LOST+BRAIN is really amazing. Amazingly mediocre.
If that didn’t convince you, then read on.
I started this manga because I’m a massive Death Note fan and I wouldn’t pass up on something that’s similar. However, despite not having too much expectation in the first place, it still turned out to be a huge disappointment.
The story is about a genius high schooler who is good at everything, but also bored with all the things and people around him. At a school event, he discovers the powers of hypnotism and attempts to change the world using hypnotism. Up to this point, it’s almost like a Death Note clone.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Lost Plus Brain Japanese: LOST+BRAIN InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 27
Status: Finished
Published: May 16, 2008 to Aug 11, 2008
Shounen Sunday Statistics Ranked: #168422 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #2110
Members: 10,212
Favorites: 69 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 7 / 7
Your Feelings Categories Jun 6, 2013
Lost + Brain is a complete Death Note knockoff that is inferior in every conceivable way. That is all you need to know and it doesn't deserve much more to be written about it. The main character is less intelligent than Light and has even less depth. Death Note's art was one of it's best qualities. This has bad art and even the character designs are nothing but a pathetic imitation of Death Note. Kira's ability was interesting in its limitations. This MC's hypnotism is as interesting as watching a beige stick figure painting dry. Death Note went downhill halfway through. This started out bad,
Oct 19, 2010
First, if you read this manga, don't be an idiot and keep relating it to Death Note.
I'm a Death Note fan too. You want to compare? Let me compare for you. We all know that DN is distinctly good but as someone who has read it all over again in both English and Japanese three times over I found a good deal of loopholes in the story, which I will list them down in a future review, simply because the story is too long and complicated for the author Tsugumi Ohba to handle. On the other hand, in case of Lost+Brain, the story is very ... Jun 26, 2015
(To skip ranting and get to the point, head to overall c: )
So many reviews were dissing this manga because they were comparing it to Death Note and I can see why however I don't feel like comparing it to Death Note is fair at all. Sure, the main character has a Light personality however if I were to compare this I would much rather compare it to Code Geass (and Lelouch's MIND CONTROL Geass) or to Zennou no Noa. Story: The story was quite captivating. Of course the idea of hypnotizing people is quite silly but, then again, a Death Note is ridiculous and a ... Oct 16, 2010
basically a vary bad and pathetic version of death note. the main charator even looks like light. it seems like they are just copying death note untill the hypnotysm part which was the hilight of the story and yet still vary dreadful.
Jul 14, 2011
Lost+Brain is a manga that had plenty of potential to be great. Unfortunately for us readers, it fell short, very short.
(Note: TLDR at bottom) The synopsis of the story by itself tells you how it should be written. The manga should revolve around the plot. The plot should be intricate and riveting enough to keep the readers glued to the manga. Personally, I was glued to it, for about the first two chapters. The idea behind the manga was pretty interesting. The use of hypnosis for control is, quite honestly, fairly creative. While some people do cry "herp derp death note ripoff herp derp", the concepts of ... Oct 16, 2020
I remember seeing Lost+Brain a few years ago and bookmarking it because the plot summary was interesting. After reading it years later, the only thing I felt about it is that it had a lot of unfulfilled potential.
The main thing about this manga is the comparison to Death Note and they are plentiful to see like the art style, main characters being geniuses, some of the plot elements and motivations for why the main character does what he does, but it's done in a way less interesting way, by an inferior cast of characters. The characters were just bland with no charisma. The two sidekicks ... |