Museru kurai no Ai wo Ageru
Choking on Love
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Museru kurai no Ai wo Ageru

Alternative Titles

Japanese: むせるくらいの愛をあげる
English: Choking on Love
More titles


Type: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Oct 24, 2022 to ?
Genre: Romance Romance
Theme: Adult Cast Adult Cast
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Dessert
Authors: Iwashita, Keiko (Story & Art)


Score: 8.041 (scored by 26302,630 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #6962
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1590
Members: 13,595
Favorites: 292

Available At

New Interest Stack

Interest Stacks

Mangaby oxylh

your typical shoujo (sometimes josei) romance but plotwist. they're in college!

14 Entries · Aug 12, 2023 10:15 PM


Mangaby timbowlz

18 Entries · Mar 15, 2024 2:55 PM


Mangaby hachiloverr

mangas in which there are music bands or singers

50 Entries · Jul 5, 2023 3:06 AM


Mangaby loress

Part 2:

(obs: we have smut here)

49 Entries · Nov 16, 2024 9:15 AM


Mangaby sweetlvr4u

part 1-
part 3-

for the mods- this is NOT a rate scale or a ranking it is just recs

50 Entries · Nov 14, 2023 12:12 PM


Mangaby sshizukuu

100% butterfly

43 Entries · Nov 16, 2022 3:36 AM


Mangaby K-san

Mangas featuring college students

50 Entries · May 2, 2024 3:09 AM


Mangaby iv11M

*Finished list*
List with my bets, of the manga releases in 2022.

Proposal and list criteria:
-Disclose mangas that debut in 2022, with the goal of helping readers who like to read relatively recent stuff to find works of different types.
-The criteria I use is the quality, and I judge that based on how well a series has done working on what it has proposed according to the demographic, genre and theme it fits into.
-The list will be in modifications until April 2023, representing the final bets of the mangas that debuted in 2022.
-The list will be in a betting format, because I think it becomes untenable to update this kind of list, for more than 1 year, using quality criteria.
-I set this date because it allowed me to evaluate a more relevant amount of chapters for manga that debuted in October/November/December.
-Even so, the number of chapters used as criteria can vary. It could range from just the first chapter to the potential 50-60 that come out in a year.
-In the case of any series being on the final list, and being judged with only 3 chapters, I will leave a small comment in the manga, to inform of that situation, signaling that the series may have a greater variation in quality over the next few chapters. I can also leave a small comment signaling why I think it is fair that the series has appeared.
-After 2 years the list will become a non-list, because it will have lost its purpose, of giving the discovery of recent manga, avoiding this way more unnecessary spam

Series watched to date (with some manhwa included):350

Mangas that are not in MAL:
-Leviathan - KUROI Shiro

*Lista finalizada*
Lista com as minhas apostas, das estreias de mangas em 2022.

Proposta e critérios da lista:
-Divulgar mangas que estrearam em 2022, com o objetivo de ajudar leitores que gostam de ler coisas relativamente recentes a encontrar obras dos mais diversos tipos.
-Tenho como critério a qualidade, e julgo isso com base no quão bem uma serie se saiu a trabalhar naquilo que a que propôs segundo a demografia, género e temática em que se encaixa.
-A lista vai estar em modificações até Abril de 2023, representando as apostas finais dos mangas que estrearam em 2022.
-A lista será num formato de apostas, pois acho que fica insustentável atualizar este tipo de lista, de novidades, por mais de 1 ano, usando critérios de qualidade.
-Deixo fixada essa data pois permiti-me avaliar uma quantidade mais relevante de capítulos para mangas que estraram em Outubro/Novembro/Dezembro.
-Ainda assim a quantidade de capítulos utilizados como critério podem variar. Podendo variar, de só o primeiro capítulo, até aos potenciais 50-60 que saem num ano.
-No caso de alguma serie estar na lista final, e ter sido julgada com apena 3 capítulos, deixarei um pequeno comentário no manga, para informar de tal situação, sinalizando que a serie pode ter uma maior variação na qualidade aos longos dos próximos capítulos. Também posso deixar um comentário pequeno comentário a sinalizar o porque achar justo a serie ter aparecido.
-Passados 2 anos a lista irá ficar como não listada, pois nessa altura já terá perdido o seu propósito, de dar a descobrir mangas recentes, evitando assim também spam desnecessário.

Series vistas até ao momento (com alguns manhwa incluidos):350

Mangas que não estão no MAL:
-Leviathan - KUROI Shiro

49 Entries · May 21, 2024 11:42 AM


Mangaby G47

- most but not all of these are shoujo and in highschool
- some are a little longer but I still recomend them :)
- some I liked more than others
- some of my favs

(some of these have gotten way more chapters since I added them to this stack, sorry if they aren’t all short anymore 😓)

50 Entries · Jan 11, 10:47 PM


Mangaby LuxP

Mangas that sumarize the year of 2022.

50 Entries · Feb 10, 2023 10:03 AM


Mangaby noodlesan

titles centering on visual arts, performing arts, and fashion; typically sentimental in nature and include friendship and coming of age themes; sorted by average rating

38 Entries · Feb 26, 2023 4:52 PM


Mangaby rosieposiee

• includes both shoujo & josei!
• updates regularly ^^

part 1 -

34 Entries · Jun 29, 2023 5:08 PM


Mangaby IrysBlack

A list I decided to compile of all my favourite shoujo (and maybe josei) series I've encountered, they aren't ranked in particular order.

34 Entries · Mar 22, 2023 5:01 AM


Mangaby ___juja

mangas with an inclusive portrayal of love that seems realistic and won't make you cringe

(some contain mature topics, BL, GL)

please check out part 2:
part 3:

50 Entries · Nov 12, 2024 1:28 AM


Mangaby Tinaa91127

12 Entries · Aug 20, 2023 12:50 AM


Mangaby ripviet

viewer discretion is advised as reading these may cause a severe case of diabetes.

50 Entries · May 21, 2023 8:59 AM


Mangaby CurlyAnocas

Cute mangas with cute mls and not boring/annoying stories
(order A-Z)

30 Entries · Sep 25, 2024 4:09 AM


A free for all demographic. Be it shounen, shoujo, seinen, josei.

28 Entries · Jun 16, 2023 4:15 AM


Mangaby rasema10

These are all on-going and not complete.

39 Entries · Jun 15, 2023 9:18 AM