Ever wondered what super villains do on their days off from trying to conquer the world?
Hajimete no Aku is a romantic comedy about what goes behind the scenes for 'so called villains' fitting into a society they are trying to take over.
As per what the synopsis has already mentioned, HnA is about Kyoko and how she educates diabolical villain and inventor, Jiro to modern society(eg. school). Along the way she gets to know more about Jiro and his family's 'evil' organization, and Jiro learns more about his new found emotions(whilst trying to scout Kyoko to be his underling).
The concept of 'heroes/villains are humans too' is
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: My First Mr. Akuno Japanese: はじめてのあく More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 16
Chapters: 160
Status: Finished
Published: May 18, 2008 to Jun 18, 2012
Shounen Sunday Authors:
Fujiki, Shun (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #31232 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #3896
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Favorites: 65 | Reviews
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Your Feelings Categories Dec 15, 2010
Charm can take you a long way in making an enjoyable story, and for everything this series lacks it makes up for with that.
If you stop and think about it, the art's not that great and the story really boils down to a clueless idiot continuously pissing off a flat-chested tsundere. Yet despite that it's still a lot of fun. Kyouko and Jiro's relationship is pretty much built on mutual hostility. Hell, everyone's relationship really. But at the end of the day almost everyone's clearly friends. The whole "evil organization" thing is silly and ill-defined. But there's no attempt to take it seriously. No matter ... Jul 31, 2014
Before Hajimete no Aku, I never felt the need to read till the end of a very long manga till now. This work is insanely addicting as the story and characters carry on with their day to day lives--where each day is unexpected and nuts as the next.
The story starts off with an interesting plot and then has sets it off in different directions, rather performing fanservice fillers or towards touching background stories of the characters. The art is lovely but not extraordinary. I appreciate the way the characters' eyes and ridged hairstyles the most as they are appealing and memorable and the artist's ... Jul 13, 2021
maybe it my bias, but it one of my fav. manga, i accidentally found this manga on shonen star magz,(i've shonen star magz, i bought it on bookstore garage sale), for me its such a masterpiece, this manga had a good character and really good story, but sadly the author remove some of interesting character and maybe being rushed since its not a famous work. But its had a really good ending i quite statisfied with the ending even tho i hope some character got more screentime and 1 couple got their deserve ending but its still a good ending and the author really know
Aug 5, 2013
When I first read this manga I was expecting alot of fight scenes between enemy organizations but surprisingly found it laid back and many organisations were quite nice. You had you serious arcs but mainly is wasn't serious and quite funny. Jiro was a nice funny new individual. I have never really read a manga where the bad guy is the main character and it was Jiro that stood out when I first saw the cover of this manga. This manga made me laugh and is a nice easy going one. I have to admit sometime the story went on a bit long and you