Holy shit. I have never seen a more offensive and angering manga i have ever seen. And to believe that this manga has a astronomically high 7.82 and is the 10th most viewed yaoi series in manga here. But i will try to explain why I despise this manga more then any other piece of fiction in a countdown.
1.PLOT HOLES- why the authorities are utterly useless? why is azusa enjoying his position in ch 4(and dont give me the crap about Stockholm syndrome that shit is wack)? Why does the card in ch 1 is a jack and in ch 5 is a 8?
why doesn't any student at all call the fucking police? Well thats enough for now. You see what I mean? why i find that this story feels so uncared and stupid? I swear the author didn't know her own story when releasing.
Edit: 1.5-THE CONCEPT- after rereading the manga I realized that the concept itself is stupid and full of plotholes. Why does the game exsist? I am not sure. I dont think the manga will explain how the game started because it is dumb for someone to want to be in a game where you might go and become a victim. Also why would the popular kids agree to the game, it obviously a danger to their status, so why would they agree for the game. Unless they wanted to have SEX! Which in that case why did anyone agree to this????? WHY WOULD THEY WANT TO LIVE IN A LITERAL RAPE CULTURE! Jesus, I never knew the day would come where a story is literal about a rape culture...
2. NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS- did i mention that ch 1-4 are the only time when the manga has the time to move? yes after ch 4 the manga focuses on not one, but three different couples for no reason which happen in the time of ch 1-4. This trope is so common in manga nowadays that it is ridiculous. I dont minf having side characters or multiple stories colliding, but this is so much of a cliche, not to mention that the formulaic approach to this is so bad, that they may as well have 4 different couples at once. Oh wait. If the characters were good i would be interested but...
3. THE CHARACTERS- while not the worst, the characters are complete archetypes. karino- rapist seme, azusa- "badass" straight uke , kuze- the nice romantic seme(subverted to overprotective seme), kuskabe- nerd uke and so on... You may find cliches fun, but since yaoi in genrel has many cliches in a medium that is nutritious for having many cliches, the bare minimum should be to not have them seen like cliches. Oh, did I mention that the character designs are kind of attractive? yeah, its not that their concept is bad, Their story development on paper isn't the stupidist thing ever, it is just that i cant take their story and suffering seriously if i am supposed to have a boner reading this.
4. THE TONE- the tone is messy as hell. i dont get why this serious manga which wants to be a character exploration is also an attractive porn. This is a problem with all yaoi, but here it is overly noticeable. if u wanna be porn, be porn. The art isnt that bad. if u wanna be an edgy story then be that. but dont mix togther because it dosent work.
5. HOMOPHOBIA AND SEXISM- the sexism part i dont need to talk about, anyone with half a brain could see where it is presented. but the homophobia is kind of weird. while i normally forgive yaoi for having the idea of being gay not a thing, but this is where i draw the line. being gay is represented as such a terrible thing. either you're a rapist or a slut or an overprotective little shit. and you know why this angers me? well its because stuff like this make the gay community look like a bunch of rapist and sluts. this is why we are jokes, monsters or disgusting. Also, dont go on and say "its just in this manga". You know that there are plenty of yaoi manga which do the same thing as in here, albeit less offensive. So if you want to defend this by saying that i should turn my brain off,well, i cant. i dont mind most yaoi's if they have the characters have sex every chapter. its porn. but when stuff like this comes out and people defend it,then i cant handle it.
so, i actually do recommend this manga, so that you will see the horror of this. and hey, if you like it, that is just fine. but for me, i will stick with classmates and ten count.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Heaven of School Caste Japanese: カーストヘヴン More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 8
Chapters: 48
Status: Finished
Published: Mar 7, 2014 to Aug 6, 2021
Magazine Be x Boy Authors:
Takagi, Shigeyoshi (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: N/A2 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1130
Members: 17,864
Favorites: 367 | Reviews
Filtered Results: 14 / 14
Your Feelings Categories Oct 26, 2016
Holy shit. I have never seen a more offensive and angering manga i have ever seen. And to believe that this manga has a astronomically high 7.82 and is the 10th most viewed yaoi series in manga here. But i will try to explain why I despise this manga more then any other piece of fiction in a countdown.
1.PLOT HOLES- why the authorities are utterly useless? why is azusa enjoying his position in ch 4(and dont give me the crap about Stockholm syndrome that shit is wack)? Why does the card in ch 1 is a jack and in ch 5 is a 8? ... Oct 7, 2015
Caste Heaven is a dramatic yaoi manga that contains the elements that, personally, make it a brilliant work within its niche.
**Just a warning, this is very much a yaoi manga – so expect graphic imagery of intimate relationships between males. Furthermore, many of these intimacies are somewhat violent and are underpinned with potentially distressing themes (to be blatant – rape, blackmail, etc.). So just know this is not another Gosan no Heart or such. ART: 10 As with all of Takagi’s (Ogawa Chise) works, I find this manga to be exceedingly aesthetically pleasing. While character designs are unrealistic and undeniably feminine, the art ultimately works ... Apr 30, 2017
I don't tend to write reviews because I honestly couldn't be bothered and even when I do, I never write one for an on-going manga.
So... why write a review for Caste Heaven? Great Question! The answer is quite simple in all honesty; I found the other reviews to be unsatisfying and quite frustrating (no offense). Caste Heaven is a yaoi manga revolving around the hierarchy between the students of a certain high school that is decided by a some sort of "card hunt" that changes every certain amount of time. I won't talk long about the art since it is amazing and absolutely breathtaking and I see no ... Jul 19, 2018
This is by far the worst manga I've ever read and I cannot understand how this manga has such a high rating!
