 4 episodes of this anime just so that I could write this review. Y’all better upvote my review so that I’ll know that those 80 minutes of my life weren’t a COMPLETE waste.
Basically, Dive is what you get if Haikyuu and Free had an illegitimate child – with none of the good looks or character development of Free, nor the long drawn technical jargon or complicated strategies of Haikyuu. Granted, that’s being a little tough on the anime, seeing how only four episodes have aired, but, come on! That’s a quarter of the show right there. You can *tell* that this
anime is gonna be another cliché fest and has been released only to satiate the eyes of fans. Why do I say that? Because of the cliché story, cliché characters and mediocre animation. Don’t believe me? Well –
The Mizuki Diving Club isn’t doing too well (Haikyuu) and is on the verge of shutting down (or so the students thought) when suddenly, this gorgeous hard ass of a lady, Asaki (similar to that one girl from Haikyuu with that typical shounen female strength and no character development) shows up as the knight in shining armour, promising to take the MDC boys to the Tokyo Olympics (Free). We have the star of the MDC, the tsundere Yoichi (who totes looks like Sugawara and is definitely gonna be the most popular guy from the series), the wide-eyed-tsundere-worshipping MC who suspiciously has the same eye and hair color as Haru (from Free), the bumbling manager (seriously, every sports anime is incomplete without one) and the side characters (who are there just for comic relief). In the second ep, we are introduced to a super a ripped dude (who could easily be 25) who previously dove only in the ocean but is now ‘forced’ to compete on a national level (again, Haru much?). So the Suga look alike tsundere and similar to Haru but 25 yrs older super tsundere have a problem with each other, but we don’t know why that is. Bc what’s better for fangirls and boys than two ‘hot’ dudes having it out for each other? SMH.
I also love how Asaki (the female coach) has huge breasts and wears shirts to school that are buttoned right from the point her cleavage ends…. because this is EXACTLY the kinda stuff a largely female fanbase is thirsty to see. WTF??? And my God, if this is how ‘good’ voice actors are, I’m glad I stick to dubs. Especially seeing how annoyingly high pitched every female is until and unless she’s portrayed as someone serious or someone who should not be messed with. A+ to the realistic depiction of girl/women’s voices.
The anime comes from Zero-G, an unheard of studio, and I’m not surprised they chose a sports anime as their ‘breakout’ anime. After all, such anime are unanimously popular among their fan bases. However, I have to say that even though I did not have very high expectations from this anime, its art was a complete disappointment. I wouldn’t give it more than a 5. Granted that Zero-G is a new studio that may not have a budget as big as KyoAni (remember Free’s gorgeous animation?), but guys, if you wanna stand out, being mediocre is not the way to go.
The biggest grudge I have from the anime, apart from its art style and completely cliché existence, is its body proportions. They are way off. The heads of all the boys in the MDC are too big for their bodies. Plus, how many 15 year olds can really have such rock hard abs? I know I’m not an expert in swimmers’ bodies, but come on! And then, there’s the fact that their bodies are SO well developed, but their faces are all baby faced…. I mean, when you have such a dazzling body, your face automatically loses all the baby fat and becomes sharper. But, nope! Plus, their teensy weensy swimming suits made me uncomfortable – I mean, why couldn’t they cover up their asses just like the Free guys did with theirs? In fact, Rin, Sousuke, Haru and Mako (the most popular guys from the series) had pretty much their entire thighs covered when they wore their swimsuits. But of course, I know this is a personal preference and a lot of the fans of the show wouldn’t want the Dive boys to wear anything longer, which is understandable. I’m just ranting here. Anyway, getting to the positive points – the 4th ep was by far the best ep out of all the ones that aired. However, by that time I’d lost interest in the anime. This anime simply has nothing new to offer. I’d have appreciated good visuals to compensate for the lack of a genuine plot or even characters, but ah, I was hoping for too much.
The OP and ED are generic, the use of CGI was minimal, and the art is reminiscent of the early 2000s shounen/comedy anime. This anime was hyped up a lot, especially among the fans of the sports anime genre, and for those looking for nothing but fan service, you’ll be satisfied. But if you’re looking for something more, look elsewhere. The reason I gave it a 6 and not a 5 (which is my score for a mediocre anime) is because I’m glad more and more studios are creating content aimed at a largely female audience. This is definitely a step forward.
*Minor spoilers*
Side note: I think this is the first sports anime that I’ve seen where the MC accepts and then rejects a girl’s proposal. Hahahahaha. And we all know why that is, don’t we?
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 29, 2017
I really wanted to like this anime, but sadly, the comedy mostly fell flat and the VAs didn’t do a great job. There’s not much to write about an anime with just 2 short episodes, so I’ll keep my review brief.
