Honey much like its title is sweet. This story seems to play out like other shoujos, where an under-the-radar girl begins to slowly like a delinquent or a boy who at least has the face of one. There's nothing breaking the syrupy-sweet shoujo mold, but that is okay too. If you take it for what it is you can enjoy Honey.
Kogure is okay. She fits the generic main character mold. She teeters on a line of boring to forgettable for me. I want to diagnose her with SCS (Shoujo Crying Syndrome), but I think it's understood she's a crybaby. I suppose that could add or
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Emery Sugar, Granulated Sugar Japanese: honey More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 8
Chapters: 41
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 10, 2012 to Nov 13, 2015
Bessatsu Margaret Authors:
Meguro, Amu (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #28182 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1398
Members: 15,066
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Your Feelings Categories Mar 31, 2018
Honey, or Honey So Sweet as titled by Viz, is about a relationship that blossoms between two high school students: a boy everybody notices because they're afraid of him (Taiga) and a girl nobody notices because she's timid (Nao). The plot is as generic as it sounds. There are plot points that make themselves really obvious and the same type of characters you'd find in any other generic high school romance series, from serious characters to characters who scream a lot.
The series had a really rocky start and gets weird at times because it starts off with Nao having a crush on her uncle. The ... Dec 5, 2020
Love isn't always sunshine and rainbows, but during a relationship's best moments, the couple would be so cute and sweet that just looking at them would give you diabetes. A lot of these moments happen when the relationship is as healthy as one can be, but not all of the healthiest relationships start out so well as it eventually becomes. Sometimes, it's just a matter of whether or not you're willing to look past first impressions and see a potential partner for who they are inside. For example, someone who might look scary and cold-hearted may actually have the warmest heart and most gentle personality.
Apr 27, 2021
This was an ok romance. There is nothing inappropriate about this story at all; this is literally the epitome of fluff.
There's the obvious and generic love triangles; so one for each. In my opinion the second love triangle was more unbearable than the first one mostly because the side girl just did not understand the fact that Onise and and Nao are in a relationship, literally no matter how much someone explains it she just refused to get it. But unlike other romance mangas, Onise and Nao never disregarded each others' feelings. For example *SORT OF SPOILER* when Onise started calling the side girl by ... |