Koi dano Ai dano
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Koi dano Ai dano

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Like and Love and, Koi da no Ai da no, Futsuu Hyakkei
Japanese: 恋だの愛だの


Type: Manga
Volumes: 11
Chapters: 46
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 10, 2009 to Apr 9, 2016
Genres: Comedy Comedy, Romance Romance
Theme: School School
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: LaLa DX
Authors: Tsujita, Ririko (Story & Art)


Score: 8.051 (scored by 43514,351 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #6692
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1775
Members: 12,222
Favorites: 222



If you like Koi Dano Ai Dano, try Last Game or vice versa. The handsome main leads in these shoujos have to deal with intelligent yet clueless girls. The guys fall for them, yet they see him as their best friend and ignore all clues about romance - also the guys are not very good at straightforwardly telling the girl, but go about their approach in a round about way that leads nowhere, yet in a very humorous way. Koi Dano is very humorous yet also very well written and witty, while Last Game is not as  read more 
reportRecommended by inzaratha
Both romantic comedies with heavy emphasis on the comedy, featuring strong, female leads who are trying hard to reinvent themselves, though are quick to revert back to old habits and eccentricities (in Kyokos case, her grudges and love of fairy tales, for Naedoko, behavioral observation and skillful manipulation). Both are furthermore entirely oblivious to the romantic advances of the male lead, getting far more exited at the prospect of going windowshopping or eating ice cream with their first ever (female) friend. I think if you like one, you're bound to like the other.  
reportRecommended by Selphie64
They both have strong female leads and they both center around a school club, in Ouran High School Host Club they are of course in the host club while in in Koi Dano ai Dano they are in the newspaper club. Both have the prince type main guy who is likeable and a cold logical smart megane girl who is indifferent to or clueless of his affection. Actually the female lead of Koi Dano is a bit like a female version of Kyoya ( the megane character from Ouran ) in that she is smart, logical and a behind  read more 
reportRecommended by inzaratha
Both feature similar female protagonist personalities. Enjoyed Kusuriya and immediately thought of koi dano ai dano's protagonist.  
reportRecommended by Ranigad
Has a similar feeling mc who is kind of awkward but because of their uniqueness attracts the attractive guy. Both have a similar feel and are lighthearted for the most part. The heroines are full of heart, spunk, and ambition. They have a sweet honesty to them underneath it all that others who become close to them can see. Well-written and not so full of cliches 
reportRecommended by littlegirly
Both female leads are very clever, "plain" looking girls who place a high value on friendship. Both have a super-popular and sexy male childhood friend who is madly in love with them. And both of them are way too dense and self-effacing to see that love for what it is. 
reportRecommended by Jerakor
Both manga's protagonists act as somewhat outsiders, who reluctantly involve themselves with their classes. They also deduce factors, influences and relationships within the class. Each main character is analytical and acts somewhat superior to the rest of the class. However koi dano ai dano is shoujo and is a much more lighter and more comedic read than Onanie Master Kurosawa. If looking for similar main characters try this one on. 
reportRecommended by Neonfun
Main Female Leads are quite similar in their personalities, however MFL in Koi Dano Ai Dano has a much better sense of humor, whereas MFL in Hibiki is much more serious and weird in different sense. Although there are romance tags for both series and the MMLs are similar as well, it doesn't seem like romance is the main focus of either series.  
reportRecommended by FluffyFish
Cheese in the Trap and Koi Dano Ai Dano have intelligent and observant heroines. These manga both have cold and caluculating characters who seem observe others, and while they are not mean their personalities are not typical ones, both series have both comedy and drama. They differ in that Cheese is josei while Koi Dano is shoujo and that Cheese has a more complex plot and a mystery.  
reportRecommended by inzaratha
Strong female leads who are smart, they both have a cold sort of megane outlook on things which is a lot of fun as you see them analyze situations. They both have prince like guys who like them but they are indifferent or clueless about it. They both involve school clubs, in Koi Dano ai Dano they are in the newspaper club, while in Kaichou wa Maid-Sama they are in student council.  
reportRecommended by inzaratha
Beauty is the Beast is a bit more heavier than KDAD but both have an indifferent girl with a good looking guy who treats the girl significantly better than anyone else 
reportRecommended by beckaleck
The relationship between the two characters are similar: an indifferent girl and a popular guy with a strong personality. 
reportRecommended by beckaleck
it's a really cute story where the male lead also tries things to the girl he likes. A plain girl x popular guy story (: 
reportRecommended by thenoatorious
Yukina is also an observer and also likes to be alone, she also uses her observer skills to manipulate others~! another plain x populair guy manga. 
reportRecommended by thenoatorious
They both involve a strong female lead l in a school club with a prince type guy and both girls are oblivious to the guys affections. 
reportRecommended by inzaratha