I will try to explain where the problems with this manga comes from! - Story: 1/10 I will be completely honest here. The story had potential to be good, because of a pretty decent story concept! BUT The story never proceeded to actually investigate the concept it builds throughout the first 1 - 2 chapters and just keeps the concept as an excuse to put in a mix of rape and sex in every chapter. To say it even has a story would actually be sad say. ... Feb 6, 2022
Warning: spoilers about how the manga ends, but I tried to signal where. Since I have already finished the manga, it's hard to talk about everything without mentioning what actually made me dislike it, which is mostly the end.
Well, where to start? This story had a high potential to become something I really enjoy. The concept was great, and the first chapters were very interesting. I was angry, disgusted, and very looking forward to what was to come. Then it started going downhill, and midways it completely crashed and burnt. Oh, first I have to state that I love dark, psychological and twisted stories, so ... Nov 14, 2018
One word: MIND-FUCK.
Do not read this manga if you are not accustomed to reading about rape, abuse, manipulation, and every twisted kink concept on the face of earth. It's all in there. Honestly, they should write this into the synopsis. I started reading this thinking it would be like Gakuen Heaven with some BDSM in it, but holy fucking hell! It's not what I was expecting or prepared for. I think I'm ruined for life. I can't unsee it now. Before you bash me, yes, I read the whole thing that was published until now to see what the deal was, why it was ... Aug 25, 2019
Bullying isn’t sexy. Corporal punishment isn’t sexy. Rape isn’t sexy, and it certainly isn’t entertainment. This manga is utterly disgusting.
There are so many things wrong with this, it’s hard to know where to start. I’m having trouble understanding how this manga can be so highly rated by so many people. There has been a lot of criticism in recent years of gratuitous sexual violence against women in books, movies, and TV shows, as it is both offensive and harmful to the feminist movement. But apparently sexual violence is only a problem when directed against women, while it’s fine to have graphic scenes that serve no purpose ... Mar 31, 2017
so... I don't even know where to start with this atrocity. it takes place in a really messed up high school that allows rape and bulling. the students are all brain washed into thinking this is ok as well.
there are two main characters in this manga the first on is the previous king (I forgot his name so imma call him 1) and the previous target (forgot his name as well so has 2) during the story 1 gets demoted to something called a target, where he is constantly bullied and not to mention his life at home isn't the best either. 2 is promoted ... May 11, 2020
Okay.... I know this seems popular, but this was definitely not for me. I would absolutely call it appalling. I understand the main plot point is an excuse for some porn, but even MY suspension of disbelief has a limit.
The story is set in a school where students roles are divided in a pyramid of power. Why. Why make it a school setting? Why not an alternative dystopian reality? In that case I would have been much less harsh. Because the premise makes absolutely no sense. In the story, Azusa used to be the King, but when the order changed again he didn’t manage to get ... Jul 1, 2020
First of all, this is the best abusive yaoi manga I ever read (and I read A LOT.)
Second, if you don't like things like rape, physical and mental abuse + weird kinks, then don't read it god damn it! It has abvious tags what this manga is about and people who dislike that kind of stuff are reading it anyways and leaving a bad reviews. "Boo-hoo it is abusive and that's why I don't like it." then go read come cheesy vanilla for fucks sake! Now the review. I don't read yaoi for the plot, I read it for the sex scenes and this manga delivered them ... Oct 12, 2021
This is my first time writing a review and I was not even going to do it but after reading some other reviews I knew I had too because holy shit everyone is so serious about people having sex, like, why?! IT IS YAOI! It is not suppose to make sense, but first, let me tell you why this is actually pretty god damn good.
STORY: Okay, first of all, this is Yaoi, Boys Love, Boys making out with each other and having hard on dirty sex, it doesn't have to be a fucking masterpiece or to make sense, we are talking about yaoi, please, ... Nov 28, 2017
Hey kids! Are you looking for poor writing and flat characters, while also being a poor excuse to put in some Yaoi action?
Well, Caste Heaven is perfect for you! - I’m honestly so confused on why this is rated so highly. I took a glance at the review, and people are giving this 9’s and 10’s. It’s not really worthy of any of that praise. Other than the art, everything in this manga is just plain mediocre. Now, let’s get onto the review! ... Jul 30, 2018
Yaoi is not typically my thing but I do read a few. Caste Heaven I say is unique from Yaoi's I've read before and it is definitely not for the faint heart. It's no sunshine and rainbows but instead twisted, yet it's rather interesting. Before reading the manga, better be sure your mind is ready and open.
STORY >>>The plot isn't perfect, but the concept of the game is rather fresh and intriguing. It's a game that raises an eyebrow but nonetheless interesting since it is linked to the Stanford Experiment. Moreover, it's interesting how the game is exploited by the characters in various ways, some ... Apr 10, 2020
I am aware I gave this higher than it should get, mostly because it was my first manga read and I really liked the beginning.
Plot is good at start, terrible later. We follow a story of Azusa an mc that was a king of the school, prideful, arrogant and a ruler. He gets degraded by his former loyal dog Karino who becomes the king, Azusa becoming a Joker aka the lowest. Inside of school caste system is what rules and we see people repeadetely getting fed up for not following it. Now here it gets good for me, Azusa is a prideful mf so ... |