Ah Disney, how we all love thee.... We all know the movies, sing along to the songs, and they even know we are wiling to buy just about anything with their name on it. Within the past several years, the company has evolved from a company that cared about providing quality entertainment for the whole family into a company that will try and get you to spend every dollar you own on thier name. Its a sight that would even make Walt Disney himselef cry if he where alive today.
Instead of getting into a rant of how low the company has fallen, I will be
reviewing a product that was created from thier love for money. (Notice how I say “product” and not something like “series”.) Knowing how this manga was nothing more than a product of Disney’s greed to make more money, I went and read it anyways (even though i’m sick of the all of the crap they have made in recent years, excluding the movies by Pixar). So why did I read this even though I know the manga was going to be bad? Well, I love manga, I loved Disney when I was a kid (didn’t we all though?) and the first volumes where sitting there at my local library and I thought “Why not?”. Now on that note, finally the real review on “Kilala Princess”.
Story: Just looking at the cover alone, I knew this was going to be another one of those run of the mill generic fantasy shojo stories. Sure enough, it was. Girl dreams of being a princess, mets a cute guy, cute guy is trying a find a princess, stuff happens, the two fall in love, etc. (And in the end it is quite obvious the princess he is searching for is Kilala anyways) What makes this special is the fact that the Disney Princesses (Trade Mark sign here) are thrown into the mix. But for a generic Shojo story that was made to cash in on the Disney Princess line, its not as bad as I thought it was gong to be. I found it much more enjoyable than the Kingdom Hearts manga (and ive never played the games either, I don’t have a PS2). I thought it was going to be just pure trash with no real plot and just having Disney characters parading about to sucker you into reading it, like all the other crap Disney makes now a days. But no, its almost like both the author and artist are true Disney fans themselves, and actually tried to give us something somewhat worthwhile to read with the princesses we know and love. So they managed to surpise me there, but i’m dispointed they didn’t try a little harder to come up with something a lttle more original. Then again, this was actually made for a younger audience and not hardcore anime fans who have seen it all.
Art: I like the art here. It has a nice blend of east-mets-west. The Disney characters look like thier usual western selefs and not Japan-itzed into anime-looking characters. (I don’t have a problem seeing Western characters drawn anime style though. Sometimes I like seeing the change, it gives a nice new spin on an old classic.....when done right of course.) As for the original characters, sure they look like the usual shojo manga characters, even the two guys looking for the princess look alot like those two guys from of off Tokyo Mew Mew (I forgot their names, and i'm too lazy to look them up right now). But the anime characters are drawn in such a way where when they are standing next to the Disney characters they don’t look too out of next to a western-syle drawn character. So I give the artist a kudos for that.
Also, I like the placement of the pannels and how the arrangement of the art to tell the story here as well. It has a really nice flow to it when you read it. Its not a jumbled up mess with gaps in the story from one pannel to the next, like what ive seen in other manga series spin-offs of a popular franchise (such as Cowboy Bebop and Code Geass for examples).
Character: Lets face it, when we where all young i’m sure just about all of us girly-girls (or once where, like me) out there had dreamed of being a princess at some point and living within the world of Disney. (I sure as hell did. Even dressed up as a princess for Halloween in Kindergraden and imagined living in the world of the Lion King when that movie first came out.) Kilala here is alot like a refection of how we where when we where a kid, and wanting to live out our dreams. Shes also alot like the kind of character you would find in your average Disney Channel-made movie, except she actually has a brain unlike the mindless idiots you see in those movies anymore.
As for the other characters. The anime ones are like your usual shojo cast personality-wise as well. As for the Disney characters, I guess they where in character, at least more so than what it could have been. I’m just glad they wheren’t like a broken record and be like “dreams come true, just belive in yourselef!” or some crap like that like what Disney keeps trying to shove into our faces in recent years. Or something lame like Kilala comes along and helps the Princesses out and there happy again, happily ever after. So the Disney characters here seamed to be handled somewhat better than if they could be directily by thier own company.
Enjoyment: As for enjoyment, I thought it was a fun lil series to read, its better than I thought it would be. Not the best or most original manga ever, but I wouldn’t mind picking up future volumes and reading them (if I can’t find anything else to read anyways, theres lots of other series I would much rather read). If this product was American-made and not Japanese-made like how it could have been, then I just know it would have become the trash I was expecting when I started reading this. (This just proves that the Japanese know how to treat fans better than Americans do.)
Overal, I think this manga would be best enjoyed by shojo manga readers who still love Disney or by young girls who love anime/manga or Disney. If your looking for something original, you won’t find it here, the only thing original (and the only real reason why anyone would even bother reading this) would be for the Disney characters. And they do pretty well with providing this manga just that.
So for another money-making Disney product, this one isn't half bad. I can even see this manga still being made even if the company wasn't being driven by greed....
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Kirara Princess Japanese: Disney's きらら☆プリンセス More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 5
Chapters: 23
Status: Finished
Published: 2005 to 2007
Nakayoshi Statistics Ranked: #58782 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #7824
Members: 2,640
Favorites: 70 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 5 / 5
Your Feelings Categories Sep 21, 2008
Ah Disney, how we all love thee.... We all know the movies, sing along to the songs, and they even know we are wiling to buy just about anything with their name on it. Within the past several years, the company has evolved from a company that cared about providing quality entertainment for the whole family into a company that will try and get you to spend every dollar you own on thier name. Its a sight that would even make Walt Disney himselef cry if he where alive today.
Instead of getting into a rant of how low the company has fallen, I will be ... Jan 23, 2023
This manga quite literally changed my life. I can't imagine where I'd be now if I hadn't found that beat up copy of volume four at my local library. The romance is adorable, the art is gorgeous, and the story is wonderfully written. This series is what made me want to refine my art and write my own stories. I couldn't even count the number of times I've gone back to read this series over and over again and still get giddy over my favorite scenes. Kilala Princess is my favorite manga of all time and has been for over 10 years. I don't see
Jun 21, 2011
This is my childhood dream come true. The main character, Kilala, travels through all of the "Disney Princesses" world in order to collect gems for a magic Tiara that will same the country of Paradiso. In this quest she is assisted by Rei, a handsome blond boy skilled in sword fighting.
Kilala helps each of the Disney Princesses and they help her, giving her "princess advise". Each princess teaches her something different, and gives her a different kind of gem. The plot is very simple, yet sweet at the same time. Of course the target group for this manga are girls from 7 to 13 ... Jul 23, 2023
This manga is SO adorable! It is a perfect blend of mahou shoujo, isekai, shoujo itself, and Disney! Kilala, the main character, is a teenage girl is obsessed with everything Disney, to the point that she gets into trouble for it sometimes. One day, her life is flipped upside down and she is transported to the Disney Princess universe! Kilala LOVES the Disney Princesses and longs to be just like one. A mysterious Prince needs her help to protect his kingdom, and during their journey, Kilala learns a valuable lesson from each Disney Princess she encounters, and she becomes stronger for herself and those around
Sep 2, 2022
A young girl dreaming of becoming a princess gets to visit Disney worlds, save a kingdom, fall in love, and become royalty all in the course of 5 volumes. You could almost call it a shoujo Kingdom Hearts.
While not very *objectively* good, it's a fun time for the right audience. The story is... frankly I was laughing at the insanity at certain points, but smiling at the cheesy charm the whole way through. The fast pace means it never lingers on anything for very long and it's really over before you know it. The characters are endearing despite their lack of depth. The romance is ... |