Fairy Tail
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Fairy Tail

Alternative Titles

Japanese: FAIRY TAIL
English: Fairy Tail
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 63
Chapters: 549
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 2, 2006 to Jul 26, 2017
Genres: Action Action, Adventure Adventure, Award Winning Award Winning, Fantasy Fantasy
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Authors: Mashima, Hiro (Story & Art)


Score: 7.551 (scored by 160643160,643 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #26292
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #27
Members: 276,092
Favorites: 20,807

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Preliminary Spoiler
Apr 20, 2014
Preliminary (347/549 chp)
Intriguing plot. Unique and original world. Well developed characters. Amazingly epic and suspensful battles.

Fairy Tail is none of these. When I was first introduced to this manga, it sounded like it knew where it was going. It seemed to have a plot, interesting secrets and mysteries. So far the biggest mystery to me is how Natsu isn't the Guildmaster of Fairy Tail as well as the strongest of the Ten Wizard Saints. As I sat reading chapter after chapter, I watched how characters 10 times stronger than Natsu were defeated by apparently overpowered foes, only for Natsu to stand up, eat some random flame, ...
Jul 25, 2017
Oh Fairy Tail, You could have been good, you had so, so much potential in you, but here you are, going out with barely a yelp.

Where did it go wrong Hiro? You had an immensly popular manga at your disposal to really give all your readers a satisfying manga to reread over and over again. You had the chance to make Fairy Tail something really, really great . But you wasted the opportunity. You have thrown it away by being stubborn to the end.

Of course, I'm not saying this out of no reason. There are a lot of good reasons as to why many readers, ...
Sep 13, 2008
Preliminary (97/549 chp)
A replica of One Piece? Seems like it
Worth reading? Yes

Fairy Tail undertakes another fantasy setting. I have always been skeptic of fantasy anime's as most of them is always obscure, and prone to be uninteresting as the story progresses. But that mistake isnt repeated here in Fairy Tail as Hiro Mashima performs excellent on making his own fantasy world out of thin air.

In this manga, all sorts of mages roam about the world. Some of them even bond together and form a guild that takes requests from people in exchange for money, there are even such guilds that are "dark", who are not among the ...
Oct 21, 2011
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (Unknown/549 chp)
It's funny to talk about Fairy Tail, because, what in the middle of the series, became one of the most interesting and enjoyable shonens (even with the monstruous fanservices), it later became one of the most clichéd and exagerated mangas around. And I mean, today, it has embraced, if not all, most of the clichés that exist today...

I believe everyone may be aware of the plot, in general, so, I'll skip to the main points of my review:


Hiro Mashima knows very well how to estabilish a good plot, with various mysteries for you to wonder, etc. The problem is in the development of it. Most ...
Aug 1, 2017
A wise man once said..."To deny Fairy Tail as absolute garbage, is to deny reality itself"

At the risk of this turning into a rant, I will be censoring myself a lot to give a genuine review. This review will contain very minor spoilers as names (except the main character slot) will be withheld because for god know what reason you still want to pick up this manga after everything I said, you won't be spoiled...you have been warned.

Well, well, well...what can I say that hasn't been said about FT? Actually nothing really. FT is what happens when you wrote 1/4 of your manga and then ...
Apr 28, 2008
Preliminary (84/549 chp)
I first started Fairy Tail because all my friends were like: "You love One Piece, you'll LOVE this!" I thought it would be a rip-off of my favorite series and went into it with very low expectations. However, only a few chapters in, my attitude changed significantly!

This series is reasonably new so the story is only just started, however what there is so far is great! A lot is still open and YET TO HAPPEN and I find myself excited to find out what happens next. The jokes are original and don't get stale and the overall tone of the series ...
Jan 24, 2010
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (Unknown/549 chp)
I should start by apologizing to all hardcore fans and lovers of “Fairy Tail”, for I am going to be extremely critic in this review (maybe a bit too much).

In “Fairy Tail” we find ourselves in a completely new universe, where magic and fantasy set the rules. Here, in this universe, there live dragons, flying cats and talking monkeys, as many other mystical creatures. We see powerful mages who can control elements such as fire or ice; others who can control their shadow and some who can even “swim” on the ground. There are also another group of mages who call themselves celestial wizards, ...
Jul 25, 2017
Mixed Feelings
*Review contains minor spoilers*

Fairy Tail is the titanic of manga, it starts out on a great voyage and ends up sinking. That’s how I would describe it.

Honestly the amount of potential this manga had when it started was enormous, but at somewhere along the lines it just became a drag to continue reading it. As you were waiting for each release the thing that went through your mind was “can’t this manga end soon?”.

The story of this manga is honestly good, it’s an interesting concept about mages travelling the world to complete quests for a reward and the more quests the guild members complete ...
Sep 28, 2011
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (200/549 chp)
Fairy Tail. It's very similar to One Piece, with "nakama" and some of the character designs looking quite similar (in fact, one could say some designs are plagiarised *cough*Gildartz*cough*) to One Piece and therefore is often compared to it. However, it's nowhere near as good as One Piece; don't get me wrong, it's a somewhat okay series, but it is let down by its story.

The art in this manga is good with excessive amounts of fanservice which I am not personally too fond of but I'm sure it'll appeal to a lot of its target audience (presumably heterosexual males). Still, it ranks only as "good" ...
May 24, 2013
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (331/549 chp)
I started Fairy Tail before the Big 3, and it was one of the first long ongoing shonen manga that I've read (and watched). While it started mediocre, Fairy Tail reached high potential once it reached the Phantom Arc and onwards. And I must say that I was captivated from that point onwards.

