If I can split this manga in half and give different ratings to each, I'd give the first half an 8 and the second a 4. Nanoka no Kare has both the high-high and low-low points on its plot. My fair warning to you who'd like to finish this manga: prepare for bad writing on the second half.
This is my first ever review, so please forgive me if it's not up to par.
Nanoka no Kare has an interesting premise, it's a story about a girl trying to move on from her past unhealthy relationship.
The first half is absolutely wonderful to be read, to the point
I reread it multiple times, who knows how much. The romance pace is light, believable, with both Nanoka and Hayata trying their best to better themselves from their past mistakes. I also love the way that abusive relationship is portrayed here not as something romantic but as a horrible thing instead. The manga has cliche moments, yes, but I didn't find them cringy when I read them. They gave me light and fluffy feels instead, so cute that I squealed everytime I reread the scenes. The angst scenes actually are the parts I reread the most on the first half. There are also some misunderstanding and dumb moments, but I didn't find them frustrating and I still enjoy reading those because they move forward the plot and give developments for the included characters, up to the end of the first half (41 chapters/7 volumes which lucky for you finally they're all scanlated now). It's totally okay if you wanna stop here. Better instead, I really wish I've known the end before, but alas I read it while it was still ongoing soo, yeah. Unlucky me stucked with reading it.
Now onto the second half of the manga, the one which is so bad it gives PTSD to the readers considering to read the author's next work, where do I begin the rant? Hmm, how about how unnecessary it was? The first part is already nicely concluded, there's no need for a second half at all unless it's to show how Nanoka and Hayata's relationship progress and maybe to give Takato some nice development because he's being such an emotionally constipated person throughout the first half. If written nicely it can be a great plot too, there are other manga who has done something like this successfully. But unfortunately it's not the case here. It's just a downhill of a plot starting from chapter 42. Dramas piled on top each other, bad cliches with unsatisfactory results, regression of character development too. Also that new character? Totally put in just for THE drama, annoying af, not even a good villain, only being used as a foil. Also the ending? Totally abrupt, I didn't feel satisfied reading it. Hayata is my only saving grace on the second half, I only managed to finish it because of him. MINOR SPOILERS HERE TILL THE END OF THIS SEGMENT for those who are concerned about the supposed sex scenes between two spesific characters, they didn't do it. They almost but he saw her "past" self so he stopped. Just putting this here because I've been asked so many times by people who wanna know if it really happens or not. In fact that's the main reason I write this review.
ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! The one point almost every reader agrees on. It's so clean and neat right from the very first chapter, also every emotions are expressed well even from quiet characters like our protagonists. All the details to clothes and backgrounds are wonderful. I can't ask for more.
Hhhh, where do I begin?
First half's Nanoka's characterization is so good I really enjoyed everything from her POV. Whenever she speaks up for herself or her friends, I feel like a proud mom. And I also like how she still tries to defend herself even if she's weaker. But the second half ruined every Nanoka's character developments from the first half. Her decisions on the second half are so bad they actually regressed her character lower beyond her starting point on chapter 1. Also every bad traits she has fixed on the first half are back. I can't even feel happy or bad for her at the end.
First half's Takato is so emotionally constipated in a bad way, also he's so harsh and rude I really dislike him. I get it that he's trying to change but he forced himself on Nanoka too much it's annoying. It's a wonder he still even has a friend (bless Kensuke though). Takato's character was probably intended to be redeemed on the second half. Yet every choice he made is still questionable at best like in the first half. His "redemption" is only at the very end of the manga, and only on that one scene.
Hayata's the only one who makes me happy reading his progression from the start till finish. The first half has him facing his bad traits, like cowardice and jealousy. He's aware those are bad traits too, I really enjoyed reading his development here. My heart screamed when he was feeling so down and Nanoka got to save him (eventhough the method is questionable, a hug would be preferable, thank you). While I feel so sorry for him throughout the second half, I still question one of his actions on it, but I do understand his reasoning for that, it's still believable since he thought he'd never come back at all. At least he's still a nice one to be read till the end.
The side characters are all nice, I actually like both Nanoka's friends and Takato's friend slash Hayata's senpai, they help moving the plot sometimes, like Yuuko and Kensuke during the first half, but especially Chii-chan during the second part where everything is such a pain. Gish, Chii-chan is my spirit animal during second half. They also have nice character developments, Yuuko and Chii-chan.
That new character on the second half?? I absolutely detest him, even after his motivation and background were revealed. Self-centered, manipulative, arrogant, troublemaker, what's good about him? He's not even a good villain. Nil from me.
I really enjoyed the first part that I wish the manga would just stop at chapter 41 because that way I can happily recommend Nanoka no Kare for anyone searching for a good shoujo. But alas, the second part happened and ruined it. Sad. But whatever happened, Hayata's still a good boy I love him so much please protect him.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Na no Hana no Kare Japanese: 菜の花の彼-ナノカノカレ- InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 14
Chapters: 86
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 5, 2013 to Aug 19, 2017
Margaret Statistics Ranked: #93832 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #2007
Members: 10,772
Favorites: 61 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 13 / 13
Your Feelings Categories Sep 8, 2019
If I can split this manga in half and give different ratings to each, I'd give the first half an 8 and the second a 4. Nanoka no Kare has both the high-high and low-low points on its plot. My fair warning to you who'd like to finish this manga: prepare for bad writing on the second half.
