Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge♥
The Wallflower: Yamatonadeshiko Shichihenge
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Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge♥

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: My Fair Lady, Sunako of Many Forms, Perfect Girl Evolution, YamaNade
Japanese: ヤマトナデシコ七変化♥
English: The Wallflower: Yamatonadeshiko Shichihenge
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 36
Chapters: 148
Status: Finished
Published: Mar 13, 2000 to Jan 13, 2015
Genres: Drama Drama, Romance Romance
Themes: Reverse Harem Reverse Harem, School School
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Bessatsu Friend
Authors: Hayakawa, Tomoko (Story & Art)


Score: 7.951 (scored by 1113511,135 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #8562
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #680
Members: 28,035
Favorites: 1,101

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Preliminary Spoiler
Jul 29, 2007
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (Unknown/148 chp)
Hilarious premise -- Sunako, the \"wallflower\" of the title, is not just shy but a certifiably insane horror movie maniac -- but eight volumes later this manga STILL shows absolutely no movement towards any kind of resolution, either of the main plot or of the romantic subplot. I love the characters, but I can only take so many gag chapters. Recommended if you\'re a Japanese horror movie fan or love parodies, but you have to accept that humor takes precedence over the plot.
Apr 5, 2009
Preliminary (88/148 chp)
This is a hard one to review, because it's so variable in quality. The best bits are really good, while the worse bits are really annoying.

The premise and overall theme are great. It's a quite different take on the whole ugly-duckling-becomes-a-swan storyline that should be familiar from things like "My Fair Lady", "Pretty Woman", and all the other stories that have a man turn a girl into a lady. Here, even four highly motivated pretty-boys have a heck of a time with just one very difficult young woman. She doesn't want to change, not in the least, and while the boys ...
Sep 26, 2018

I don't know about you, but for me, the years 2002-2005 were all about punk rock. Even though I grew up in New Jersey, USA, and this manga was written in Japan, The Wallflower, a punky-gothic-shoujo manga, really captures that time period. Oh nostalgia...

This manga series is a difficult one for me to review. Mostly because, while I enjoy it immensely, it is hard to recommend it to others.

The uniqueness of this series does not appear to be unanimously appreciated, so I plan to do my best here to explain what this series is, and what it is not, ...
Nov 3, 2010
Preliminary (103/148 chp)
When I first started reading Wallflower, I had made the assumtion that it would just be one of those mangas where they turn the girl into a perfect lady, all of the guys fall in love with her along the way, and she picks one of them at the end to make your average shoujo manga. A few chapters in, I realized this would not be the case. While it starts off with the simple plot of the boys having to turn the girl into a perfect lady, it slowly evolves into an even greater message that I think can be simply put by a ...
Nov 3, 2009
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (96/148 chp)
I first stumble upon the anime and enjoyed so I decided to read the Manga and.....After 96 chapters, the story line is sooooooooooooo slow paced. It is funny through out out the manga, but there isn't really a continuous story( i hope that makes sense) Alot of the chapters are funny but some don't have anything to do with a story line. Also the relationship between Noi and Takenega, even between the Princess and the other guy develop more than the main characters sunako and Kyohei. not that it has to happen fast like most shoujo manga lol, but it still hasn't really taken ...
Jun 1, 2013
Preliminary (Unknown/148 chp)
This is my first time reviewing a Manga, and one of the few I've read.

Story 7/10

Now when I started reading The Wallflower, it was after I saw all the episodes and wanted to know more and what happened next. I found out that there were much more in the manga than in the Anime.

Honestly the manga is 1000000000 x better. The story is filled with comedy and more romance scence.

So why did I give it a 7? Because at some parts, I was like wait what just happen. I don't know if it was because of poor transilation but I really couldn't understand ...
Apr 25, 2010
Preliminary (80/148 chp)
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (I hope I got that right), or the Wallflower, or Perfect Girl Evolution (just pick one) is a romantic comedy about four boys' attempts at transforming the strange Sunako Nakahara into a lady. Unfortunately for them, Sunako proves to be a stubborn, tomboyish girl with an odd liking of gory, horrific stuff (such as torture tools). She and the other four are always getting into funny, or romantic, mishaps that are usually because of Sunako misunderstanding things/or being weird. She and Takano get into a lot of romantic situations but she, or him, usually ruins the mood (much to both of ...
Nov 18, 2020
I love this manga and it's my favourite ever in the whole entire world so pls give this a chance and hold on. It's literally so funny and I can come back to it all the time. Go watch the anime because that's hilarious as well. At first, I was put off by the feminine-looking character designs but eventually, I fell in love with all the characters especially kyouhei <3 It deals with body issues and romance and comedy and nosebleeds and skeletons. I love everything about this manga!

Story = 10/10

Characters =10/10

Art = 8/10 (i love it but even i must admit that it aint ...
Nov 26, 2016
Preliminary (110/148 chp)
It's just a great storie abaut a real girl and funny guys, the characters' development are fantastic specially Sunako, she isn't typical main character, she is wonderful and strong lady and really really funny girl.
This manga is one of my favorites manga ever
It's true that the story is moving slowly, but at least for me I love that 'cause there is more chapter hahahaha :)
However, the characters' drawing get a little worse, just a little, and the situations are the most, in something cases for me, ilogical, but, well, the storie still good and wonderful.
I'm still waiting for Kyohei to say what he feels
Apr 5, 2010
Preliminary (Unknown/148 chp)
Well this is hard because at times this anime is super funny and at other times its abit boring and has unimportaint parts. The comedy was great and enjoyable so thats fine but the character oh boy The main female role Sunako was funny and a very liked character while two of the boys that are also main are boring and pointless the other two are not as boring and pointless so the characters are abit hard to write a review about. The romance was light at most and the comedy was heavy but the anime wasent horrible to watch it had you laughing at ...
Dec 12, 2023
Going into this manga it’s important to know that it’s a comedy series first and foremost. When people see a shoujo manga of this length I think it gives them certain expectations going in and it’s best to get them in order before starting such a lengthy manga. For one, I’m sure people would expect the leads to have gotten together by the end or half-way through the story at least. That’s not what happens in The Wallflower. It’s unconventional and this is true from beginning to end.

A young girl living in a mansion with 4 hot guys certainly sounds like a dream come true, ...
Jan 9, 2012
Preliminary (Unknown/148 chp)
This manga is so good!, I mean, when I begun to read it I though it will be like Ouran, a girl who doesn't care much about appearance and that at the end almost all the guys are in love with her-don't get me wrong I totally love Ouran-but yamato nadeshiko it's so different. The girl and her hate to the ''radiant creatures'', the personalities of the four guys: the serious one, the playboy, the cute one, and...I don't even know how to describe Kyohei, the...stupid one? haha, all this things are hilarious! Well, in short, I totally recommend this manga ♥