The reason I gave it a 6 (and nothing lower) is because even though I didn’t like the anime, I didn’t dislike it either – it was pretty average. The setting is quite unique, of course, and more power to animators who can go through concepts on anime without involving high school children, nudity or violence. It’s a nice and sweet comedy, suitable even for
children, although if I’m being honest, a lot of jokes went over my head. I mean, I’m someone who has a fair amount of knowledge about Christianity, and unlike most other people, I know quite a lot about Buddhism (seeing how Gautam Buddh was born in my country) so I was surprised at how many references I didn’t understand. And if I didn’t get them, then how is it those people who gave this anime such a high rating, get them? Did they study Buddhism in college or something?
Elitists. SMH.
Speaking of, Buddhism was all about peace and ahinsa, so the concept of wearing silk shirts (leave alone decorating them) would have been out of the question for Buddh, so the animators fuked up there. Same for the negative stereotype “the water is dirty” comment for India – it wasn’t really funny, it was outright offensive, something that would *never* be uttered by Buddh for his motherland. And before you tell me to “laugh it off”, let me know how you’d feel if, for example, you’re a religious American who sees Jesus calling all Americans fat, ugly and stupid?
The art, animation and sounds - everything is average. Anyway, give it a watch. Who knows? You might enjoy it more than I did!
PS. Just for kicks, just *imagine* the uproar that this anime would have been created if it where Mohammed in place of Buddh!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 26, 2017
This short story's about Kusumi, a college students, who accidentally hits Kijima (sensei) with his bicycle. Kijima hurts his right hand, but instead of suing Kusimi for money, he lets Kusumi work for him as his sort of secretary so that he (Kusumi) could write down the dictations of sensei. The reason sensei doesn't use any app or even a computer to do this work is because he's an old fashioned guy. Kusumi, of course, is more than willing to help because of the guilt that he feels (and because he's thankful he doesn't have to shill out any money).
And let's just address
the elephant in the room first - the writer of this manga is obviously a massive Attack on Titan fan, because Kusmi looks like a taller version of Levi, while Kijima is what Jean would be if he were a bumbling mess. So now that's out of the way, let me get back to my review.
The plot is a little slow in the beginning, but it soon picks up. I really liked the depth that sensei's character is shown to have (even though it may appear otherwise), and how Kusumi's feelings towards him keep increasing gradually. All in all, I liked how their 'relationship' was treated without making the manga into a hardcore yaoi. That was hands down the best part about it.
Basically, if you're looking for something short and sweet, I'd recommend this manga. It's a solid 8 on 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 11, 2017
I don’t get why this anime has such a low rating. I mean, yes, it isn’t of FMAB quality, but exactly what do you expect from a 4 minute-per-episode anime that’s obviously geared at a female audience? Intense emotional scenes, breathtaking action sequences or perhaps, some fanservice for their eternally parched eyes??
Room Mate is an xViewer anime (my first, I’ll be honest). I didn’t even know such a thing existed – I was only aware of this trend among fanfics and doujinshi. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled across this anime. Within the first 4 minutes, the personality of each male
character has been made clear, and if you ask me, that’s a hella difficult job. Sure, they do fit in your typical anime stereotypes (the shota, the tsundere and the loner), but then again – this anime doesn’t have the luxury of delving into deep character developments because of its severe time constraints.
Here, you are the manager of the inn/lodge where these guys stay (they’re roommates, duh) and you get to witness their day to day lives first hand. The ED was generic, but I’ll admit – the animation was far better than I expected. I found the interactions and the camera movements particularly interesting. The most impressive thing, of course, was how much the animators were able to convey so much in every 4 minute episode.
While not definitely a masterpiece, if you’re looking for a breather in between watching an intense anime, or are just in the mood for something different, I’d definitely recommend this sweet and cute anime. After all, what’s 20 minutes of your life, right? Give it a try!
PS. I was gonna give it a 7, but after seeing so many guys (and I do mean, boys) downvoting this series for not pandering to THEIR likes, I upped my vote to 9. It might not help its overall score, but that’s my way of rebelling against these people and their unfair scores.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 14, 2017
I'm only writing this review because
a) this anime doesn't have too many reviews
b) everybody's gushing way too much over it.
As a casual yaoi fan, I can see why this anime would excite fujoshis - it's everything they would want, without the smut and cheap tactics animators often stoop to using to please their fan base. I went in completely blind, not knowing what the anime was and it pleasantly surprised me. I would suggest you to go in blind as well; that's the best way to enjoy it.
