Before you consider reading "Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica: The Different Story". It is highly recommended that you either watch the original anime series or read the manga adaptation (both called Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica) due to the Different Story not only referencing events from the original but it was pretty much written under the premise that the reader has seen the original.
That said I will keep spoilers to a minimum for both the original and Different Story so both people who are familiar with the original series and those who aren't can still read this review.
Now onto the actual review:
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica: The Different Story is actually
Alternative TitlesJapanese: 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ ~The different story~ More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 12
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 12, 2012 to Nov 12, 2012
None Statistics Ranked: #5362 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1177
Members: 17,278
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Filtered Results: 7 / 8
Your Feelings Categories Nov 20, 2012
[Update: 2/24/13]
[b]One of the main issues that a lot of people had with Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica was the lack of screentime and development with quite a few of the characters. While other pieces of the franchise like the Drama CD and PSP Game go much more in depth with the story and characters, they are pretty much useless to those who don't know the Japanese language, which is why this manga adaption was such a useful idea.[/b] Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica: The Different Story is adapted from one of the Drama CD's of the Madoka Magica franchise. It's set in the past right after Kyouko contracts ... Nov 12, 2013
When I started getting into the world of Anime and Manga Madoka Magica was one of the earlier things that I watched. I really enjoyed it, fell in love in fact. However this isn't a review about that story. This is a different story, another tale, from another time.
Story: 8 The "Different Story" locks in on the struggles of two different characters from the original show. Centered around Mami and Kyouko, this tale delves into a previously unseen life that happens per-original series. Going deeply into the roots of who these "new" characters were, as well as complementing the original work wonderfully. A "Different Story" ... Aug 20, 2021
20210821 - I have reread this multiple times especially Vol 1. I reread it at least once a month and Vol 1 at least once every two weeks. Sakura Kyoko is my waifu. Love you Kyoko.
All my love for Kyoko aside, the writer got the idea for this publication after the release of the Drama CD "Farewell Story". I too discovered this side story when someone commented it's existence on a webpage for translation of that Drama CD because there were some words that were out of my vocabulary. I had started liking Kyoko very much, after Drama CD, but this Manga took it to ... Apr 11, 2023
Ive reread this book countless times and I honestly liked the different story more than i liked the main series. The original doesnt give you much time with any of the characters especially Mami and Kyoko. A lot of people have complained that the main series doesnt have much character backstory and that Mami was basically there just to die, but the different story fixes basically all of these problems.
I liked how it was set more in the past (despite it being an alternate universe, i still dont completely get the madoka timeline thing lol), after Kyoko just made her wish and a few months ... Jun 25, 2018
Wonderfully drawn and well written, The Different Story is definitely a different story from much of the Madoka Magica manga universe. Quite frankly, it's a different story that I believe truly deserves 9/10 review.
I suppose my biggest issues with the manga universe of Madoka Magica mainly revolve around how mediocre and almost unlike the original anime it is. The signature dark atmosphere and nihilistic themes of Gen Urobuchi's screenwriting for the show doesn't really seem to be found in the manga, and much of the characters in the manga universe lack that special edge that made the original five girls stand out. Luckily, this wasn't ... May 22, 2024
The different gives an extended backstory for ALL OF THE CHARACTERS, art style is the same as the madoka magica manga.
It's based off on the CD 3: farewell story. drawn by hanokage, it's like a what if scenario if mami didn't die. The characters are just as good as the original ones in madoka magica, gives more details on the relationship between kyoko and mami that was hinted in the madoka magica anime, gives details on kyoko's ENTIRE backstory, fleshes out mami's character, and gave us the mami x kyoko ship. if your favorite characters from Madoka Magica are mami or kyoko or both, ... |