Even if its hentai about incest, I kind of enjoy part of this manga.
The first arc was beautiful. Even that i sometimes frown at incest because of reasons I will mention down the road, but if its real love, like shown on the first arc, then i would not mind.
First ark is about a boy and his 2 sisters (plus a cousin) that love each other. Oldest sister wanted to be the perfect sister for the boy, and the second sister just liked to roleplay with him as when children they used to roleplay a lot while using cosplay.
The third is, the cousin, came in
their lives later and she is the classic tsundere archetype character.
After years, emotions and feelings rose between them and mostly because the boy is really a nice guy and he really cares about his sisters.
Things accelerated a lot and then they crossed the line of siblings and into lovers... Each girl secretly took a round with him and tried to gain his love and approval.
Then they discovered that each one of them had a night with the brother and began to argue about it and point out who was the one who really deserved him to the point that one of them says that The brother had to decide and pic one.
This is the part I frown... because the boy kind of went a bit greedy.
However, he was truly honest to them and saying that he really cares about them and couldn't pick one or the other and he felt really guilty about it.
The girls knowing him and knowing that he really meant no harm to them and that he really cares decided to make a deal.
They accepted to all four date each other and end in a harem as long as he just do it with them and don't look at any other girl in the future.
The second arc... this is the one I disliked. And unfortunately is the only one adapted to anime... they should had adapted the original first arc and not this one.
The story is about a young boy who is obsessed with his older sister to the point to masturbate to her. Because how weird he began to acts, the sister began to put a barrier between them. One night the brother saw her masturbate and then sexual assaulted her ending in rape, in the claim of "love". He claims and says that he truly loves but ending up raping her not once, but twice.
When I was reading this I got angry and wanted to punch him.
In the scene of the stairs which is the second time he pushed himself on her and rapes her
In my mind I was screaming: "DUDE! THAT IS NOT LOVE! IF YOU REALLY LOVED HER YOU WOULD HAD BEEN PUSHY AND FORCED HER TO DO SEX WITH YOU AGAINST HER WILL! That is not love, that is lust! And you forced her which in a sense is rape! If you really loved her you would had stopped when she begged you to stop and would had waited for her to be willing instead of push yourself into her like she was an object!"
I really wanted to punch him and beat him up! That is NOT love! is lust! And you are mixing both, boy! (I blame also the author who is mixing both sides into one when it is not!) Because yes, people in Japan do think that forcing yourself into an unwilling girl is "Love".
And they let themselves be raped because there will be no help to come and if people sees she got raped, they will blame the victim and public humiliate them so they prefer to shut up and let themselves be raped to not face shame.
This is one of the reasons I dislike incest... it always ends up in sexual abuse, lust and rape claiming that is an "act of love" when is clearly not. And some people who sees this actually wants to cross the line between fantasy and reality and want to commit these acts on real life siblings.
Sad thing is that... 90% of incest flicks ends up like this... and rares are the ones that shows real love.
also for incest, when the illusion comes from a male to a female 90% of the time is just lust and ends up in sexual abuse and rape, with an excuse that is love.
On the other hands, when it comes from female to male, 90% of the time is real love. (Sample Aki-sora series)
It is a shame that the women love while the men lust on them...
if it was real love I would not say anything about it.
The other arcs were fine but these two were the ones that gives the most impressions, especially since second was animated.
Speaking of illusions:
This is what Incest really is. Incest is just an illusion created by Genetic Attraction (It is a fact that genes of the same type attracts each other like magnets) and people mistake genetic attraction for romantic attraction and love interest.
Many of them gets obsessed and ends up sexually abusing or raping the person... others well do end up in love.
The reason why there is laws against incest is because it is a fact that incest provokes genetic deterioration.
Children born out of incest comes out with double the illness and problems because of the same genetic chain and many ends up dead... which also provokes the extinction of the human race is there is no control.
If anyone remembers, at the beginning of time when human genes were pure and there was no sickness, clans did in-bred between themselves to maintain their family blood line pure and rarely took outsiders in. (How ever this was between siblings and not son-mother, father-daughter).
But eras after, because of pollution and sicknesses, the human DNA is no longer perfect and if genome of the same type joins together, it will create double the problems.
We as humans came from millennia of evolution to end up back on square one just because of the selfishness of some irresponsible idiots who wants to fuck his or her brother/sister and/or mothers/fathers
But even so, if you still want to continue being a selfish idiot and want to bang your sister/brother... then operate yourself to not have children and fuck all the time you like and don't bring sick children into this world to suffer because of your selfishness.
Leave the fantasy to fantasy and don't cross the line.
I've seen comments from idiots like: "Oh i wish i had a little sister like this or that so i could fuck her!" or "I want to fuck my sister" (Some actually does do it)
I Godzilla face-palm you! And when Godzilla face-palms the fail is epic. (Or so the Meme says)
Funny thing though... Having a relationship with your cousin in Japan is allowed and not viewed as incest by people and considered legal by law.
Still, it still bring genetic problems given how close the blood relation is, and children still are born with problems.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Sis Love, Older Sister Love, Love, Hate, I Love You, The Truth and Lies of the Student Council President, Sailor Suit Sister, The Room and the Puppy and Masaki-san Japanese: 姉恋 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 10
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 11, 2010 to Aug 12, 2011
Comic Tenma Authors:
Yuzuki N' (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: N/A2 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #6646
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Your Feelings Categories May 17, 2017
Even if its hentai about incest, I kind of enjoy part of this manga.
The first arc was beautiful. Even that i sometimes frown at incest because of reasons I will mention down the road, but if its real love, like shown on the first arc, then i would not mind. First ark is about a boy and his 2 sisters (plus a cousin) that love each other. Oldest sister wanted to be the perfect sister for the boy, and the second sister just liked to roleplay with him as when children they used to roleplay a lot while using cosplay. The third is, the cousin, came in ... |