Boku wa Kiss de Uso wo Tsuku
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Boku wa Kiss de Uso wo Tsuku

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Soprano, Anna no Kami ga Nagai Wake, Hakka Drops, Mysterious Honey
Japanese: 僕はキスで嘘をつく


Type: Manga
Volumes: 2
Chapters: 10
Status: Finished
Published: Apr 24, 2008 to Oct 24, 2008
Genre: Comedy Comedy
Themes: Reverse Harem Reverse Harem, School School
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Cheese!
Authors: Touma, Rei (Story & Art)


Score: 7.441 (scored by 72777,277 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #34712
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1609
Members: 13,485
Favorites: 90



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Preliminary Spoiler
Mar 9, 2009
Preliminary (4/10 chp)
It's the latest spin on the who-dun-it: Kiss Mystery! Who kissed me?! Was it the dreamy heartthrob who's always teasing me, the popular but aloof senpai, my athletic and infatuated classmate or a kind looking junior? Meiko is on good terms with all four schoolmates who visit the library often and have all seemed mildly interested in her. But it isn't so easy to figure out the perpetrator when everyone is falling all over each other claiming they're the one who kissed her even when they aren't.

Let’s start with what us shoujo readers look for first, the art. Plus 12! Clean lines, elegant almost aristocratic ...
Dec 21, 2009
Preliminary (5/10 chp)
I found this manga somewhat by random, and wasn't disappointed, but certainly was not blown away. What caught on to me that made me want to read it (besides the fact that it's a reverse harem) was the very appealing and eye catching art. The visuals are great, with clean, smooth lines and well drawn characters.

The characters are all stereotypes in one form or another, not that this is necessarily a bad thing; whether this was done on purpose or not, it seems to apply true for the guys in the series: the "ladies' man", the "smart guy with glasses", the "easygoing jock guy", ...
May 25, 2011
Mixed Feelings
This manga had the potential of being great if the characters were well developed and if the story was given more depth and written in detail . The artwork was really good - clean and beautiful. If you're looking for a reverse harem shoujo manga, then yeah this would be it given 4 eye candies. I didn't really liked the heroine in here since she came off as the typical shoujou heroine being weak and vulnerable and stuff. Aside from the 3 main characters, the other characters weren't really given room for progress let alone a good background and seemed like they were just written ...
Jul 3, 2011
Preliminary (7/10 chp)
Once you get into story it gets really interesting. With these all the guys that may have kissed her it so nerve racking that one of them was the culprit, you just keep thinking who did, was it him, or him, so it wasn't him, wait it really was him huh, maybe it was him instead. When she found out who it REALLY was the story gets all sweet and you see the culprit's point of view. The story has some surprising parts and some humor here and there. If you want a enjoyable manga/story to read or to kill some time I'll recommend this.
Feb 21, 2010
Preliminary (7/10 chp)
It is a nice little who-done it. Very cute and enjoyable. For me, I really was guessing till the end. Even though I had my pick for who I wanted it to be from the very beginning! I was happily surprised! This manga does have you routing for everyone!

The art work is beautiful. The eye expressions are fantastic. You are really drawn in. I am a sucker for a beautifully drawn manga, and I had no complaints at all! I really loved it!!

This is a truly wonderful and enjoyable manga! I would suggest this to anyone who is looking for a short little manga to ...
Dec 3, 2010
Preliminary (7/10 chp)
(7)Story: I felt the set-up was cliche with the premise of a "mystery kiss" and all of that. Despite this, I actually really liked the idea. That is, until I came to understand some of the characters' motives and (let me tell you) I was not impressed.

(9)Art: The art had to be the most impressive part of the whole manga. I (like many other girls) appreciate a good bishie and there were plenty of them in this manga. The art was also very consistent and flowed well, although I felt like some of the angles were a bit repetitive.

(6)Character: And here is the fatal wound ...
Jul 24, 2011
Preliminary (7/10 chp)
I Found this manga at random , it has this ironic idea of a girl who goes into the library every single day to read mystery novels , until one day she gets wrapped up in her own mystery by trying to find out the person who stole her first kiss .

The manga has the proper length it wasn't too short or too long , every guy had his own role to play and overall the story was quite enjoyable .

Art : the art was really enjoyable and easy to the eye , it was consistent in every chapter so you won't feel annoyed ...
Jun 12, 2016
Mixed Feelings
Story 6/10: To be completely honest there really wasn't much of a story other than who was the one who kissed her in the library. The story mainly focuses on romance scene after romance scene which quite frankly bugged me a little because I found it a little cheesy but I guess I shouldn't complain because this manga is suppose to be about romance anyway. I just wish it didn't seem so completely rushed.

Art 9/10: I really have no complaints about the art I thought the main character had a really pretty design and all the guys were pretty hot as well, It was making ...
Jul 17, 2016
This manga was pretty cute. Short and somewhat gratifying, I would say. Nothing truly spectacular about it except the art (JESUS, Touma can blend eyes to perfection and she draws people very well annndd does an excellent job of drawing facial emotional expressions). And if you like Touma's art style, check out Reimei no Arcana.

I have to warn you, Meiko (main character) keeps trying to solve her problems by running away at everything (you see her run away so often you wonder how people are able to have conversations with her XD ). I probably found that the funniest in the manga.

If you are willing ...