Niehime to Kemono no Ou
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
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Niehime to Kemono no Ou

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Princess of the sacrifice & King of the beast
Japanese: 贄姫と獣の王
English: Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 15
Chapters: 89
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 5, 2015 to Oct 20, 2020
Genres: Fantasy Fantasy, Romance Romance
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Hana to Yume
Authors: Tomofuji, Yuu (Story & Art)


Score: 7.941 (scored by 45114,511 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #8852
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1251
Members: 16,452
Favorites: 295

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Preliminary Spoiler
Feb 2, 2017
Preliminary (16/89 chp)
This is one of my favorite manga series I have seen including The Ancient Magus bride, which was my all time favorite. They may be similar in consept but the stories do differ greatly. The Ancient Magus Bride is more dark while this story is more light, pure, and adorable. Overall it is a very good manga and I hope to own my own copy for this series when I find it somewhere. So If you are fan of the Ancient Magus Bride, love cute fluffy romance, and love beauty and the beast type relationships then defiantly go check it out!! You may ...
Sep 13, 2022
Great romance, good drama. Some world building. A bit of violence and blood. Very cute, a wonderful read. Definitely recommend.

Story: 9/10
Look, this is a rehash of beauty and the beast with plenty of clichés to boot. However, what it lacks in originality it makes up in execution. I like the trials the main characters are put through, helping them grow. There is some drama due to Sariphi being a human. We see Sariphi gain more allies and open up people to the idea of peace with humans however there are other issues to ensure it doesn't get repetitive. However it feels like problems are ...
Apr 28, 2019
Preliminary (42/89 chp)
A good inspiration for stories is to look back at the classics - in this case: Beauty and the Beast. Sacrificial Princess (as I'll be calling it now, cause it's faster than the full title) is a very character-driven story that focuses on a human thrown into the world of beasts. Saliphie is originally a sacrifice to be killed by the king of beasts, but ends up living in their world as one of them.

One of my favorite things about the story from the get-go is the connection between humans and beasts. There's a history of violence and fear between the two groups, and this ...
Jan 6, 2018
Preliminary (18/89 chp)
I can really say that I enjoy this. I found it to be adorable and cute. A lot like beauty and the beast but with a bit of a twist. I am looking forward to reading more. It's a lovely little romance between a girl and a beast. He has a secret that no one knows about. He protects her, and loves her. The Demon King is pretty bad ass, super strict and doesn't like to be pushed around.

Saliphie is a pretty spunky chick who accepts her fate. She is super outgoing and will probably make you laugh with some of the stuff she ...
Oct 22, 2023
Shoujo isn’t exactly my favourite genre. Still, once in a while I give it a try, and once in a whole there is a title that surprises. Sacrificial Princess is one of those.

What’s interesting is that usually when a shoujo manga is good, it’s because it’s closer to other demographics and is shoujo more on a technicality. In this case though, it’s really a pure shoujo manga, simply with actually good writing. And by that I don’t mean that the author added sex and violence to make it appear more mature (I’m looking at you Nana). No, the characters and the themes are the main ...
Mar 23, 2019
Preliminary (42/89 chp)
I think this manga is very promising. It has a beautiful plot that really captivates the reader's heart, thanks to its wonderful characters and mysterious context.

Let's start with the characters. Our two protagonists, Saliphie and Leo, started on a "sacrifice-to be sacrificed to" relationship (I don't really know how to express it, I hope you get the idea). Saliphie is a human girl destined to be sacrificed to the King of Beasts, in accordance to the pact made between humans and beasts to end their long war. One would expect Saliphie to be scared, but quite on the contrary, she is a cheerful and positive ...
Jun 18, 2019
Preliminary (46/89 chp)
At first when I read this story i thought it was a short beauty and beast story that is until politics came into the picture and then it spiraled from there. From Saliphie/Sariphie struggling to stay by the King's side and become his queen and vise versa with the king trying to make have his people accept her as their queen. You can see the many trails and obstacles they go through, even if there are many cliques through out the story and their adventure they still hold onto each other dearly and embrace what life has to throw at them. from my last read ...
Apr 14, 2021
Preliminary (83/89 chp)
Bro this shit is the most wholesome and rejuvenating thing I've ever read like bruh its so sweet and the characters look really cool.

It says I gotta make a longer review but I'm so exited for the anime adaptation I cant wait. Also The Ancient Magus Bride is taking its time getting here so I hope its worth it. Also if you use the bee network help a brother out and use my code: Jagaur (ik i spelled jaguar wrong I was dumby mode) we both benefit from it. i hope this is long enough but yall should read this A$AP
Apr 5, 2023
This manga is a simple yet delightful fantasy shoujo that will be enjoyed by both fans of shoujo manga and fans of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale. Although it does not attempt anything new within the genre and occasionally dives into classic shoujo tropes, it is still a fun read.

Story: 7/10
If you are looking for a revolutionary fantasy manga that tries to do new things, then I would not recommend this; however, the story is still fun and engaging. The setting is fantastical and immersive, and the characters all have their own charms. I personally would have gone in a slightly different ...
Nov 12, 2022
Well, a rehash of the original Beauty and the Beast, but it differs enough to be distinct. Usually I don't really like stories where the the main character is a Mary Sue, however in this case the execution was really good, so it hit me right in the feels. Hence, the whole story is kinda idealistic, and naive, but sometimes it is good to fantasize about a better world. If you want to escape from the reality, than this one is for you.

This is a romance at the core, so the characters are one of the most important aspect, and they are excellent. Despite most ...