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Mar 15, 2025
I just finished From today on, it's my turn and i loved it. The following has some spoilers where i put a [{ }] :
What impressed me most is the character dynamics, they dont change much ,but they are beeing shown again and again, showcasing the friendships. The fights are great, so i get what poeple mean when they say its a manga about fighting, for me though it was mostly a comedy ,which had a lot of fighting and used this (most of the time) for comedic purpose. Mitsuhashi somehow stays likeable trough out the series , even though it is a tight
rope ballance. Itou is a more typical main character in most other stories, but here he works as a great second mate. SPOILERS: [{ Imai and Yasuo are a great comedic relief pair and Imai shows so much heart a bunch of times , even thou he is the target of so many shenanigans happening and gets hurt the most. Riko is a great female lead and luckily for Mitsuhashi knows how to defend herself in most circumstances. Would have loved to see more of their romantic relationship ,but i guess it just isn't that kind of story , seeing as even Kyoko (Itous girlfriend) wasnt shown as much romanticly with her partner, even though they where together since pretty much the beginning. I also would have loved for Imai to get together with Ryouko (banana girl, if you know you know ;) but in my headcanon they did anyway eventually. Nakano also got some suprisingly good development ,glad to have had him on the team for the later half. The villans were usally good ,even though they needed guns to be a foe to overcome in the last few dozen chapters. All the sidecharacters had their moments to shine as well. }] SPOILERS END
The story isn't anything too complicated. It's straightforward fun at school as a delinquent with a good heart. Though at times this good life ,has to be protected. Which the boys do wholeheartedly.
The art is good , and must have been even top notch back in the day. The simple panels and clearly visible faces remind me most of other older stories like ashita no joe or even dragon ball. It serves the story well.
My enjojment was always high while reading this , even though i was sober :P
Very funny stuff , i had to laugh a bunch of times.
Characters: 9
Story: 7,5
Art: 7,5
Enjoyment: 8,5
Overall: 8,125 ,so it an 8 on mal
Would read again and definately recommend it
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 25, 2025
If you are reading this i assume you ether read the prior manga or don't care about spoilers.
Which is why i recommend this sequel and choose mixed feelings for the earlier part. Because this isn't a work enjoyed by everyone, but it is very much so with a required taste.
Protag-kun continues his settlement simulator in bunny village, adds new things, invites more people and makes deals with all kinds of top dogs. He also goes out to adventure more and saves more girls along the way. First a adventurer girl and her trap friend in a dungeon they accompanied him too , later the
lil holy maiden and her best friend and last but not least so far the half demon princess and an actual princess of a defeated country turned slave. We see the first big monsters in the form of angels and demons ,as well as a mysterious opponent taunting protag-kun with writings in the dungeon (like it is a game designer of this current world or something).
After all that is taken care of with the demons and angels for now ,we move to the demon continent. Here he decides to help the for mentioned half demon dauther of the local demon duke to take revenge on her father for mistreating her (torture and stuff). In this demon land he also rescues the princess of the recently destoryed kingdom north of his village. She has a big attitude problem from being forced to fend for herself in demon country and became very twisted (or maybe she kinda was before too). The story doesnt go much further then that at this point in time. I am very much looking forward to more of it though, since this is my guilty pleasure. It is a very quick read
Story: 6 Characters: 6 Art: 7 Pacing: 7 Enjoyment: 7
Overall: 6,6 which i gladly round up to a 7
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 25, 2025
Ok since nobody reviewed this with a more foregiving view, i will see to it.
It is pretty basic isekai slob in concept. The art is good and stylized. The characters are more momorable then in most manga of its nature, isekai. Their is a greater story , though you will not reach it here yet ,since the sequel manga is still on going.
It is most definitely a guilty pleasure for me. No not because of the underage girls ,but because of its isekai troupes. Which are done in just the right way ,even though nobody would call it great. If i had to give an
example, its a lot like watching a b-movie like sharknaido.
Basically it's a overlord that takes its time and has even more ecci.
The following contains light spoilers for anyone on the fence about it:
Our protaganist gets transported to another world (duh) as his maincharacter from the game he programmed himself (the demon lord of that game). His abilitys get unlocked with time and he is able to summen more of his original npc's, which offer pretty funny dialogue at times. They are in this new world with even less clue whats going on then protag-kun but dominate it nonetheless. For example we have a mad scientist female docter that likes shotas and a military jack of all trades with a sister complex. with their help protag-kun starts helping out the first village he arrives at (a bunny people village) and adds things like an Onsen and a hospital pretty quickly. Their is also politics ,which are rather well put together for its genre. Most things beyond are explored in the sequel manga, which you will seek out if you also found this to be to your liking. The Anime adaptation is worse ,but has the key elements.
Hope this lets you know it it is for you or not.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 27, 2022
Spirit of Wonder holds true to it's name. Kenji Tsurutas art style is most defniatly it's strongest merit ,but it is not it's only one.
