Girls of the Wild's
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Girls of the Wild's

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Shoujo the Wild's
Japanese: 소녀 더 와일즈


Type: Manhwa
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: 260
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 14, 2011 to Oct 29, 2016
Genres: Action Action, Comedy Comedy, Drama Drama, Romance Romance
Themes: Harem Harem, Martial Arts Martial Arts, School School
Serialization: Naver Webtoon
Authors: Kim, Hye-Jin (Art), Hun (Story)


Score: 7.541 (scored by 3696936,969 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #27472
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #227
Members: 72,667
Favorites: 2,139

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A series about fighting and martial arts. The Breaker and Girls of the Wild's explore the development of a main male character as he realizes his life changes forever after one faithful day. And in his new lifestyle, the main main male character must learn skills in order to defend himself. There are many characters in both series with techniques and serves as challenges for the MC. Throughout their perspective stories, romance also becomes a sub-plot as the MC impresses certain female characters. I recommend both series for anyone interested in a medium involving high paced action and a story of integrity. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Both have a main protagonist who is weaker than the female leads. Both have harems, and characters who develop throughout the story because they want to do something. Both are amazing series, they both include fighting. 
reportRecommended by ReversedDuo
While they have different premises, both series involves action/martial arts as a main concept. The MC from both series gets involved with characters of various backgrounds but possesses extraordinary abilities. Throughout both series, they strive to protect people they care about and discover their potentials. Recommended for fans of action and light comedy.  
reportRecommended by Stark700
Both are manga in which the male protagonist is trained in boxing by a skilled female. Girls of the Wild's is a full color manhwa that includes a broad range of martial arts while Buyuden focuses just on boxing.  
reportRecommended by Jackster27
- Main male character that doesn't start off as a strong fighter and acts a referee or coach in the story. - Story with matches with female characters and a story that's at least decent. - Fanservice xD , not the main thing though :) - Big group of fighters with rivals and such. - Fighting in the ring. Not 'just' some street fighting. - Well drawn :) 
reportRecommended by SD_CV
First of all, similarities - as soon as i read the description for dragon's rioting, they both have a guy who caught the attention of the most strongest girls in the school which is somewhat similar to Girl's of the wild's plot -Cute and Beautiful girls Difference - MC in DR is strong and OP while the MC in GotW is weak at first but then trains to the point were he can protect himself and is on par woth some of the fighters - GotW has romance and specific scene that may melt your heart as to DR may little to no romance at all, depends on the individual. Girls  read more 
reportRecommended by stardreaming97
Great plot, favourite characters, beautiful art style. Sun-Ken Rock is a high level fighting series with lots of great jokes and funny moments, story twists and turns, with serious drama about gang member whose life did not go the way he wanted, but that never stopped him. 
reportRecommended by susan00
These two manhwa focus on a type of sport and the where both main characters have to play. My Heart Is Beating focuses on water polo while Girls of the Wild's features competitive fighting. Both main characters have a romance interest (though in Girls of the Wild's it is hinted not fully shown). Art work in both are done very well and the plot is enjoyable. The backgrounds of the MC(s) and various other characters are also interesting too. 
reportRecommended by DudeClank60
Both are similar because: They both have a main character that starts off weak and then becomes stronger in training, later on, they both use martial arts, they're both manhwas and they both have main characters that just refuse to give up.  
reportRecommended by LeoCratic
Though both of these mangas are quite different in terms of tone, annarasumanara is darker and more psychological, girls of the wild's being more comedic. But there are alot of similarities between the two. -both have a poor character who is the breadwinner of his/her family. Both of the have been abandoned by their mothers. -both have a rich character that falls for the poor protagonist. -The protagonist goes to school as well as work part-time. He also starts to learn something new as the series progresses.(magic tricks in the former and boxing in the latter) -He/She go through massive devalopment. Annarasumanara is better in my opinion but the latter  read more 
reportRecommended by ironace
Both have a strong story with fighting playing a large part in both 
reportRecommended by Konota_izumi
Both webtoons are about how the male protagonist gradually turns from weak to strong thanks to the help of his strong friends who act as mentors for him. But "Girls of the Wild's" is a story about a guy who went to study at a fighting high school in the real world, while "Dusk Howler" is a story about a guy who started playing as a wizard in a fantasy virtual game. 
