Tenkaichi: Nihon Saikyou Bugeisha Ketteisen
Tenkaichi: The Greatest Warrior Under the Rising Sun
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Tenkaichi: Nihon Saikyou Bugeisha Ketteisen

Alternative Titles

Japanese: テンカイチ 日本最強武芸者決定戦
English: Tenkaichi: The Greatest Warrior Under the Rising Sun
More titles


Type: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Jan 6, 2021 to ?
Genre: Action Action
Themes: Martial Arts Martial Arts, Samurai Samurai
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Authors: Nakamaru, Yousuke (Story), Azuma, Kyoutarou (Art)


Score: 7.631 (scored by 25252,525 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #21822
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1754
Members: 12,350
Favorites: 144

Available At


New Interest Stack

Interest Stacks

Mangaby Extra97

Any kind of fighting, not limited to martial arts
Well-illustrated action scenes

Does not include:
- Classics that do not meet the criteria: Vagabond, Baki, The Breaker, etc
- Combative sport: Hajime Ippo, Ashita no Joe, The Boxer, Tenppuu, Batuque, etc
- Story-focused street fighting: Holyland, Shamo, etc

13 Entries · Jul 26, 2024 2:25 PM


Part 2: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/6277
My Favourite One-Shots: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/5034

I've been asked pretty frequently to recommend something, so I've created this stack.
This is my personal opinion on what's "a hidden gem". I think some of these considered "mildly" popular? If you read a lot of manga, you probably know some of these. I hope you do, haha.

Everything here I've either read or reading atm. None of those have an anime adapatation (OVAs and live-actions don't count).

50 Entries · Sep 7, 2023 6:23 AM


Mangaby iv11M

Outros mangas de autores com obras conhecidas, mas que nunca ganharam anime

Critérios para se categorizar como autor conhecido:
-Alguma das suas obras anteriores com mais de 10k de membros no MAL
-Nenhuma das suas obras ganhou anime
Critérios para as obras:
-Em publicação
-sem anime
-Em caso de autores com múltiplas obras (sobretudo de autores de LN), para evitar spam, cita-se apenas a obra com melhor nota no MAL, citando-se posteriormente as restante obras
-Em caso de artistas, será esclarecido, tanto na obra atual como nas obras anteriores
-Vou considerar artistas de versões para manga de uma Light Novel que tiveram anime, como desassociados da franquia, para assim também conseguir abranger mais autores nesta lista

Other mangas from authors with known works, but never won anime

Criteria to be categorized as a known author:
-Some of their previous works have more than 10k members on MAL
-None of their works had anime
Criteria for works:
-In publication
-no anime
-In the case of authors with multiple works (especially LN authors), to avoid spam, only the work with the highest score in MAL is cited, with the remaining works cited afterwards
-In case of artists, it will be clarified, both in the current and previous works
-I will consider artists of manga versions of a Light Novel that had anime, as disassociated from the franchise, so I can include more authors in this list

Link to part 2: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/29743

Spreadsheet with all works removed:

48 Entries · Jan 4, 2024 2:23 PM


Gods, historical figures, characters from different works duke it out no matter what era/ universe they're from.

8 Entries · Feb 3, 2023 8:30 PM


Mangaby THEAnimeHERO

A list of manly oriented manga. Caters to those who like muscular characters, idealistic men, detailed art, manly tears, etc.

50 Entries · Jun 6, 2024 2:11 AM


Mangaby JugemJugem01

Mangas containing muscular/fit female characters.

will try to specify whether the character/s appearances to save your time on finding the chapter appearance : )

46 Entries · Apr 6, 2024 7:01 AM


Mangaby intofree

whoever made the concept of the boxer is retarded thats what he say

11 Entries · Nov 7, 2023 10:29 PM


Mangaby Samukzs

Mangas that have a sword and sorcery, sword-and-sandal, medieval/fantastical middle ages like setting

37 Entries · Nov 11, 2023 8:28 AM


Mangaby faratnis

9 Entries · Feb 20, 7:38 AM


Mangaby Brunilde

What does a manga need to be counted as ror look alike? I think at least 2 of these requirements :
1) To be a tournament manga
2) To have volume covers very similiar to ror (two characters in a simple background or a single character in a simple background)
3) To have already existing characters from other sources (real life, pantheons ecc...)
Also if you think a manga should be here just tell me! :)

8 Entries · Nov 10, 2024 8:14 AM


Mangaby g10r1x

Every manga discussed in the videos in this playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJOmZ_cFBqbqyaZe6e-lADmNtZ558-JwR&si=e_SrYgilItkIv1cE by The Masked Man

50 Entries · Jul 25, 2024 10:34 PM


Mangaby Idk5008

43 Entries · Mar 23, 6:07 PM


Mangaby Akazukin619

Recommended Manga/Manhwa that hasn't been adapted yet into anime Part 4

Part 1:https://myanimelist.net/stacks/5329
Part 2:https://myanimelist.net/stacks/6746
Part 3:https://myanimelist.net/stacks/6748
Part 5:https://myanimelist.net/stacks/55029
Part 6:https://myanimelist.net/stacks/55030
Part 7:https://myanimelist.net/stacks/55031
Part 8:https://myanimelist.net/stacks/60035
Part 9:https://myanimelist.net/stacks/60034
Part 10:https://myanimelist.net/stacks/60044
Part 11:https://myanimelist.net/stacks/60043

Removed Entry From This List:
-Seihantai na Kimi to Boku (Winter 2026)

50 Entries · Mar 6, 5:02 AM


The Weekly Shonen Red (SSR) is an event that takes place every Friday night by the streamer Darkraimola where he puts manga to compete (his rivals are the Weekly Shonen Blue - SSA)

17 Entries · Nov 22, 2024 7:52 AM


Mangaby Toter_

All manga read within the 2024-2025 for UoN Manga Book Club, in chronological read order (ongoing).

5 Entries · Dec 31, 2024 1:17 AM


Mangaby Aletheio

It is important to highlight that art is not limited to just creating beautiful illustrations. Visual impact, visual identity, layout, comic book formatting, media format utilization, visual exploration, semantic value in art, design, visual symbolism, etc., also contribute to creating beautiful art.

No particular order.

50 Entries · Jan 22, 10:57 AM