Spirit of Wonder holds true to it's name. Kenji Tsurutas art style is most defniatly it's strongest merit ,but it is not it's only one.
The story takes place in Bristol ,England, in the early 20th century. Our main characters are of course the charming `little Miss China´ ,her love interest Jim Floyd, the flower lady Liilly as well as the `mad´ scientist Breckenridge.
There are 3 storys about their daily life at Miss China's Restaurant , where Breckenridge and Jim are tendents of the upper floor, devising all kind's of scientific experiments. Some of them with astounishing resaullt's like being able to carve a birthday message
Alternative TitlesJapanese: Spirit of Wonder More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 12
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 21, 1986 to Nov 25, 1994
Morning Authors:
Tsuruta, Kenji (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #158122 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #7296
Members: 2,864
Favorites: 6 Resources | Reviews
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Your Feelings Categories Mar 26, 2024
*Spirit of Wonder,* even when making reference to scientific principles, is a collection that makes no pretense about being scientifically accurate. If anything, it banks on using its ridiculous jargon and long-winded explanations as part of the larger theme of exploring and daring to dream or experience fanciful, almost-impossible things. So when a group aspires to use a blimp to get to Mars, you put the rational part of your brain away and just let the group have their adventure and cheer them on. After all, going to Mars is cool, right? And hasn't every scientist or mathematician at some point had to ask, "But