Mar 8, 2017
Yeah, this is probably the greatest shit I've ever witnessed, assuming there isn't some awesome and sexy girl handball manga seeping under some smelly dark corner of mangatown where sun doesn't shine.
I would end the review here but MAL is telling me that my expertly summered up thoughts on this masterpiece are not quite detailed or up to snuff by MAL standards. So in order to gain the ability to click the fucking ''Submit'' button, I'm gonna review the most important aspect of this masterpiece and that's, of course, girls. That includes of deciding who's tha best ya no. I mean ,It's not like this
masterpiece gained your attention in MAL recommendations for some other reason, you filthy fuck.
Now, as someone who enjoys regularly mentally damaging himself by reading this type of shit, I've seen many top tier girls. From slick and thick ones in Soma, cute shojo ones in Hare Kon, that one girl model that Seo draws in his every single manga to bench pressing gym girls in Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru. This manga probably takes the cake. Most trash that slugs it's way to the the top of the ''ecchi'' tag on mangafox-town-here-panda tends to think that big eye lolies, giant boob bimboes, spike chin girls or whatever the fuck Nozoki Ana is, are visually pleasing to sane and healthy male person. Someone would say that taste is subjective, in which case I'd smack you and said that you pick your horrible filth of a taste up and make it crawl back into the smelly corner of the room where it came from. I like mangas where girls anatomy makes sense in the context of the story, and it's all the batter if they work for it.
If you're like me, the first thing you have in mind when you see manga about girls playing football is:'' What kind of insanely good body would they have if they play such physical sport as football?'' . The answer is, thick. Girls have that great body and slightly chubby face design that TOSH uses in Soma, yet distinctive enough in eyes to feel different. The main thing that makes this already good design god tier it's that these girls train, and thus they have god given thick butts and legs. It's just insane, they never feel like they have unnatural mussels but it just so thiiiiiiiiiic, which makes it even better when they live their goddamn soul on the terrain
We have have very diverse pallet of girls to pick form, but for the sake of not making me completely lose will to live because of writing this garbage, I'm just gonna focus on the main girl team:
First we have a captain and striker Reika, long white hair tsundere bitch queen. Best player in the team. Probably the least thic in the group, average boobs. Has great slick athletic body tho. Second best blushes in the group. Really wants to fuck the coatch.
Next, we have second striker Mai, main girl, quirky idiot who is probably the most talented player in the team even though she doesn't know how the game works. Good body, thiiiiiiiiiic legs, nice boobs, eh face, doesn't know what she's doing half of the time. Probably fucked the coatch.
Now we have left middle Kiiro, hyperactive idiot that really likes to run around, and that's it
Next is right middle chidori, loli with thick legs, just for you, you filthy fuck.
After that we have my favorite middle control Mitsu, nasty chick with tomboy tag all over her, yells at people and knows how to get shit done. Adorable mean face, great body, best blushes in the group, thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic legs, dribbles like crazy. Probably likes to be always on top.
Next is middle passer Yuoko, lazy weeb who plays games all day. Good body, thic booty, gets tired fast even though she just passes the ball. Probably will fart on you during the sex.
Next on the list are wing defense twins Akame and Aoi Shimagawa, curly pigtail chicks. Have edgy past, good athletic body, small boobs, like gangbang.
Now we have main defense stopper Saki, ex-basketball girl. Huge body and everything else that comes with it, still sexy, can be a great goalkeeper.
Next is middle defense Yuikia, semi-kinda nurse. Really really loves mussels, like really, probably will fuck anyone with good mussels, is basically useless in the game, good body, thiiic legs and ass, curly hair and some fucking cat ears because reasons
And at last we have the second best girl goalkeeper Rinka, chill girl who likes music. Likes to have headphones at all times, horny masochist that gets off on being hit by a ball, straight short hair, big girl with great thiic body, chill personality, probably listens to warpaint.
And that's it, now I'm gonna kill myself.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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