After years within the anime & manga community, I have come across a particular argument time & time again; "the manga/light novel/visual novel is better". This is usually in a bid to get people to check out the original source material, after witnessing a lacklustre anime/live action adaptation collapse in on itself.
Well Rosario + Vampire is a perfect example of such a case, whether you enjoy this kind of manga or not, the community has come to a unanimous agreement that this particular manga is worlds better than it’s unexpectedly popular anime adaptation. And it’s surprising how serious people get about it, given that
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Rosario and Vampire Japanese: ロザリオとバンパイア More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 10
Chapters: 40
Status: Finished
Published: Jul 6, 2004 to May 5, 2007
Shounen Jump (Monthly) Authors:
Ikeda, Akihisa (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #24222 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #152
Members: 98,593
Favorites: 3,581 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 39 / 41
Your Feelings Categories May 24, 2008
I keep asking myself why didn't I read this sooner?!?!Actually I know why : because of a stupid reason.While browsing the database of one of my favorite manga websites,I stumbled upon this manga.The title was good,the summary was good,everything was good except for the "ecchi" part included in the genre tags.So I just thought to myself : nah!I'm not in the mood for reading ecchi stuff.This is for boys,maybe some other time....So I kept on avoiding Rosario + Vampire ( actually those ecchi stuff are barely noticeable;they're not even worth being called ecchi,so I avoided this manga basically for nothing
Nov 27, 2008
Rosario + Vampire isn't anything special. Now I'll start by saying it isn't your typical harem manga, being set in a school full of different monsters, so I'll start with a good note and applaud them for abit of originality on that part.
But the praise dies there; the same recycled plot device and non-existant character development gets painfully old fast, the characters in general are so generic it's unbelieveable, like "here's typical loser harem protaganist"surrounded by lots of women who love him...*yawn* Now atleast with other harem mangas the setting changes abit, like there'll be a scene in school, then maybe at lunch or after ... Feb 21, 2013
Ah Rosario+Vampire, my first encounter with this series a sour one manly because I watched both seasons of the Anime version first. I was not really impressed since it was just your stereotypical harem Anime that it actually made me facepalm more than once. Afterwords I was interested to see if the source material was any better (i.e. the Manga) and I got to say this is what the Anime "SHOULD" of been. The story was good, the fights were well done and even characters are better portrayed here. So with out further a due, here's my review.
The Story: The story ... May 27, 2015
Now to talk about what I consider to be one of the best cases of the manga being superior to the anime, Rosario + Vampire.
Story - 10/10 15 year old Tsukune Aono enrolls at the Youkai Academy, due to the fact that no other high school will accept him, and while walking from the bus to the school, a girl named Moka Akashiya crashes into him - who reveals herself to be a vampire by sucking Tsukune's blood. After arriving at the school, he quickly realizes that the school is actually a school for monsters. And it turns out that Moka is in his ... Mar 16, 2015
So, a show that's been plagiarized by none other than our great ecchi lords Gonzo, yet everyone keeps praising the manga for not being the same battle harem. Well... too bad, because that's exactly what it is! Rosario to Vampire at its core is a school harem with battle shounen elements. It is Season II where the battle shounen elements take precedence and overshadow the harem so much that you will forget it's entire first season aside from ONE key event.
RECOMMENDATION: Read this as a school harem with supernatural elements and you'll have an okay time. The structure is largely episodic building up to a ... Dec 5, 2011
When you think about vampires now a days, it's probably those piece of crap Twilight movies you think of. The vampires that shine in the sunlight, the vampires that don't get killed with a wooden stick to the heart, the vampires that now have fans fighting over Team Jacob and Team Edward. Well Japan likes the old vampires just the way they are. And Akihisa Ikeda likes to put a twist on a vampire, but keeps a lot of their classic species just the way it is. Rosario+Vampire is a great read. It is about a boy named Tsukune Aoto, he flunked the eigth grade
Aug 3, 2010
A good friend first told me about this manga months ago and it various traits; the vampires and monsters, the school setting and the fact it was meant to have a action sub genre instantly reminded me of the American hit Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was a really cool show that worked really well and I had expectations back then that R+V would be the same. Sadly though I later had a bad experience on how to ruin the same concepts listed above. And of course I don’t think you even need half a brain cell to know what I’m referring to is the
Jul 9, 2012
To start off with, if you haven't read the manga, this review will contain spoilers, so read really, dont read it, you must have read the manga before you read this review, dont say I didnt warn you.
I will be diving into the basics of a review. The story, the artwork, and of course the characters. Rosario Vampire is, to begin with, a typical shounen manga, not breaking the norm of any kind when it comes to supernatural beings and humans being thrown into the mix to make things interesting. Aono Tsukune, a 15 year old human, is put into an academy for monsters in ... Aug 12, 2020
Squint. Squint hard, darn it.
The story... starts off pretty generic. But it grows. It is classic formula, reminiscent of Love Hina with it's "vacation" arcs. There's a repetition, a monster-of-the-week drama, where Tsukune or someone else makes a mistake and has to do some character-development and apologizing before the villain is defeated. However, unlike many repetitive formulas, these small, incremental moments of growth pay off. The story and overarching plot sneaks up on you, bit by bit... Squint hard at the characters: Especially Moka and her inner-self. The subtlety in how she grows to accept Tsukune and the rest of the cast as her friends is... ... Feb 26, 2010
May contain slight spoilers. So be warned.
