- Last OnlineFeb 22, 11:06 PM
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Feb 21, 2020
Even if you don't have a lot of time on your hands, a oneshot is something that can be read fairly quickly, so if you're having doubts on whether to read this or not it really won't take out much of your day so I strongly recommend at least trying it.
Story: 10/10
Generally with one shots they aren't able to get a solid story with well rounded characters and information out in a very short time frame, however, this manga manages. We quickly understand the situation the world is facing, and the struggles the heroes are experiencing. The story dives into ways that are unexpected and
leaves you with a sense of sadness.
Art: 9/10
You can tell a lot of time went into the artwork by how beautiful it is, especially the pages that have been coloured.
The art is more than your average manga, thought was definitely put into the environment and characters and the shading is phenomenal.
Characters: 9/10
For having such a short time-frame to tell the story we witness a lot of development between the characters, and we learn a lot about the type of people that they are.
Enjoyment: 9/10
I definitely did not regret reading this, and I'm very glad I gave it a chance.
Hopefully you enjoy picking this up as much as I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 26, 2019
This isn't your typical "MC becomes crazy OP" story where the OP MC becomes absolutely boring af.
This story is a fucking masterpiece.
You may be skeptical about reading it, perhaps you think it will end up trash like many generic RPG/MMO style anime/manga.
I assure you that that opinion is completely wrong.
The Story: 10/10
Absolutely solid, it flows extremely well and is probably one of the best adaptions of a LN into a Manhwa I've ever seen.
The story is filled with plots that make sense, flowing with extremely well written character development, assisted by very good character interactions.
Of course, like many stories, it starts out slow. When I
first started reading this story definitely pissed me off to the point that I was like "Does this even get better."
Yes, yes it does.
You may be annoyed with the MC and many supporting characters in the beginning but that quickly changes as the character begins to go through a change no one in this fantasy world has experienced before. He is able to level up his rank. Through that experience he drastically changes in personality and is able to experience much more action than previously before, at the bottom of the barrel. This manhwa quickly becomes exciting to read and you'll continuously be asking for more after finishing each chapter. Give it a chance and run through the chapters, I'm sure it's something all action and fantasy lovers will enjoy.
Art: 10/10
It's really hard to not love the art style honestly, it's beautiful and clear, well drawn, and definitely adds to the appeal of reading this.
Character: 10/10
I cannot get enough of how amazing each character is in their own way.
This being a fantasy, theres a loott of things we can't relate to in this story, but even with that the characters are easy to understand, or relate to.
The choices each characters make make complete sense based on our understanding of their personality, or their history.
We aren't stuck with any characters that have overly unrealistic personalities, which makes reading this all the better.
Enjoyment: 10/10
I have reread all the chapters available many times and it really doesn't get old.
You definitely may not see this as a Masterpiece like I do, but it is definitely a minimum of a 7/10.
If you love fantasy... action... adventure.. then this is for you.
Give it a chance and run through all the chapters available, I'm sure you will see the beauty in it.
Overall, I give these 86 chapters currently available to us a 10/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 26, 2019
This was a well done recap.
It provided it's purpose in making the viewer remember "Wait, what happened in the first season?"
It's been so long since I watched the first season, and I really didn't feel like rewatching it to entirety because of how long that would have taken.
So instead, I've watched the first and second recap movies.
If you still remember what happened during the first season, this is something you can skip.
But if you're like me and have absolutely forget the entirety of the story it definitely helps you prepare for season 2.
It smooshes together the first season of 600 minutes, into two movie recaps
of 177 minutes.
So needless to say, there is a lot of detail missing. So if you haven't watched the first season at all and thought to replace it with the recap movies, don't.
This show is amazing in many ways the recap movies simply can't capture.
Overall the recap movies are a 6/10 for me, they're just fine. Not a masterpiece in any way and they're only to serve one purpose, not provide new or interesting content.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 25, 2019
Ajin is something I love with an absolute passion.
I absolutely love the manga, the only real qualm I have when you compare the anime to the manga is that the anime is much less gory, believe it or not.
Story: 9/10
Just absolutely great, not only is the concept of the story beautiful but it's exceptionally well written as well.
Ajin, demi humans that only realize they are Ajin at the moment they die, simply because they just come back to life.
The development of the plot carries on in very appropriate ways for its setting, the characters have very good reasons for each of their actions and all
the characters react in ways you'd except in each situation based off their personalities.
Theres no point in comparing the TV show to the Movies though, essentially they're the same thing, just done slightly differently, it really all depends on how you enjoy watching your anime. I watched both the Movie and TV show just because, really. But if you've already watched one set theres not much point in watching the other unless you REALLY like this anime.
I know a lot of people dislike it's art style but they made an exceptional decision going forward with this particular one.
My main reason? The Black Ghosts.
The way their concept was transformed into this style of animation is astounding. I don't believe they would have been captured as perfect as this were the style done as the average anime. The way the Black Ghosts fights were done were tremendously well done for this reason.
Sound: 8/10
Not much to say besides it sounds good, lol.
The voice actors did amazing jobs and all the sound effects were very well done.
Character: 8/10
The characters were great.
There is a lot of dislike for the main character at first, but once you actual grasp the kind of person he is, you'll begin to understand his reasoning for all his actions.
He makes perfect sense.
