Yeah, this is probably the greatest shit I've ever witnessed, assuming there isn't some awesome and sexy girl handball manga seeping under some smelly dark corner of mangatown where sun doesn't shine.
I would end the review here but MAL is telling me that my expertly summered up thoughts on this masterpiece are not quite detailed or up to snuff by MAL standards. So in order to gain the ability to click the fucking ''Submit'' button, I'm gonna review the most important aspect of this masterpiece and that's, of course, girls. That includes of deciding who's tha best ya no. I mean ,It's not like this
Alternative TitlesJapanese: マイぼーる! InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 16
Chapters: 107
Status: Finished
Published: Jul 27, 2012 to Mar 22, 2019
Team Sports
Young Animal Authors:
Inoue, Sora (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #116802 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #5094
Members: 4,305
Favorites: 39 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 4 / 4
Your Feelings Categories Sep 8, 2016
Mai Ball is a manga for my balls, if y'all know wha' i'm sayin'.
It's a work for my dork, a nod to my rod, something silly for my willy, great fun for my cum gun. The premise might be women's soccer, football, whatever the hell you call it, but it's mostly just a cockpleaser. I have nothing against some raunchy comedy, but this is nothing new. It's generic in every aspect. It's fun to read but nothing outstanding. I came for the boobs, i stayed for the boobs. Still don't care about football, but at least now i have a ball in my hand ... Aug 21, 2020
So this will probably be a review that nobody cares about but read the two other reviews I just thought I throw my 2 cents in at actually giving somebody interested in this manga an actual review XD.
Story: 7 It has a kinda rocky start as it comes out being a generic comedy with soccer as a backdrop but I would say by the second match this manga becomes a half decent sports manga with a surprisingly likable team of quirky characters which if your curious one the reviews below basically lists the personalities of all of them. Art: 8 The art is good as ... Oct 7, 2023
Hum this is i not a bad manga at all but i feel that some part are not well mastered by the mangaka particularly about the sport part the ecchi it s definitively fine, even though this sometime some ecchi flashback scenes are placed in times that cut you out from the match and make it hard to recall where you where when the manga retourn in the match.
the characters become more and more interesting as you re advance but i have to say that even if the drawing is nice and dinamic, very often the way the mangakadrws the scenes ... |