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Alternative Titles

English: Zombie-Loan
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 13
Chapters: 83
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 18, 2002 to Feb 18, 2011
Genres: Action Action, Adventure Adventure, Comedy Comedy, Drama Drama, Horror Horror, Supernatural Supernatural
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: GFantasy
Authors: PEACH‐PIT (Story & Art)


Score: 7.321 (scored by 72437,243 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #46492
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1056
Members: 19,044
Favorites: 313

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Two words: Shinigami Eyes. They allow you to see both the name and life span of anyone (in DN), or a ring on their neck (in ZL). The prominent themes are death and the supernatural world, secrets and mysteries, a dark and creepy aura. Both are worth-reading, and although considered shounen, they don't have the usual tropes of the genre. 
reportRecommended by RenaPsychoKiller
You'll find eye-patches, Shinigami, contracts and death, wrapped up in a dark but at times unserious mood. The most notable similarities are between their characters: in both we have the usually clumsy meganekko (Michiru/Meilin), the homo who provides comic relief (Hakka/Grell), the always calm and kinda tedious Chinese guy whose eyes are constantly shut (Toho/Lau), the emotionless pretty girl (Kuze/Ranmao), the weird and non-human ferryman/grave-digger (Bekko/Undertaker), the cute and cheerful shota boy (Yuta/Finnian), and even the domesticated wolf (Raika/Pluto). Square Enix worked on both manga. That said, Zombie Loan is shorter and better. 
reportRecommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Giving new life to the dead, or creating new life from the unknown. Yes, it is supernatural phenomenons. Comedy and a slice of school life, along with the very similar art of the two series. And i mean it literally, as you can compare a character from each series and only be able to find little differences in their appearance. Other than that, the plot will always take the turn for the unexpected. 
reportRecommended by Lamii
Peach-Pit’s greatest series, solid and addictive manga with great art and characters. The supernatural is a focal point in both, as the protagonist (Jun/Michiru) is an introverted person with a rather painful past who comes into contact (unwillingly at first) with beings who shouldn’t be alive: zombies in ZL, living dolls in RM. Also, Nori (Jun’s sister) & Michiru are very similar. Both are neither shoujo nor shounen and lack the usual tropes, but take a bit of both categories, and add some tragic and psychological aspects along with the horrorific ones. 
reportRecommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Worth-reading series that defy most shoujo or shounen tropes, and can be enjoyed by both demographics. Their characters try to overcome destiny, fate and death, and most of them have painful memories in their past. Both manga have a great cast of characters, an interesting and original storyline, and solid character development. They have some genres in common (action, drama, supernatural) and can be pretty depressing and bloody. Also, in both there are two factions, composed of people who have non-ordinary powers and abilities, which fight against each other. Both are underappreciated, although being the best works of a famous mangaka group/duo (Clamp & Peach-Pit). 
reportRecommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Both have main girls that have a special 'spiritual-seeing' ability, and guys that are working as shinigami to pay off their debts. Also, both mangas have a recurring theme of money and how the main characters suffer from some sort of poverty. 
reportRecommended by Seras
After the moment they die, a group of people is resurrected and given a mission to protect the people against supernatural beings, aliens in Gantz, zombies in Z-Loan. For killing this monsters they will win a reward, points in Gantz, money in Z-Loan, and if they reach an amount of points or money they will be able to come back to live again. 
reportRecommended by BlindNoldor
Both by the same mangakas. They are drama series with lots of comedy elements and caricaturesque drawings. Both deals with deep human feelings, the world of dreams and the connection between all human souls and destiny. 
reportRecommended by BlindNoldor
In order to live, they must finish the mission given to them. "Countdown 7 Days" is a one-shot while "Zombie -Loan" is 13 volume manga. 
reportRecommended by ink-and-paper
Both focus around undead hunting and have a goth like feeling and setting to them as well too. 
reportRecommended by Disapeared_Ghost
Zombies and Martial arts? How in the world can these two be related? Ohhhh maannnn you have got nooo idea how similar these two mangas are ;) I didn't see any connection (nor did i have any idea that i WOULD ever see a connection) between these mangas, but after reading a few chapters of Zombie loan (i finished reading double arts first ^^") I started to notice a lot of similarities in both the characters' personality and the situations they are put in :D I don't wanna spoil anything but *cough* like how the lead girl's life is threatened *cough* and she has to  read more 
reportRecommended by nikasanyuu
Man and girl killing vampires, two men and girl killing zombies. One of the them is actually a vampire, two of them are actually zombies. Similar atmosphere, similar feelings, similar artwork, some shoujo-ish moments. 
reportRecommended by BlindNoldor
Zombie-centered series with plenty of action and unique art styles. 
reportRecommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Horror/thriller/supernatural manga with a pleasant art style, a charming cast of characters, and tons of similarities. Both involve a secret agency (Z-Loan/Asagi Paranormal Investigation Agency) whose aim is to exterminate creepy creatures (zombies/freaks), obviously not for free. The agency's office is full of unique people, such as a despotic non-human boss (Bekko/Nanami Asagi), a pretty girl with a split personality (Koyomi Yoimachi & Yomi/Mahime Yoshino & Yahiro), a computer freak (Yuuta/Ayu), and a megane student who's basically the only normal person in the office (Michiru Kita/Naoki Amano). Both manga also have action, blood, mystery, drama, comedy, a rival office for the main agency, and gay characters. 
reportRecommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Kinda of similar. Both are supernatural, the female leads can see spiritual things, and the male leads have a unique life force per say. If you like one you will most probably like the other. Kieli only has two volumes, but they are adapted from 9 novels. 
reportRecommended by XDKeriDX
A seemingly average schoolgirl (Michiru/Sumire) with a supernatural eye-related ability (Michiru has Shinigami Eyes/Sumire can see Viruses) is pretty much forced to join a secret association (Z-Loan/Venus Vanguard) whose aim is to destroy evil creatures (zombies/viruses). Both are fun reads with plenty of mystery, drama, and action. 
reportRecommended by RenaPsychoKiller
In both manga the protagonist is a schoolgirl with an useful supernatural ability: Michiru is able to see the black ring on the neck of people who are going to die, and Chiyako sees the red thread which connects one person to another. 
reportRecommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Two uniquely skilled guys and their ever-increasing group of allies work through supernaturally-tinged cases that their unique skill sets permit them to tackle and try to grind down some of their debt. In Zombie-Loan they hunt down zombies that shouldn't be alive; in GetBackers they get back what shouldn't be gone. 
reportRecommended by lithiumflower
Even though they're not the same, they're both similar in the fact of someone hunting down creatures that even though have a human body are flesh eating monsters in reality. 
reportRecommended by HazukiSama