Mayonaka no Oyatsu
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Mayonaka no Oyatsu

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: You’re My So Sweeeet Dessert!
Japanese: 真夜中のおやつ


Type: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 4
Status: Finished
Published: 2011
Genres: Boys Love Boys Love, Drama Drama, Romance Romance, Erotica Erotica
Serialization: Karen
Authors: Kanda, Neko (Story & Art)


Score: 7.441 (scored by 44264,426 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: N/A2
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #2482
Members: 8,703
Favorites: 26


These mangas feature a relationship between an uncle and nephew who meet again after not seeing each other for many years. Ore ni Koi Shite Dousunda is rather grim, while Mayonaka no Oyatsu is very cute and fluffy. 
reportRecommended by kazumaxayano
A young teenage boy ends up falling for a man in his 30s, who incidentally sees him as a very cute child..... Fast forward a few years later, and the boy is the one who initiates a physical relationship with the older man. To his credit, the adult resists the relationship for quite some time bc of the massive gap in their ages, but we both know how the manga ends :p 
reportRecommended by -Sonal-
This is in reference to the second story featured in Katsubou no Manazashi. These two stories invert the common yaoi trope of a small cute uke. The younger, cuter partner grows up a manly-man, and hilarity ensues.  
reportRecommended by kazumaxayano
it's both about an older who is (lolicon) loving the younger related by blood. even though, in Super Lovers the younger stays cute, while in Mayonaka no Oyatsu doesn't 
reportRecommended by PersephoneMyers
ATTENTION: this is about the [i]side story[/i] of Kiss made ato 3 senchi! So if you liked that, you'll definitely like Mayonaka no Oyatsu! ^^ They're both yaoi manga about a couple that is veeeery close to each other despite their big age difference. Both couples lose contact for many years but meet again later on. Also, in both cases the older guy ends up being the uke after recklessly falling in love with the aggressive younger seme~! <3 Hope you enjoy! ^^ 
reportRecommended by Atani