Dolls Code
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Dolls Code

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Dollscode
Japanese: ドールズコード


Type: Manga
Volumes: 2
Chapters: 10
Status: Finished
Published: Feb 15, 2013 to Nov 15, 2013
Genres: Horror Horror, Mystery Mystery, Suspense Suspense
Themes: High Stakes Game High Stakes Game, Psychological Psychological, Survival Survival
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Comic Avarus
Authors: Kinashi, Runamu (Story & Art)


Score: 6.411 (scored by 31283,128 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #175482
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #3467
Members: 6,438
Favorites: 36


People in desperate circumstances are kidnapped and forced into "game" of sorts in which parts of them are taken (though in one these parts are replaced with temporary synthetics, and in the other senses are temporarily taken away). The game lasts for a period of around a week, and the winner/winners gets a prize. While both have significant differences, they're very similar. If you like one you'll probably like the other, too. 
reportRecommended by Surana
Caught in a school with no means of escape? Duh! I do that every day! But... something unusual (quite unusual, and it's not puberty) is going on with everyone's bodies...? H-How did that happen!? ənígmə will challenge its players to puzzles and games to be solved using their special abilities, while Dolls Code will churn out small, sometimes outright eerie tasks, mainly attacking with mental pressure - in order to win the game, will you players be able to do "that?" Everything is connected to the past. And the game masters wouldn't conduct such games for just any reason - no, not at all... 
reportRecommended by Cenba
Caught in a building with no means of leaving. Why? Did the players sign up for prize money if they win a game, and for the pits of debt should they lose, as in Liar Game? Or did they break the law and must now atone for their crimes by taking part in a psychological experiment, the winner attaining freedom, according to Dolls Code? Either way, they will play eerie games. Mind you, playing a zero-sum game is not a piece of cake! If one person wins, there will be a loser. And in order to guarantee that the gap between these two is never bridged, players in both  read more 
reportRecommended by Cenba
Both are psychological mangas in which some teenagers who comitted crimes are dragged into a dangerous game of life and death.  
reportRecommended by Numero33
Students are trapped inside a school with no way of getting out except to "graduate." >In both of these cases, "graduating" is not how graduating is usually done and the students are all pitted against each other with doubt. >Semi-Spoiler: It's not really a spoiler, since it's hinted early on in both mangas that these students are all being watched on surveillance tapes/cameras >It has the whole mystery& puzzles kind of feel that keeps you reading on and on until you have to stop and wait for the next chapter. 
reportRecommended by vaia
Students being stuck in a mysterious school where only one may escape by the end. They also have all committed at some sort of wrong and must go through various tasks to progress. 
reportRecommended by fiore777