Feb 6, 2024
I'll be honest with you, i only read this out of a sense of duty because i loved Takano's previous work, truly i couldn't give a fuck about the summary you can see here or elsewhere online. This manga isn't advertised about well, and i can't help but think that it only adds to its power of subversion.
It so cleverly guides you on the well-used narrative paths we've seen so much time that they pass us by frictionlessly, before doing a 180° no scope roundhouse-kick in the gums at the very last page of volume 1 and
make us question back everything we read so far.
And, because it's well written, it does track.
Now, don't let me give you the idea that it's one of those piece of media that's so centered around its plot twist that the rest is only a build up, for all i know (the second volume is yet to come out in french) it's actually the beginning the good stuff.
Of the gooder stuff.
Because yeah, big plot twist not bait, but the art is classical yet gorgeous, the panelling is discreet yet effective (right now i'm thinking that everything about this manga so far is quite low-key considering the machiavelic plot it just did on me), but most of all the characters and their interactions are excellent.
Anyway, if you don't read shojos or joseis i'm sending thoughts and prayers your way and hope that you'll get better soon <3
lastly, /!\ CONTENT WARNING /!\
i'f you're a tiny little toddler boy with wide, misty eyes and big big feelings in your heart, you might want to know ahead that this manga treats of sexism and is to be understood through feminist lenses, according to the author as well as people with at least two braincells. If those subjects bother you and might make you spoil your briefs while writing rants on social medias, please pass.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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