SKET Dance
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SKET Dance

Alternative Titles

Japanese: SKET DANCE


Type: Manga
Volumes: 32
Chapters: 288
Status: Finished
Published: Jul 14, 2007 to Jul 8, 2013
Genres: Award Winning Award Winning, Comedy Comedy, Drama Drama
Theme: School School
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Shounen Jump (Weekly)
Authors: Shinohara, Kenta (Story & Art)


Score: 8.371 (scored by 1252612,526 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #2422
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #555
Members: 33,995
Favorites: 1,485



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Preliminary Spoiler
Mar 23, 2015
Note: More than a review, this is more like a short, personal reflection after reading the entire manga, so if you are looking for a very specific or detailed review, you won't find it here.

Nonetheless, it would make me happy if you still decide to give it a try after reading this^^

Having said that, on to the actual review:

It's always sad when a story that you like a lot eventually comes to an end. I must say that chapter 286 made me tear up a bit, which is something that I rarely do whenever i'm reading/watching something, even if I like it an awful ...
Jul 26, 2009
Preliminary (97/288 chp)
This review is by me as of chapter 97, so its actually up to date...

The manga is essentially comedy based; its shounen after all. However, the characters themselves are what truly make the manga.

In the series you'll find several characters each with their own trials and tribulations they are trying to overcome. And in between the AMAZING comedy (I laugh out loud IRL like every chapter) which includes many inside jokes from the series itself, and gets more funny as it goes on, there is a level of drama that is unexpected at all for a series like this.

The way the characters and stories are ...
Dec 9, 2007
Preliminary (18/288 chp)

Reviewing the Cases
by radiantfire

For this review, I will be analysing Sket Dance by Shinohara Kenta. I have read 18 chapters at the time of this writing.

Sket Dance revolves around 'Sket Dan' - a campus support group established to help students and staff with their problems. The chapters are generally episodic, in which they are simply referred to as a "Case." One-off cases are simply that. Some cases, however, span 2 to 3 chapters. These are often my favourite to read.

Mar 25, 2012
Preliminary (184/288 chp)
( Sorry english isn't my first language (; 3 ;) )

With endless sequel of comedy, sket dance is one of the best gag manga I've ever seen. This manga is a great choice if you want to relax from your busy time or when you want to read together with your friends. This is the manga that can make you laught as hard as you can, bwahaha....

Story 8 :
Sket dance's story tells about an activity of highschool club that accept all the request of the other students. But, the request is not an average request. Every chapter have their ...
Apr 2, 2018
This is my review for SKET Dance. I'll be referring to the characters by what they are most commonly called in the manga. Please note that this review is structured around how I personally felt about the manga: objectively, it deserves an overall rating of 9 (individual ratings being 8/8/10 for story, art, and character, respectively), but subjectively, I give it a 10.

Story: 9/10

As this is a mostly a comedy shounen series, it does not have much of a plot. We get chapter and chapter of hilarious moment by the SKET Dan. So why did I give the story a 9? That's because of the ...
May 14, 2021
This manga is one of the best anime I might have read. Strangely, there are still few people who have read this manga. Maybe due to the anime. I myself know this manga due to the anime which is also a very interesting anime for me. I watched it a few years ago and it's only this year that I can taste the manga.

Many say SKET Dance is the school version of Gintama. Not really wrong tho. Even so, this manga has its own interests. The characters are many and unique, the story is interesting, the comedy suits me well, and the illustrations that develop ...
Oct 21, 2009
Preliminary (98/288 chp)
To be honest, when my brother told me about this manga i was a little skeptical on the grounds that it sounded a lot like another SJ title known as Gintama. That (to this day) is true. In fact the main cast is composed of three leads as well. But there's a reason as to why the two series's share similarities, Kenta Shinohara(the author) oppenly stated that used to work as an assistant under Hideaki Sorachi (the author of Gintama). So it's natural for the influence to be there and ,to be honest, aside from the plot (Three leads do all sorts of nonsensical ...
Dec 12, 2014
Fujisaki Yuusuke (bossun) creates a club to help people, SKET-Dan with 2 of his friends, Onizuka Hime (himeko) and Usui Kazuyoshi (switch). this club takes a lot of kind request, from taking care of monkey until find a missing item.

it didn't sound very good, didn't it? but i promise you, your time to read this is really worth it. it toys with your emotion. this manga can make you laugh so hard, whether it's because Bossun's ridiculous action or Himeko's tsukkomi that usually comes because of Bossun's action. it also can make you sad, especially at switch's or bossun's background story. but most of the ...
Jun 26, 2014
SKET Dance written by Shinohara Kenta is a comedy based Shounen series that focuses on the adventures of the academy support group 'SKET Dansu'. And so in this review, I will be writing my opinions on this manga.

