When I began Sengoku Youko, I had no idea it would affect me as much as it did. I thought I was starting a fun shounen action series, enjoyable and good to pass the time. It isn't that the summary isn't accurate, because it is ... for about the first ten chapters. This manga develops into something so deep and moving you never see it coming until you're already in the heart of it.
At its core this is a story about people. Humans, demons; the line between them is blurred as we learn that what defines us can never be categorized as simply as
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Warring States Youko Japanese: 戦国妖狐 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 17
Chapters: 100
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 28, 2007 to May 20, 2016
Blade Online Authors:
Mizukami, Satoshi (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #5232 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #994
Members: 20,007
Favorites: 372 Available AtResources | Reviews
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Your Feelings Categories Jun 17, 2013
Upon a recommendation from a friend whom I admire for her impeccable taste in character-driven manga, I started reading Sengoku Youko. And wow, it is quite amazing. I was hooked into this manga via a spoiler, which makes Naruto look so small in comparison and I cannot mention. You will see if you keep reading; all I can say is that Sengoku Youko utilizes a very rarely used narrative technique to move the plot along.
Initially, I thought that the manga depicted several shounen elements, even though the human protagonist, Jinka, wasn't necessarily the most hotheaded hero. Heck, he even hates humans! And yet, he is ... Apr 7, 2017
Dont get me wrong. This manga is by no means bad, it is in fact very well-made. But I need to admit that I was greatly disappointed by, in my opinion, how much the author fucked up what could be a much better story.
Alert: This is may be a bit spoiler-y, but I needed to vent my opinion on this manga. The first part was my favourite. It rounded up well and the characters were developing. I specially loved her who was supposed to be one of the four protagonists, if not the main one: Tama. I thought she, a cunning fox demon in the body ... Oct 13, 2023
To start this review, I will state that I am still EXTREMELY mad about the Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer adaptation. I will also preface that this is not my favorite of Mizukami's works, with Biscuit Hammer and Spirit Circle being superior in my eyes. However, this is still a top 10 manga of mine for excellent reason. It is ambitious and has a storytelling prowess not seen in his other works. While Spirit Circle is a layered story, and Biscuit Hammer is a spoof on the Sentai genre, Sengoku Youko is just Mizukami showing he can do a traditional Shonen while still maintaining his
Aug 27, 2016
This manga is gold in my eyes. This manga has been out for so long but only 1 review? Come on guys! This manga might seem a bit plain for some people but I honestly think it's one of the best "friendship wins over everything" manga. The story actually surprised me with the main character changing all of a sudden. The character development is actually great as it shows them aging from a young brat into a great adult and it's great to see the characters powering up. Better than Dragon Ball Z,to be honest lmao. Honestly,this is one of the better mangas I've read.
Sep 22, 2019
Sengoku Youko is a manga that I might never really understand the appeal of to most fans.
The plot is actually split up into two different parts, with the first half focusing on the journey of these two demon siblings and this human samurai that has no talent and they fight an evil organization, but one of the siblings ends up getting super overpowered, and the second half focusing on an already overpowered villain turned hero as he fights to gain the power to defeat the one sibling in the first half. It's pretty standard shounen at this point, with the majority of the plot ... Sep 6, 2021
Sengoku Youko is good manga, but with a very weak start. I think my expectation for a work by the author of Hoshi Samidare, which is one of my favorite manga, got in the way of my experience.
The characters are quite charismatic having a good attention from the author, which is a positive point due to having authors who ignore them. This is something quite interesting since the attention is in the same style as One Piece, where characters appearing at one point in the story and having unexpected relevance later on. The protagonists - Shinsuke, Jinka and Senya - are well written and have ... Mar 21, 2019
Continuing on from Samidare into the catalog of Satoshi Mizukami, next I came along Sengoku Youko. Despite being Mizukami’s longest work and a shounen action manga, it was a name I’d heard little about. However what I did hear about was quite interesting, OPT threads posting ambitious spreads, and some classy-taste friends of mine listing it as their favorite battle shounen ever. So I began my delve into the 2007-2016 series, Sengoku Youko. Let’s Rock.
PLOT: Two people roam the land. We have the fox demon, Youko Tama, and her stepbrother, Yamato Jinka. Together they’re on a quest to reform the evils of the land and ... Mar 29, 2024
The premise of Sengoku Youko is both generic for a fighting shounen and familiar coming from its author, who was working on Hoshi no Samidare at the same time. Two siblings (not really in here) defeating both bad humans and demons and telling them to do better, out of love for either one or both species. The initial plot structure is one of the same for a fighting shounen as well, the main group gets formed while defeating minor enemies, antagonist organization and big bads appear, more and more powerful bads appear later on, the good guys get stronger by getting more and more power ... Mar 27, 2024
I love Mizukami Satoshi, but this does not really mantain the same consistency of quality as his other acclaimed works (Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammar and Spirit Circle). Still, Sengoku Youko clearly is a highly ambitious work that experiments greatly with the Shonen formula and adds very intriguing subversions to its many tropes. If Biscuit Hammar served up subversion of modern Shonen storytelling and tropes, Sengoku Youko plays as a serious attempt to integrate these subversions into the tradition of Shonen storytelling.
I think firstly, unlike Spirit Circle, or even World End Solte, this manga starts quite slow and really takes its time to get ... Jan 5, 2021
tl;dr: An action-oriented manga that manages to bring together the extended stories of an interesting and decent sized cast into a single cohesive narrative.
Sengoku Youku is a shounen battle manga, though one that excels more in plot and characterization than the actual action. The plot isn't that complex or convoluted really at all, but it does involve a lot of intermixed stories of a lot of characters. These stories aren't all that complicated, but it still feels somewhat impressive how they all tie together into what feels like a single well told story that is consistent from beginning to end, not just in terms of the plot ... Sep 1, 2022
Very poor start, flat characters, randomly changes main characters 1/3rd of the way through, lots of Deus ex Machina. The end is somewhat better but not by much. Story: 3/10 It's bad. Lots of things feel like they just happen randomly, characters come out of nowhere and go out of their way to help the protagonists for seemingly no reason or the protagonist gets completely unearned power-ups. Lots of Dues ex Machina, feels out of place and robs the manga of any tension. The story is split into 2 parts, with two different main characters. This is very jarring and changes the focus onto a character that ... |