First things first. This is my first review, so don't send me to hell if it goes bad.
I advise you to not skip any parts that seem boring, or to read it hurriedly just because it's long.
This is a pretty underrated manga, but I'd say it's definitely worth reading. "Don't lose faith!"
Also, this review is completely based on MY opinion. I know that sounds obvious, but many forget that just because a reviewer likes a manga and praises it, that doesn't mean it'll necessarily be as good as the damned reviewer said. Again, please don't send me to hell if you read my humble
review, decide to check the manga out and then dislike it.
If you've read Onidere, you might think "Bleh, this is just a copy of it - why read it anyways?" If you do think that way, then you need to be told this:
This is a thousand times better than damned Onidere. GO READ IT ALREADY. :D
(Once again, this is just what you should do in MY opinion.)
If you do check it out, then I'd suggest reading it at Mangafox. Other sites are often missing the omakes, you see. And if you do read it at Mangafox, chapter 0 probably comes from a one-shot, so don't be confused.
Whatever, now to the review itself.
A) Story: That earns a 6, sorry. I didn't feel it was that original, to be honest - Maybe because I was one of those that read Onidere first - but it still didn't get me tired.
I don't want to keep comparing mangas (we have the recommendations already), so trying to see this one as an individual and non-inspired one: The story keeps you hooked.
..Nothing else to say.
(Why would I say anything else, if you only wanted to know that anyways?)
B) Art: 9. Am I the only one that thinks everything is designed perfectly? Some of the covers don't look that nice, but i find Reina just too cute when dressed as a "girly-girl", and the way Manabu reminds me of the two-faced hero from Ai no/wo Utai something (except Manabu is better), and.. Well if I were to describe everything I'd take your sweet time.
(But beware, for I shall take all opportunities to do that in the Character Section. Bwahahaha.)
Just know this: This manga's art really fits the story and characters, contributing to that "10" I put on Enjoyment.
C) Character: 9 as well. Am I too overprotective of mangas and characters I like? Perhaps. The point is, ALL characters are likable in this manga (IMO again), and they all get the right amount of character development. There's no confusing who the main characters are, but you can't forget the side ones either.
Well, except for the one-or-two-appearances-only characters, but when they do appear the manga usually leaves it clear what they are: Characters that no one will remember. So it's ok.
Again, I was going to be happy and describe all characters here and all, but then I read the Review Tips/Guidelines. It said:
• Try your very best to not write any spoilers.
So yea, I'll let you figure out how the characters are on your own. But rest assured, you are not being decieved if you believe they all will captivate you on their own way.
..Or not. Again, this is MY opinion. Don't send me to hell if you feel decieved.
But then again, I'm pretty sure you won't end up feeling that way.
But maybe our opinions differ too much? But I don't see how you could dislike those characters. But can I understand how the others would feel? But..
Yeah, whatever.
D) Enjoyment: 10. High rating is high, I know, but I just love this manga. The way the art and characters and story are connected is just great. I'm not saying "you can see that all events are connected in the story" - What I'm saying is that EVERY element of the manga is connected with each other, no matter how much that single element displeases you. Even if you don't find one of the elements good, what makes you enjoy the manga is exactly the sum of all of them.
..All I have to say, again. I feel like I'm reading too much into it, so yea.
E) Overall: 8. Why 8 if it sounded like I liked this manga so much, you ask?
That is because no matter how much I liked it, it still DOES disappoint me in the fact that is was probably heavily inspired by Onidere. The similarities are too great, and Onidere began getting published before Yandere, too - But Onidere doesn't really have that thing that makes you ask for more, if you get what I mean. So even if this is supposed to be just a "parody-ish manga that was made with the intention of surpassing the original", rest assured - Because it DOES surpass the "original", and by far.
The Review Tips and Guidelines say:
• Be sure to tell us the reasons for WHY you liked or disliked this anime or manga.
And I'll say - If you still don't get it, re-read my review. Especially the Enjoyment part.
Now, onto more boring stuff.
You may be asking, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU COMPARING IT SO MUCH TO ANOTHER MANGA?" That is because the comparing part was NEEDED for who already read Onidere. You have no idea of how much those people complain.
Sorry if the damn review was so damn long, but this damn reviewer got too absorbed on it. Damn me, huh? But don't send me to hell.
Another question: "IF YOU FOUND THE MONOLOGUE PART BORING TOO, THEN HOW COME YOU STILL INCLUDED IT?" Calm down, and don't send me to hell. I just thought that if I kept that on, the reader might understand a bit of how I feel, and then end up not sending me to hell. (Or even better, he might be able to interpretate the review and then take his own conclusions correctly!) Capische? ^^
To the ones that said "hell, are you finished already?" and yawned, I'll say:
Sorry if you found this review offensive in any way. If you did, be assured that it wasn't meant to offend anyone or anything - I was merely expressing my humble opinion, in the hope that it would help anyone.