The story takes place in Bristol ,England, in the early 20th century. Our main characters are of course the charming `little Miss China´ ,her love interest Jim Floyd, the flower lady Liilly as well as the `mad´ scientist Breckenridge.
There are 3 storys about their daily life at Miss China's Restaurant , where Breckenridge and Jim are tendents of the upper floor, devising all kind's of scientific experiments. Some of them with astounishing resaullt's like being able to carve a birthday message
for Miss China into the moon.
All of these main plot lines are being sweetened by Miss Chinas charming and bashful actions and gestures. She will cook and clean after you but you better be paying her , her dues, espacially rent ;) . She also kicks a lot of butt in this, literally.
The art is great as all of the authors work is. In fact it's some of my very favorite. He has a particullar style when drawing , especially when drawing women that just sooth's my soul.
He takes ages to finish a Manga, and it really always shows just how much effort went in.
It's a quick read and i can't recommend it enough.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 3, 2020
So i just finished this manga and i liked it.
It starts off with our main protagonist Mayu Minakuchi, a cute and shy girl. getting molested by an old Guy on the train. Coming to her rescue is Yuki , a also cute looking, girlish boy. For a matter of fact , Mayu mistakes him for a boy at first ,since he also wears typical girl clothes. So in case you didn't know yet ,yes this is a manga about cross-dressing, but it is foremost a story about romance.
The cross-dressing aspect is handled very maturely though and is a staple of our times being more
progressive then the past by showing how it is just another part of the person and not an all defining characteristic. The author also knows when to play it for laughs ,like with one of our supporting cast ,Kei.
Kei gets dragged into the cross-dressing world trough Yuki ,and is initially acting as our springboard to recognising the lightheartedness of it and that some people do it for money (as in a job) or a hobby (fun/fulfillment). He is paired up with Asuka ,Mayu's best friend, who is a bit of a genki girl (meaning she has energy to spare and is mostly straight forward). I enjoyed their dynamic as well that they enriched the plot by a lot, daring our main couple to move things along.
Jumping forward in time by a lot so you may enjoy this Manga for yourself ;)
I enjoyed the ending ,a lot of people seemed to want more ,but i felt the author told us probably everything they wanted too with this story and it ended on a high note for me. Showcasing that it is better to end it while still at your best.
I would have given this a 7,5 if not for the kinda unconnected story threads. This seems to be the case ,because of the format of it's release. It was my first manga where they would release a single page everyday instead of a chapter for the week/month and i think it hurt the story a bit as a whole.
It wasn't to bad, but recognizable.
Story: 5. Nothing special (except for the obvious) but sufficient since other area's shine.
Art: 5. It looks fine ,nothing extraordinarily though.
Characters: 7. This is the pushing grace of it all. They are all very lovable and just put a smile on your face.
Enjoyment: 6. I read most of it while at work so it enriched my day their by quite a lot :P
Overall: 6. A fine read worth recommending to anyone who enjoys laid back atmosphere in their media ,at least every so often. A must read for people who don't see the normality of guy's wanting to dress like girl's yet or are on the fence about it =) it'll give you some insight.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 26, 2020
Slight spoiler's ahead.
So i have watched mob psycho twice alone and once with two of my closest friends. Seen it all: subbed, dubbed, and german dubbed. I looked at it from a lot of perspectives if you will.
Mob starts off as a kinda wimpy ,shy Kid who has a big heart but trouble expressing it. This is actually already all plot relevant since mob got this way out of a fear of hurting his little brother (and others). Because Mob isn't your typical Schoolkid who just simply has a low view on life. Mob has psycokinetic abiitys ,which if left unchecked could hurt everyone
he cares for. Than a crucial encounter happens to mob. He meets the madlad Reigen Aratake. Who just says something half out of his ass but it leaves such an impact on mob that it gives him hope and he starts slowly to work on himself.
We do not have to go trough everything in this much of a detailed fashion ,but i had to for his character introduction :) .
So Mob likes this girl since kindergarden and starts training with the Bodyimprovement club (which are all amazing side characters). They don't judge mob for never having trained before and just honestly wanna help him, cause it is their mentality to help anyone who puts in the work and gives his best.
Meanwhile Mob's brother Ritsu is trying desperatly to improve his psychokinetic abilitys which he doesn't have at all at the begining. The two brothers are pretty much opposites and their relationship & interactions give the first season a lot of ground to work on.
Reigen is a B class Conartist who made a living out of it. So he uses mob at the beginning for his own benefit and get's more customers that way. What is it that Reigen does exactly? He massages people, vistits abondened places and releaves people of their sarrow. What his customers don't know though is that he is a fake, he can't even see ghosts , forget getting rid of them. And this is where he finds a use with mob. Who can exterminate them all ,noproblemo. They do grow attached to each other ,even though Reigen is pretty unfair to Mob often and keeps on lying to him. But Mob get's argueably even more out of their relationship. He gets to use his powers and trough this learns better control. Even more important though he gets a friend and mentor.