Story (10/10):
Sket Dance does not have a plot like common Shounen series. Rather, it focuses on the adventures of the three main characters from the first chapter until the day they graduate from high-school. Most chapters are comedic ones and will make you roll on the floor holding your stomach in pain (Do not drink or eat while reading or else your computer/laptop will have a short ...
Mar 5, 2017
I think this may be a series that you will either love or hate, since it is not the traditional series a person would see in Weekly Shonen Jump. The plot is based on a group of high school students, known as the Sket-Dan, and they assist the people in the community by doing odd jobs. Immediately, you may think that this is a rip-off of the series Gintama, but it does have a few similarities to Gintama. For one, it has a 3 person group that consist of 2 boys and a girl. One being the main character of the story, the other being ...
Nov 17, 2016
If you looked at this manga and like me, read the plot at first as "Generic adventures of generic altruistic Protagonist and his generic lackeys, Love Interest and Best Friend!", let me warn you: That is false.

This manga is not revolutionary, nor is it insightful, or perfect, or even deep. It's just that it's everything you ever wanted except that. The art might not be unique, or the jokes might sometimes bounce off your ears, but the characters, stories, cleverness, and complexity of the whole web of connections more than makes up for it, with interest.

I think the greatest part of ...
Oct 24, 2017
Summary: it's about a club who helps people, nothing really to add on to that really. Hey tho, read the rest of the review before you go on judging on the summary alone, because I assure you, this is a near-perfect manga with a simple plot.

Story (8): I'll admit, this could've been a 10 but the ending kinda left me with a sour taste in my mouth and there's too many chapters that just slows down the pacing. However when the manga gets going, it's perfection, it can make you cry, laugh, smile, eager to know more or angry (in my case the last chapter.) ...
Sep 27, 2018
Sket Dance is a comedy gag kind of series, with lots of extreme character and situations that often spin out of control. Many compare it to Gintama, and there are some slight similarities to it.

Not to mention, that the author of Sket Dance, Shinohara Kenta, did work as an assistent of Sorachi Hideaki, the very author of Gintama. This is Kenta's first own work, so there being similarities is to be expected. Not to mention there is an chapter where Gintoki and gang meet up with Bossun and his group in Sket Dance!

Taking that to account, was Sket Dance an amazing and hilarious read, at ...
Nov 23, 2016
Just finished this manga, and I gotta say... It was amazing.
The comedy in this manga was hilarious!!

I love the trio of characters that main in the manga very much. They each have their own characteristics that are original and unique.
As I was reading each chapter, it gave me the urge to continue reading non-stop haha.
From the beginning to the end, it was a wonderful experience and the tsukkomis and bokes were nicely timed, which made my innards hurt xD

Of course like all things, there is an end. I am very sad that the manga has ended. (even though it ended a while back)
The ...
Jan 26, 2023
Sket Dance is a very fun manga, but it can be tiring too. Let's do it by steps:

The episodic pace of the series makes it more complicated to analyze due to following a style of a case centered on an eccentric person at school, whether it be a teacher, student or even outsiders. In general, this makes the work work differently for everyone because humor is something individual, so there were moments when I laughed out loud with Roman breaking the fourth wall talking to the reader and others finding it boring chapters focused on one strange game of certain teacher.

That said, the work also ...
Dec 13, 2020
tl;dr: A manga with solid comedy with an interesting and unique cast of characters, but a story that was pretty weak especially in its conclusion. 

With this manga, I think it's really important to go in with the mentality that it is ultimately simply a gag manga. The three main characters are all given pretty solid and serious backstories that explain their interesting circumstances and how they grew to become who they are during the manga. The three of them have their own bonds. There are a number of side characters as well that have stories, though ones that are considerably less developed than the main ...