But if you're still interested in knowing what it's about, here it is (without spoilers):
Set in late
19th C Japan, the stories revolve around Hybrid Children (neither human nor machine) who look, walk, talk, grow and feel exactly like humans, except for the fact that they aren't really human. They're owned by their respective masters, who inevitably forge strong bonds with them. The first 2 stories focus on two different masters, their bonds with their Hybrid Children, their circumstances etc. The third story focuses on the creator of these Hybrids, his background and the reason he chose to create these dolls.
Much like most of these reviews mentioned, I didn't expect the stories to be so, well, dark. Yaoi is not something you associate with death and destruction, you know. So that was something that made me appreciate the anime a little. Some of the scenes were beautifully done, esp in ep 4; they conveyed the mood of the protagonist's mind beautifully without putting it into words. The dialogues, even though fanmade subs, were pretty moving and I imagine they sounded even more beautiful in Japanese. The music too added beautifully to the entire atmosphere of the anime.
The biggest gripe with this anime was its art form. First off, not a fan of the Junjou Romantic style of art. Second, pretty much every face in this anime was the same. Sometimes the hair and eye colours of different characters were the same, which ended up making me wonder if I was watching a continuation of the previous eps, or if this really was a new character. Poor animation on part of the animators. Apart from that, I found that story of ep 2 lacking a little. It focused more on emotions, while the plot moved very, very slowly. Another issue with the anime was how the jokes or funny moments were incorporated with chibi art forms. Really? When you're making an anime with such serious topics (or at least, non-frivolous topics) this chibi style of art form only takes *away* from the seriousness of the entire setting you've painstakingly built. They were jarring and completely unnecessary.
Even so, at the end of the day, if you're a casual yaoi fan like me or a hardcore fujoshi - you'll like this anime because it really is something different that you seldom get to see in the yaoi genre!
PS. Eps 1, 2 and 4 have after credit scenes. Don't forget to watch them!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 25, 2017
*mild spoilers*
The trouble with 12 episode anime not meant for school children is that they often go a bit too far to make it more “mature”. Which is exactly why I felt the rape scenes, sexual assault and abuses were completely unnecessary; they were included for shock value and judging by the positive reviews of how realistic this anime was, they worked.
I’d have given the anime a solid 8 if not for the extremely annoying female MC. Blonde, blue eyes, big breasts and a chubby face – the animators thought it’d be enough to make men swoon over this sniveling piece of mess, but nah.
The girl was a plot device who showed courage and instantly switched to becoming a damsel in distress whenever the plot required here to do so; there was no consistency in her character development. Also for an anime aiming to be realistic, blue irises 1/3 the size of your eyes and breasts 3/4th the size of your face don’t really make the cut. Nor does the fact that your breasts are so cushion-y that a bomb just happened to BOUNCE off them. Wow. Just, wow.
Apart from that, my issue with the anime was how a lot of time was wasted on the flashbacks regarding that one high school friend (which didn’t add anything to the final arc) and the fatty’s (who tagged along with Sakamoto) hallucinations. The doctor too was given an inordinate amount of screen time while characters like the psychopathic boy (the most interesting character, in my opinion) was given very little screen time. And then there’re the other players – what happened to them? There were scores of people on board the plane and none of their stories were touched upon. I mean, you didn’t have to show them in depth but a 1-2 minute explanation for every 3-4 characters would have sufficed. A 10 second preview of who was left barely did them justice. Then there was the question of the disappearances of these people back in the real world – why didn’t we get to see the police involved and media creating a storm about so many people disappearing at the same time? Why were the games created in the first place and why did they have multiple rounds to them? Also, what’s up with the ending? It went completely over my head + it was too rushed. It was almost as if in the middle of animating the 12th episode, the animators were told,”Hey, we’ve run out of our budget so better end the series here”. A lot of people will defend it as being out of the box or some BS, but truth is that it was ill conceived.
But I’ll give where credit is due. The dub VA for Sakamoto did an excellent job. Kudos. Second, despite people complaining about it, I actually found Sakamoto’s character development quite believable (even though his switch to a selfless good guy was a little too much to digest). The only issue I had was the fact that when he met the annoying blonde for the first time, he was tempted to rape her, which seemed VERY out of character for a NEET like him. I mean, you have to show his moral development but do you HAVE to do it by showing him as an almost rapist?
Anyway, some of the maneuvers and battle moves between the participants were excellent, especially when cunning strategies were used. A lot of them made my jaw drop (which doesn’t happen very often). The music was pretty forgettable while the art did drop in quality from time to time. I expected better from Madhouse, to be honest. But it’s still worth a watch if you’re tired of watching 14 year olds as protagonists in probably 99% of the anime out there.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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