But then the more I read, the more I began to enjoy it less. There is this lack of uniqueness in the plot of each arc, where it begins to form a pattern of Fairy Tail fighting this dangerous enemy, and gets thoroughly defeated. Yet after no training, no whatever, they seem to ...
Jan 11, 2013
Preliminary (200/549 chp)
I Advice every and anyone. DO NOT BOTHER with this series. I gave three weeks of on and off reading for this series. I got through 200 chapters, I've earned the right to judge this series.

It was recommended to me through several friends whom could be quoted with:

1) "You like Onepiece right you'll love this manga than"
2) "This might be the best shonen of the past 5 years"
3) "Erza is the best female role I've ever seen"
4) "Possibly one of the greatest starting arcs"

All of what my friends said were wrong. Upon Grey's development arc I quickly found a hatred for the main characters. Within ...
Feb 16, 2008
Preliminary (Unknown/549 chp)
Notice that i have read only the first volume of this manga,and i still acn't wait for second one to get realesed.

Story:The story follows the adventures of Natsu,a fire-based mage,member of the greater mage guild,Fairy Tail,that gets sick easily by any kind of trasportation,his talking cat,Happy,and a girl named Lucy,that practices 'key' magic.Natsu is in search of his great master,Salamander,and at the meanwhile,joins Lucy and together they establish guild jobs.

Art:Pretty sweet,shounen artwork,with nicely drawn characters,males and females.Detailed costumes.The only bad about it,is i think the way the eyes of te characters are drawn when they are surprised(huge black eyes fill the face).

Character:The characters,as i said ...
Apr 11, 2013
Preliminary (Unknown/549 chp)
= Story =
- Honestly, there isn't really a story. There isn't a solid plot at all. Fairy Tail's 'plot' just goes from one arc to another. Each arc is basically "someone/something/the guild/the world is in danger of Jellal, Phantom Guild, etc. and Fairy Tail (or members of the guild) ALWAYS has something to do with it and so they try to save _________"
Each arc is really nice. So I like the fact that there's not really a solid plot, but a go with flow time of thing. It's rather nice. -

= Art =
- 'As for any of my reviews, art always gets a 10 b/c ...
Mar 6, 2012
Preliminary (270/549 chp)
Fairy Tail started out as a very promising comic! It threw me through some very exciting arcs, tied me in a knot with it's plot twists, and even brought on small bouts of sadness. I have seen comparisons made to One Piece, and I would agree somewhat to those points. However, after a certain arc, the story starts to drip out of it's bucket.

Given the never ending, hopped up, exciting pace of the story, one would expect the plot to develop at a rapid pace. Hopefully keeping you on your toes every week, squirming uncontrollably for the 7 days in between each instalment. If you've ...
Apr 17, 2008
Preliminary (317/549 chp)
If your looking for an action packed manga with a dose of comedy as well, then I highly recommend Fairy Tail.

Short Summary:
The story looks at the Adventures of Natsu, a fire based mage, and Lucy, a young mage with the goal to join the mage Guild called 'Fairy Tail' which Natsu is from. The encounter each other and after a battle involving another mage, they eventually head back to Fairy Tail where a whirlwind of adventures begins to ensue.

There are a lot of things that makes this manga awesome. The characters for one are great. There are a range of personalties in this series and ...
Jul 21, 2013
Preliminary (344/549 chp)
First of all one should explain that although the art is, at the very beginning, very similar to that of Eiichiro Oda author of One Piece it should be obvious that the similarity is actually feeble. Mashima's art also gets an outstanding especially for the fact that its evolution and improvement as he got used to the character designs is outstanding not to mention he draws clothes like a fashion designer (at leats in the story) and its a lovely dynamic seeing some change in clothing on characters that would obviously care about that.

Leaving that aside it is important to remember that this story ...
Sep 29, 2009
Preliminary (Unknown/549 chp)
When I first started reading Fairy Tail, I thought that it was way too similar to one piece, but as I kept reading, I felt that I liked this story and art much more.

I like that it is based around a girl and that you can see the characters getting stronger. I felt like One Piece went on too long and didn't go anywhere for a while, whereas there are always mysteries, story progression, and interesting characters in this one.

The best is that there are so many varied characters that are focused on. It is nice that we don't have to be confined ...
Jan 3, 2022
Mixed Feelings
No Spoilers

If you have been immersed in the anime and manga community for around, let’s say a week, then you have at least heard the name Fairy Tail once or twice. One of the most divisive series in the entire medium, Fairy Tail has garnered a massive fan base that defends it to the last man and equally large legion of haters who will fight and die on their desire to see it burn in the fiery pits of hell. This ridiculous conflict between the fans and haters has created an extremely toxic environment surrounding the series, which severely discourages newcomers from even seeing why ...
Jan 4, 2009
Preliminary (115/549 chp)
From the brilliance of Hiro Mashima, who made Groove Adventure Rave [known in the states as Rave Master, which does sound cooler][Review to be done in the next couple of weeks, I'm only halfway through it], we have Fairy Tail [No, thats not a mispelling]- the story about a guild of mage users.

Title: Fairy Tail
Mangaka: Hiro Mashima
Length: As of my posting, 98 chapters in 11 volumes.
Rating: 8/10

Summary: Welcome to a world, populated by mages. A person, even if he can practice magic, is only recognized as a mage if he joins a mage guild, all of which are governed by the Mages Council.

One of the ...
Jan 28, 2009
Preliminary (100/549 chp)
I loved this manga when it first started out. It looked alot like Oda's style so I read it and thought it was superb. As I continued on and on, I realized this manga is almost if not literally a copy of One Piece.
That pissed me off to the point where I don't even want to read it anymore.
Some of the people who didn't like One Piece as much would probably love this manga though, since they wouldn't know the similarities between One Piece and Fairy Tail.
I, struggled to continue reading this. It's really hard for me to control this inner rage I have towards ...