This is my first ever review, so please forgive me if it's not up to par. Story: Nanoka no Kare has an interesting premise, it's a story about a girl trying to move on from her past unhealthy relationship. The first half is absolutely wonderful to be read, to the point ... Oct 31, 2017
I’m currently on chapter 82 and made an account just to write my review about this manga. I had high hopes at first about the interesting character developments, but the story just took too many wrong turns. I’m writing this review to warn readers of major drama one after another, major letdowns, short resolve, reverse in character development, and emotionally frustration that entails. I’ve finally dropped this series for all the high hopes I’ve had. As a reader, I’m looking for drama and for that drama to revolve. I feel like the author doesn’t know where to head with this manga and just throw in
Jul 27, 2015
As a shoujo romance, Nanoka no Kare is one of the stronger ones lately. It's has character building and development and the relationships and feelings keep you wanting to read to see what will happen next. At 36 chapters into it, I want to read more.
The art is quite beautiful, realistic and emotional, both in portraits and in action. It's by the artist of Akuma to Love Song and all the characters in Nanoka are so well drawn, they seem very real. The writer is not one I've read other works by before. Nanoka,the female ... Nov 8, 2014
Read to only about chapter 6 because the english scanlations were only available up to there. This is my first review, so please be patient with me.
The story is decent. The first few chapters were okay but it did get somewhat interesting for me at the end of chapter 6. I actually searched through a few sites because chapter 6 left me hanging and wanting to know more. I've seen raws up to chapter 17(?) so I'm hoping it gets better later on. The art is simply amazing. The art kept me clinging onto the manga and I really don't know why, it's just something ... Mar 21, 2014
Only 2 chapters so far so not a lot to say on this one. The art is the one thing that impressed me about it, however I clicked on the artist and apparently I've read most of her stuff, but when I try and remember it the art seems different. Ahh I was hoping there would be more to read.
Anyway, good-ish story so far, a bit random and, in m opinion, slightly pathetic. But I guess I can understand some of them. Its also a shoujo manga so I need to remember that. To be honest, the art held it up. I haven't seen ... Mar 17, 2018
I only read half of it because I saw many people commenting that the second half wasn't very good, pure drama, etc.
But as far as I read, it's a relatively good shoujo manga. The art is better than many mangas out there. The story and the characters are a bit cliché, but this manga stands apart from most shoujo because of the way it treats abusive relationships. This is basically the story of a girl trying to move on from a relationship with a guy who can save her from others but not from himself. It shows the "bad guy"'s side, but it doesn't excuse ... Apr 16, 2023
Honestly this is an appalling manga to me, and it being so bad came as a surprise since Ai ga Shinu no wa Kimi no Sei, another work by the same authors, was one of the most thrilling sci-fi shoujos I've read lately. I wish I could give it a 1 star rating, but there's a salvageable bit at the beginning: the sweet relationship between Hayate and Nanoka, who are both experiencing their first love, feels refreshing and innocent. At the beginning of the manga, it seems the only major problems you could come across are usual shojo issues like miscommunication and a love rival.
Apr 26, 2023
I remember reading this manga back when it had started and I immediately got into it due to the amazing art for that time. I did keep up with it for some years only to lose interest due to unable to keep up with the happenings in it.
Yesterday I picked it up again by chance to see how it ended and so I read from the start. And well I’m still sorting my feelings out regarding this one. A part of me wants to scream and complain how bad it was and how I wasted my time but at the same time a part of ... Jul 4, 2014
Have only read 3 chapters so far so can't say too much about it.
Like the other reviewer have said, the story does seem a bit pathetic at first (and you will soon see why) but I think it gives an amazing leeway to something more heartwarming and loving, and perhaps fresh later on. I love the art! It looks really pretty, and while it does look similar to other magnakas', something is a bit different about this art. I believe a little more than 10 chapters have been released now and I can definitely see the tension and stake rise. I'm a sucker for romance ... Jan 26, 2017
This held my interest for a little bit and then it just got stupid because the girl made a kiss a big deal. Maybe that is just me not understanding Japanese culture, but that was a stupid plot point.
The manga reader I am using only has 12 of the chapters. I am guessing it goes on? If not, the manga just ends and that is really frustrating because there are loose ends. But even if it went on I probably would only read it for the closure and the artwork and nothing more. I liked the artwork and the characters were ok. Maybe I ... Mar 10, 2020
Honestly until about chapter 30 I was quite enjoying this manga, it was easy to read and had beautiful artwork. Sure the characters will annoy the piss out of you because their problems would be solved so easily if they were just honest with each other, but still overall easy to read.
THE SECOND HALF OF THE MANGA oh boyyyy. To describe it simply: absolutely bonkers. The second half of this manga makes minimal sense, has the most RANDOM plot lines and is just honest to god out of control and mind blowing how the author expected the reader to accept the events happening to the ... Oct 30, 2024
I binge read Nanoka no Kare and I deeply regret it. So much that I am compelled to post here about how bad it is. I have consumed over 1500 anime/manga/manhwa and I can confidently say this is the first 1/10.
It is one of the most nonsensical plots I've ever read. So many forced scenarios, illogical events, inconsistent characters, and a truly meaningless theme/ending. Maybe one of the most egregious things it does is try to redeem truly irredeemable characters SEVERAL TIMES. Even AFTER the wrongdoers have reflected, acknowledged, and try to grow from their past, they take 10 steps backwards and repeat the mistake again. ... Sep 26, 2017
I really love this story! I am so not into cute typical shoujo manga, I read this one expecting that it is just so-so but I was wrong, it is so goooood after few chapters.
There is a bit of dark side and lots of drama in this manga and I am so hooked. The drawing is also good, takato and hayata looks so freaking handsome for me but I am into dark-haired so Takato is my bae. Nanoka, the female lead, I don't like these kind of wishy washy people but I like how she change. Hayata is the all around good guy you ... |