reportRecommended by Nancy_Drew
I'll state the obvious right here. The works are similar because they feature strong women, martial arts masters with brutal personalities, no clichés here. I would say that Teppuu has a more mature universe, concerning the atmosphere but also the relationships between the different characters (despite the few chapters). Natsuo and Queen are both very talented individuals who are known for their skills. 
reportRecommended by MacSence
Same 1 guy in a new coed school. It focuses on action a lot but there is good joke and all. A good read. 
reportRecommended by Kishito_
both have a guy going into an all girls school both have a little bit of a harem both have the guy starting out weak and wanting to get stronger i really loved both of these and i hope you do too you should try it out :P  
reportRecommended by Mhaag
Both of these series focus heavily on martial arts and melodrama, both taking place in a martial arts school that encourages fights amongst the students, they're also both korean manhwa  
reportRecommended by TheLewdOtakuRe
.Same weak protagonist that later on gets strong friends that help protect and train him in becoming physically and mentally more stable for fighting, .Both story's are very funny and have great comedic romance scene's. .The two manga's have awesome action that displays great martial arts and strategy .Both main characters in time become the center of attention in the school which makes everyone want to follow and be around them.  
reportRecommended by Obeythealfa
Beelzebub and Girls of the Wild's involve a lot of action as their general setting takes place in a school setting with delinquents looking for trouble. The main male protagonist gets involved with various characters throughout both series that often leads to conflicts and fighting. As the series progresses, they adapt and gain new techniques to aid them in fighting. Beelzebub is noticeable for supernatural themes while Girls of the Wild's has more romance development. Recommended for readers seeking for action and well balanced comedy. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Zippy Zaggy and Girls of the Wild's has a more wacky way of presenting themselves with the premise they have set up. The main male protagonist from both series faces off against powerful adversaries that tests their abilities. Their relationship with others also improves including with the main female characters of the series. Expect plenty of action, drama, and some comedy. Recommended for fans who are interested in martial arts with school and action. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Kick no Onee-san is a seinen that is sort of like Girls of the Wilds. In Kick no Onee-San we have a weaker protagonist who falls for a female fighter who is a pro-kickboxer and he gets dragged somehow into training although he is just a regular salaryman. In Girls of the Wilds we have a poor guy who goes to a formerly all girls fighting school. In each the female athletes are stronger than the mc guys. Girls of the Wilds is more fun, but Kick no Onee-san is amusing as well though not as  read more 
reportRecommended by inzaratha
If you Like one then you will like the other, I promise you that. both martil arts, action, school life Manhwas, both protagonists want to get stronger, both have to beg masters to teach them, both get unreal powers. i could keep on going for a while. while they both have simlar settings the story are very different mainly because of the protagonists, one is a strength baka introduced into a world of genius and superhumans. while the other is weaking being pushed into a corner and make to get stronger to protect. the breaker is darker and in more real that veritas. trust me,  read more 
reportRecommended by Shogen
-Both protagonist are victims of bullying and are weak. -They both begin to train to get stronger and go against bullying -Both have some serious fighting in it. Holyland is almost all drama and fighting as for girls of the wild's has comedy 
reportRecommended by Duckii
Both have a main protagonist who is weaker than the female leads. Both have harems, and characters who develop throughout the story because they want to do something. Both are amazing series, they both include fighting.  
reportRecommended by ReversedDuo
Two very weak male protagonists who are bullied and criticized by old childhood friends. Both main characters give their blood, sweat, and tears into training to become stronger so when the time comes they can protect those around them. Both manga's show amazing character development and very close relationships that are made as the narrative unwinds. Both manga's share Action, School, and Comedy genre components.  
reportRecommended by Obeythealfa
because both are good ...haha oh wait there is 1 similar aspect in that girls can kick y ass just as hard as boys can ! I like that because the overwhelming downplay of woman/girls is embarresing  
reportRecommended by Arch_fenix
The MC meets 3 girls that fight with him. The MC may not look attractive but when he cuts his hair, many girls start to like him.  
reportRecommended by zinx
The two series share a main character that's weak but inspires loyalty from the people around them. Both MC's grow stronger the more they get into confrontations. Both narratives have romance and harem genres. 
reportRecommended by Obeythealfa