The first one to break mob's control and makes him go over the edge is Teruki (blonde,male marge simpson). Teruki is also an Esper who went trough life similar to mob ,believing he was the only one with this power. He showed them off and trough them became the king of his school ,again contrasting to Mob who doesn't like to show his powers off or even tell most people about it. After their encounter he realises how mistaking his believes about himself were and makes a 180° ,becoming an ally to Shigeo aka Mob. And Mob soon need's all the ally's he can get.
So now we get to our antaganist. Claw, a gathering of people (more commonly known as a organization) who have special powers of warying degree. They believe they are better the the normal pleab on the street and strieve for world domination. Because they mistake Ritsu with Shigeo, they capture mob's little bro. And of course Mob goes to rescue him with his new nakama Teruki and Pimple. Who is Pimple u ask ,our mascot of course. But serously Pimple is sweet ;) he starts off wanting to take over Kageyama's body but sincerly grows attached to Mob (Pimple is a ghost). Together they make their way to the secret claw base and awesomeness ensues.
Art: 10/10
Bones is the animation studio and it really shows. They bring their A-game and make it feel like a abstract artportray hanging in the Van Gogh museum or something. They were able to do this while still implementing One's uniquely great terrible artstyle. The fights leap of the screen and are some of the best the medium hast to offer. (One is the creator)
Artdesign: 10/10
The Characterdesign's are very out there and different from your average A-1 show or something. This makes them alot more memorable and help's with showing their quirky sides. Espacially the villains feel wholey unique and stand out a lot. Of course the same goes for the various ghost's in the show.
The backgrounds suck you into the world and give a good balance to the oddlooking characters. Of course the backgrounds are often mashed together when mob goes wild ,where they become a spectacule by themsleves.
Character's: 10/10
Every character in the show has more to them then their inital gimmik. The main cast is well fleshed out and always growing together wih everyone else.
We are givin a lot of different thinking people in the show ,who even when they start of on opposite sides and mentalitys can learn to find also the similarities with each other and later focus more on those. Mob and Reigen's interactions are especially heartwarming (they are contenders for best bromance easily).
Story: 9/10
The story is well thought out and moves along quite naturally. Everything is kinda plot relevant and it is compressed quite nicely, so much so that i would have probably enjoyed a bit more *filler* scenes that just show some more of his daily activities and encounters (but that's just me wanting more of this;).
Soundtrack: 8/10
The Opening is great ,even though i have heard from friends that they just can't dig the counting out of math phobia :P The ending is very awesome as well, I have both on my phone. The OST lends itself well to the animations in the fast parts as well as the slower ones. The OST as a whole is great for the series but maybe not too suitable to hear by itself alone. (though their are of course exceptions to this like Hatsukoi no Kimochi!)
Enjoyment: 10/10
The whole cast is fun to watch and if you ever had trouble adjusting to other people then Mob will be relatable, even though he has crazy powers ;) .
I was hooked all the way and always wanted continue watching it immediatly on the second and third viewing (for the first i had to wait from week to week...) . The Characters are uniquely likeable, the fights look amazing, the progression is there and the whole thing is just loveable in all it's wacky glory.
I would recommend it to anyone who has been around the block a few times =) basically seen a few gateway anime atleast already and isn't epileptic (their is a lot of colourful,intense animation ,might wanna take it slow if you give it a try).
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 17, 2019
So i just finished the last vol. today (at work lol) and i have to say i enjoyed it ,but for different reasons that i had originally thought. I was expecting this to be a long running shonen ,like bleach or naruto and found out after reading the first 3 vol. that it wasn't going to go that route. If this manga is better off for it , is left for discussion ,but for what we got i have to say it was very enjoyable and compressed ( which makes it easier to share with friends). Our protagonist is very likeable and since the length
of this manga , learns rather fast and isn't heading down the usual cliches , like having 4 different girls hovering over him or learning something only to ignore it in the next chapter. The side characters are also well fleshed out and have a good and memorable design (especially Ichika :). I found the story to be well structured ,but you could have done at least twice as much with it. All in all i can recommend it to almost anybody with love for the medium but especially to anyone who liked bleach a lot but thought it should have been shorter.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 15, 2019
I found this manga while browsing trough random completed manga ,looking for anything that cought my eye. That i would find a good one on the first try today was very lucky, but it kinda sucks that it wasn't, and probably never will, be finished. I really liked the setting and the development of friendship between our two protaganists. If i had to compare it to any other story it would be *the magus bride*. Other than that if you like fantasy and perhaps something more laid back , give it a read. It's short and will leave you wanting for more ,but also
probably being satisfied with the time you just spend ,at least thats how i felt =)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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