This is among the most contrived and barren waste of spaces I've ever read. In retrospect, it was entirely obvious how this was going to end out when I started reading this, but oh well.
It can hardly be called Comedy or Romance. Adult or mature sure, but not comedy and certainly not romance. It's among the crudest most fan service based manga catering to the lowest common denominator in the manga community. A barely present story with little substance or originality. An extremely rushed (certainly axed) ending. A pathetic, unemotional and implausible romance. And finally an excess of pointless and clumsy events and characters to
Alternative TitlesJapanese: アイドルな彼女とヲタクな僕と InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 27
Status: Finished
Published: May 20, 2014 to Oct 18, 2016
Young Champion Retsu Statistics Ranked: #200782 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #4250
Members: 5,260
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Your Feelings Categories Aug 11, 2022
Idol na Kanojo to Wotaku na Bokuto is a manga about the relationship between an idol and her fan, in which the nerdy fan becomes the idol's slave, as the story shows they keeping this relationship while trying to hide it from other people. The setting is the idol scene in Japan, showing both the good and bad things about it, which is mostly pretty well known already, but can be revealing if you are not familiar with it. There are many things happening in the story, like a trial to decide who will be the idol group's center, the MC helping the girls in