And the villain? Ohhh Satou, the most perfect character anyone could have ever dreamed of. He makes Ajin so much better than what it is. An absolute sickening badass.
Enjoyment: 8/10
I quite liked this movie, it was a lot of fun to watch, and I honestly believe everyone should try Ajin out.
Overall: 8/10
It was very good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 25, 2019
It's simply a recap movie.
It didn't really provide new content or anything, but if its been a while since you watched the first season (and never continued to the second) it's pretty helpful.
The artstyle, sound, and characters are same as before. Beautifully well done.
The story is a little smooshed together (as all recaps are) which is perfectly fine.
If you have just finished watching the first season of Haikyuu there is absolutely no need to watch this movie at all.
If you're like I am, and watched it a few years ago and completely forget basically everything that happened I would recommend watching the first and second
recap movie before moving on to the next season. You'll basically get all the information you need from the anime you've already finished in a much quicker time span. Which is the good thing about this recap! If you don't have all the time in the world to completely rewatch the entire season (which would be 25 episodes amounting to 600 minutes) you could watch both movies which would amount to 177 minutes instead. It's pretty convenient.
Overall I'd give it a 6/10, it's fine. It's a good recap but it's not original content.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 25, 2019
Do you absolutely love Isekai and all the beauty that comes with it?
Characters struggling to readjust in their new homes... Knowing they have no way back.. Missing their families... Friends... Pets?
Well, this ain't it fam.
If you're interested in overly optimistic MC's with no self respect then this is for you.
The story? Absolutely dreadful. 2/10
Every decision the MC's made made absolutely no sense.
They were overly forgiving, kind, and caring to a fault.
Yes, being an empathetic character is a good thing, but these guys take it to the fault.
They let people threaten and harm them when they could easily overpower them... They let villains get away without even attempting to stop them...
It's pathetic. Truly pathetic how they acted the entire time. They have absolutely no backbones whatsoever.
And all the useless fanservice along the way... Jesus.
Art 6/10
The art was pretty good imo, but not good enough to warrant watching an entire show with a plot like this.
Sound 7/10
The voice actors were good, ambiance good, they did a pretty nice job overall with the sound.
Characters 1/10
The MC's were forgiving and kind to a fault and constantly made annoying decisions.
Side characters instantly fell in love with MC just because he exists, as they do with many a harem anime. So that was also annoying.
Enjoyment 1/10
Just wasn't for me, fam.
Who knows though, you could have seen or COULD see this anime in an entirely different light than I do.
Overall a 3/10 for me.
Good luck on this Isekai journey should you choose to move forward.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 23, 2019
This was probably the shortest One Shot manga I've ever read.
It started off quite well and roped you in with a decent beginning, and definitely made me want to continue on.
However, being able to read this within only a few minutes was ridiculously disappointing..
Had the story been longer I'm sure I would give it a higher score.
Story: 3/10
Waayyy too short, not long enough to have a decent enough story be told. It started out good but quickly turned into being extremely fast paced and abruptly ending with an expected plot twist. Had it been paced out better, and probably over a few chapters, I would
have rated higher.
Art: 5/10
Mediocre, not bad, not good. It was just okay.
Character: 5/10
They were okay, we didn't learn too much in detail about the characters.
Enjoyment: 5/10
Overall: 4/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 19, 2019
"What have they done to my boy?"
Nyanko-sensei was done wrong in this poor quality animation.
Theres no plot to this whatsoever so thats an easy 1/10
The art is very poorly done and the quality is not very good either. 1/10
The sound was obnoxious and painful to the ear 1/10
Character, well, nyanko sensei is a 10/10 but he didnt really do anything during these shorts at all.
Overall enjoyment 1/10
It's not like you'll lose much by watching these shorts, simply because of how short they actually are.
If you actually want to watch good content, skip this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 19, 2019
I tend to be very skeptical of Yuri/Yaoi/Shounen Ai/Shoujo Ai,
and you may too.
Maybe thats why you're reading the reviews and contemplating "is this one actually worth it?"
Yes. Yes it is 100% worth it.
Out of all the BL's I've watched this one had the most natural plot and romance I've ever seen.
The story was amazing and well delivered,
the characters were extremely well rounded,
the sound was extraordinarily beautiful,
and the enjoyment was a solid 10/10.
I don't generally cry watching anime but this was a tear jerking for me.
If you appreciate romance in any way, regardless of your gender, this is an anime you should experience for yourself.
This is worth it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 9, 2019
It would be difficult to rate this any higher than a 5 or a 6, honestly.
STORY: 5/10
Since there are only 8 chapters and each chapter is a new story it's hard to get any substance out of them.
Some of the chapters are a lot better than others, some are a lot worse... Overall taking each chapter into consideration it would a mediocre manga.
You aren't provided too much detail, but based on whats going on in each chapter its safe to assume they take place in different zombielands as well.
Due to the shortness of each chapter we don't get much detail into the characters or their
backstories either.
ART: 7/10
The art was fairly good, nice to look at.
Character: 5/10
They were well put together in the short amount of time they each had with their own stories, but they weren't terrible or amazing.
Enjoyment: 5/10
Overall wasn't too pleased, I suppose.
However, the 8th chapter was, in my opinion, the best story of all the chapters.
(The one with Shouichi and Haruya, solid 9/10)
So overall it would be an average 5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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