Story: 4 Well, there is hardly any plot at all. It basically follows a generic formula(of the most generic kind i've ever read) of meet some new bad guys every chapter or two, give some basic generic cliche background, and then fight. It would not matter that much, however, the fights are just as generic and boring as the story, and so are their powers. Even the fights formula is generic, and they always start and end the same way(you'll know when you read it). Rinse and repeat. There is no suspense whatsoever, except for perhaps one arc which concerns ... Oct 20, 2010
Ok, i dont usually say this about many mangas but...... ROSARIO VAMPIRE ROX!!!
it has a perfect amount of adult humour, immature humour, comedy, action and storyline!! the only downside to this manga is that the battles between moka and the monsters all end the same. it's all she has her rosario pulled off, tsukune is almost dead, moka bites him and infuses her blood, tsukune turns into a rampaging human x vampire, he punches the monster, blood comes out of their mouths and it just goes over and over!!! But other than that, the art, story and characters are totally awesome. If you enjoy Ikki Tousen or ... Dec 16, 2011
I must admit that I've seen Rosario+Vampire anime even before starting reading manga, so I had some sort of expectations. Generally, Rosario+Vampire is story about human guy Aono Tsukune, who couldn't find any other high schools that would accept him except for the Youkai (monster) academy, which is actually protected by grand barrier preventing humans to enter. What is the real reason that he's able to enter the academy remains a secret.
Alright, let's move on. In the very beginning of story, he bumps into beautiful vampire Akashiya Moka and they start to get along very well. She's not that ordinary kind of bloody murderous vampire, ... Jul 8, 2015
I'll try my best to net let Season 2 influence my ratings on the first season, but I can't promise anything.
Story: The basis of this manga is the harem genre. If you don't like harems, fear not, for there is more to it than just that. First of all, we have an interesting setting, a human at a monste school with monster girls all over him. And while the romance is always there, the main focus soon turns to the fights. Rosario + Vampire is a unique mix between Action and Romance that should offer something for everybody. And if you're not sure if you wanna ... Jun 2, 2011
I first tryed out Rosario + Vampire at a sleepover with a friend who happened to own the first volume. I was drawn in by the good art and a plot summary on the back whit sounded interesting. I started reading it and soon learned that it was an ecchi.
However, I was gladdened to learn that, although being an ecchi, it doesn't shoot for bras and panty shots every five panels like some series in this genre tend to. Instead, it often seems to shoot more for action, romance and sometimes even drama. Story: 6/10 Although being enjoyable in its own right, the plot is very ... Nov 24, 2008
Plot. Substance. Two words you can say that this manga, without a doubt, has none of. In fact, this manga has nothing to be proud of except for its babes. Character development has gone AWOL for this poor guy. RV revolves around an indecisive loser who seems to have accumulated a flock of bombshells, yet, being the loser he is, manages to score cero. And although it may seem like there is a plot and substance, they are mere mirages of suspense.
If you ever find yourself bored with only manga to accompany you, and you are male and interested in PWP without the first P, ... Jun 23, 2008
I love this story I wished I got to it much sooner I came acrossed it before it seemed alright but I just ignored it. While I read other manga's but once I read most other manga's of anime's I've watch and stuff and was bored. I decided to check it finally and once I read the first chapter I just fall in love with this story. I tought it was great that a normal human (Tsukune) pretty much fell in love with Moka the vampire at first glance or in Moka's case first bite hehe. And then he starts collecting other girls on the
Nov 10, 2012
Before doing anything this will be my first review. Also don't kill me for bad grammar English is not my first language or even my second it's my third.
Story - 8 I gave the story an eight because it started out boring and typical (opinion) as a harem, romance, comedy manga which was what I expected at first, but eventually the manga turned into something deep and dark and was great, but it isn't something you expected right? So it was great but not expected which is why it was an 8. Art - 8 Alright don't kill me here, but I really don't have anything to say ... Apr 5, 2009
I'm a reader that's fairly new to manga, so these reviews of mine should be read with that in mind.
On the surface, Rosario+Vampire is a lot of why I never got into Japanese manga & anime before; it's chock-full of clichés. The school setting, the unwanted harem, the monster-of-the-week common plot, etc etc. I was pointed to it by friends who told me "It's better than it sounds", and indeed it is. For one thing, it gets better with time. The art improves, the stories improve, and the characters improve. The story does get darker from about half-way through this first run, ... Mar 28, 2015
So, to start my review off, let's just put out that I watched the anime first. And found that lacking. However, after a several month break, I took it upon my self to start reading the manga, which many people had found better. I was both pleasantly, and unpleasantly surprised.
Story (7/10): This is the area I feel the most conflicted over. It started out pretty mediocre, like the anime, but over time became more complex and interesting. Eventually, I started very much enjoying it. The story arcs were always interesting, and I enjoyed the fact that the main character was not stagnant, like so many ... |