OK, I will take a stab at reviewing this first.
This is my first time reading the work of Yeon Young-Hee so I will not complain about the art (even though I already did, I will mention it again)...
Having said that, the story could have been a solid one. COULD have been. Even with 32 chapters there should have been no reason for the plot to fall and fail. I give story an 8 because I thought it was slightly innovative. The beginning was solid and clear. I actually think the first two chapters were the best chapters in the whole entire
manhwa that successfully executed the plotline, character development, and pacing.
I do not have that many problems with the art, I DO have problems with the scanning. I can understand being short-staff and not having the experience (for I do work with a scanlation group, I understand the pressure) however, I can not forgive what happened to the poor maid in "Do Not Fight"! To put it in a funny way, the maid gives new meaning to Chiaroscuro. You'll see what I mean. It was only the maid that was never scanned properly. Just her. And only her. Unforgivable...
Character? What is that? It seems that the manhwaka felt like creating a new character every 5 chapters. I didn't mind it much but why the unnecessary people? I don't mean it in a bad way, but I seriously mean that there are characters who were reocurring and even though they seemed important to the plot, they weren't. Example, the female lead meets an Indian man in the Bahamas (strange, it appears that there are many white faces in the Bahamas, no black people... hmmm) and he only served his purpose for ONE page. Yet, they keep bringing him back. I'll admit, he was my favorite character.
Btw, the opposite can be said for characters that hardly had a role. There was one girl who's character was never created. No face no anything, yet her name caused so much stress for the male lead. Why was she never created? You hear about her for two pages and that's it!
Continuing on, it seems that the manhwaka favors most of the men in the series as she decided to keep all 3 supporting characters on standby. I awfully feel bad for the male lead as his fake wife appears to be in her own harem! The husband who is said to be a playboy is literally (but not literally) seen with another woman twice (no this is not a spoiler since it's had no influence on the plot) in the whole manhwa. I understand him for falling in love with her and then getting angry when she refuses his advances. I mean, she silently obeys every other man in the manga, why not her own husband? She gets teary-eyed everytime she sees a woman a yard from him. She gets jealous when she hears a woman talk to him or even talk about him. I can't validate her being suspicious of her husband when she clearly goes on dates with other men. Example...
Mini-Spoiler(I hate doing this but it has to be done)
Our female lead Nora meets this guy Peter. Her husband, Ralph can automatically smell playboy on him and is uneasy about them meeting. Peter invites Nora to a party and he gets her drunk. Ralph was there and he takes Nora back to her room. The next day or so, Nora meets with Peter again and he shows her a family of wild dogs. Her lines annoy me the most at the moment "I think you're very kind Peter. Because you like animals" What. The. Facula. Considering the fact that we know nothing about this guy and after we first meet him he pulls a douche move and gets her wasted, the only thing on her mind is not the man who brought her back safely, but the man who happen to find some cute dogs! Somehow the manhwaka felt the need to use this Peter guy again in the imminent chapters but he still has not gotten my sympathy. The manhwaka tried to create his background but did not try hard enough which brings me to another point.
THIS MANHWA HAS MANY INCONSISTENCIES. It is all up to you whether or not you mind it. I did not write much about them only because after the first 5 inconsistencies I gave up and just assumed what was going on. Also, if you do plan on reading this, read from Mangahere because I put a lot of tsukommis in that manhwa. Only if you don't mind reading from Mangahere, I don't prefer it, but for this one I had to make my comments known. Many times I tsukkomi'ed about the maid or inconsistencies I found. I'll let it go for the review (maybe) but there was no way I could let it pass when I first read it. And I did complain a little bit about the art but not really...
Overall, this story had a good start but it crashed in the middle and exploded at the end. From what I've gathered, to solve a marriage someone has to go to a nursing home and sex has to happen. iight bro, makes sense. But hey, when has there ever been a manga/manhwa with a great last chapter? Oh wait... there are tons of stories with fantastic endings. This one has no excuse. I don't want to see the whole "the ending had to be rushed" or "it had to end unexpectingly" because from chapter 4 all the way to the end was comprised of rushing. In one page, 2 months went by. In another page, 6 months went by. In 2 pages, 6 years and 6 months went by. Does that paint a picture?
It seems like I have a lot of negative things to say but I'll be honest and say that I was unable to predict 55% of the things that happened in this manhwa. And that is saying a lot for manhwa because I have read so many that contained trite scenes where things didn't even need to be mentioned. Because of the summary of the story and the crazy that happens in the middle, it was fun having to solve the puzzle.
Story: 8 -because of it's individuality
Art: 5 -it literally is mediocre. Even with good scanning
Character: 6 -too many characters and not enough development in them
Enjoyment: 6 -this was one of my speedy stories. I read it in one day and it is best for you to read it in one day as well
Overall: 6 -it could have been something good.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: 반항하지마 InformationType: Manhwa
Volumes: 6
Chapters: 32
Status: Finished
Published: 2000 to ?
None Authors:
Yeon, Young-Hee (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #184702 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #22037
Members: 604
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Your Feelings Categories Jul 15, 2014
OK, I will take a stab at reviewing this first.
This is my first time reading the work of Yeon Young-Hee so I will not complain about the art (even though I already did, I will mention it again)... Story Having said that, the story could have been a solid one. COULD have been. Even with 32 chapters there should have been no reason for the plot to fall and fail. I give story an 8 because I thought it was slightly innovative. The beginning was solid and clear. I actually think the first two chapters were the best chapters in the whole entire ... Aug 14, 2019
The story was extremely hard to follow and very confusing in the way it was written, half the time I had absolutely no idea what was going on. The story was so back and forth on everything that was happening. The characters are all fairly unlikable, especially the main characters. Their interaction with each other was dreadful, and the actions they made made absolutely no sense to me. They were inconsistent with their feelings, actions, and words. It's hard to believe their relationship even consists of any romance by the time you get to the end of the story. It took me 300 days to finish reading ... |