The sentence above was meant to be a mini-joke. Sorry if it sounded stupid.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Yan-Dere Kanojo, Yandere Girlfriend, Nekura Musume to Internet, Miss Gloomy and the Internet, Kinomiya Shoten: Kaiganji Ekimaeten Japanese: ヤンデレ彼女 InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 17
Chapters: 157
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 21, 2008 to Apr 22, 2015
Gangan Joker Authors:
Shinobi (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #27552 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #889
Members: 22,249
Favorites: 266 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 8 / 8
Your Feelings Categories Aug 14, 2010
First things first. This is my first review, so don't send me to hell if it goes bad.
I advise you to not skip any parts that seem boring, or to read it hurriedly just because it's long. This is a pretty underrated manga, but I'd say it's definitely worth reading. "Don't lose faith!" Also, this review is completely based on MY opinion. I know that sounds obvious, but many forget that just because a reviewer likes a manga and praises it, that doesn't mean it'll necessarily be as good as the damned reviewer said. Again, please don't send me to hell if you read my humble ... Dec 23, 2015
Yandere Kanojo is a manga that reminds us of what real life (and love) are about.
It's a funny gag manga with lighthearted, cliche characters. They fall in love in a ridiculous way and have ridiculous interactions and go on ridiculous adventures. The guy with glasses studies hard, the girl with a bat hits people with said bat, and so on. Then ever so slowly, real obstacles start creeping up, one by one, just like they do in real life. Sometimes they get solved in the same lighthearted, comical way as the rest of the manga, but sometimes they are just hinted at and are put off ... Jul 1, 2013
Firstly, this is to help wavering people to decide whether to read or not read this manga.
Secondly this will be to explain what's up with joker and online (versions of the manga). Lastly, this is based on my personal experience, meaning I may be incorrect. Please feel free to correct me or give constructive criticism. thanks To begin, I would like to say read joker before online or concurrently. Otherwise you would miss the introduction of many characters (it makes it a lot more confusing). Also, most online is the online version. However, simply reading the online version will still give you enough details to understand the ... May 30, 2013
This is one of the best mangas for passing time.
[Note : This review is for Yandere Kanojo (Joker) as well as Yandere Kanojo (Online) since both are really the same] Those who don't know, this is Yandere Kanojo (Joker) which features in some magazine. The other comes online (although now both are available online). I'll tell the difference ahead. So Yandere Kanojo doesn't have much of a plot really, but thats not important. It's a 4 koma manga with many normal pages in between. There is no separate story in each 4 koma, they are all related in that chapter, so it doesn't make a difference really. Yandere ... Aug 14, 2017
although the plot seemed interesting, i was hesitant to read it because it was a 4-koma. Generally speaking, im not a huge fan of story lines that do not have a linear sequence of events, but are instead made up of what will be "fillers" in a standard manga/anime.
However, this manga caught me by surprise by being actually quite enjoyable. If I were to compare it to another work, it would be most similar to the format of Gintama in the way that there is not really much of a linear story but does have important story arcs spread across the span of the story ... Mar 23, 2016
This is a very underrated manga. Of course it might not have an amazing story or art style but the comedy in this is amazing and you're sucked in by the characters in this story.
It's simple to understand and this is a manga where I turn off my brain and just enjoy because this is a really funny manga regardless. My problem could be that I wish that it was shortened but nonetheless it still maintains a plot through the gags it has and introduces new stuff. So this may not be a new riveting idea of a manga but something to laugh at. I hope ... Jun 30, 2022
I feel like this manga is very underrated souly for the character development later in the story. its first half if fun and light hearted, very normal and cliché, but acts as a baseboard for the latter half. Usually when a romance author tries to add in a deeper story element it falls flat on its face because they generally don't know how to write characters beyond romcom. but here it feels so expertly done. As it elaborates on familial matters, taking a deeper look into the families of the main character, but also having deeper plot points on multiple side characters. it doesn't feel
Nov 19, 2019
tl;dr: Come for the gags, stay for the interesting plot supported by strong character/relationship development.
Firstly, I should note that though its called Yandere Kanojo, it doesn’t mean traditional yandere (yanguire-dere), but rather yankee-dere. There’s no actual yandere in this series. Now with that out of the way, I suppose I should start off by saying this series completely surprised me by how much it grew. It starts off as a simple 4koma gag manga with flat characters that aren’t much more than simple tropes and small stories that don’t seem to have much purpose beyond having a punchline after every 4 panels. However, as it goes on those repeated ... |