I haven't seen such a bad manga in a while. There are several reasons for this, but lets start from the most obvious:
1. Title is a lie. MC is called a healer and all his powers have "healing" in name, but they neither use healing effect, nor are linked in any way to healing. If in RPG you could imagine someone killing enemy with some kind of overheal or overgrowth, but here you should try to imagine something similar to "healing fireball". Sounds bad, doesn't it?
2. Story. It should be a usual "bad guys did bad things to me, so now I will have my
Alternative TitlesJapanese: 回復術士のやり直し More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Oct 24, 2017 to ?
Time Travel
Young Ace UP Statistics Ranked: N/A2 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #357
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Your Feelings Categories May 10, 2018
This one, truly made me realize fully that I'm a sadist.
The story itself is great, the reasoning of the MC is extremely reasonable, and the people are around the MC really deserved it... About the art, the story is too much that you cannot really focus on the art until you reread it like ten times... The characters are what you can easily judge as the MC judges them, but for the MC, he's really a something else... As a sadist, you could really enjoy this so much, but I wouldn't speak for the pacifist though. Again, a sadist can really enjoy this... Revenge is a good thing, as ... Nov 20, 2018
I have never read a Revenge story manga before but i did thoroughly enjoy this one. If you have a twisted since of justice or kinda sadist nature you will empathize with the MC and hope he accomplishes his goals. At first i was kinda confused since the story said healers cant use any combat abilities so i was a little annoyed when he has a heal ability that can damage/kill people. But his healing ability is kinda special than others so hes exempt from other healers norms. So i kinda let go that he could do damage as a healer since hes special.The
Jan 23, 2021
You know , I've thought I've seen the absolute worse that shitty isekai stories have had to offer , but oh boy this story takes the goddamn cake at the top of my most hated list .
To sum it up , this has to be without a doubt the worse Isekai Revenge story I have ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes upon . But I'll go point by point to explain detail why I hate this story : 1 . The title itself is a goddamn lie , the MC is supposedly the Healer Hero yet he can do all kind ... Jul 21, 2018
(I've not read the web novel or light novel that this is based on. )
Reincarnation, Remember, Revenge. with a hint... I mean a bowl of S and M and this is what you get. [not sorry for the crappy alliteration] I wish we could have seen a bit more of Keare's journey from innocence to corrupt but hopefully more flashbacks will happen in later chapters. EDIT: Still not as much as I hoped there would be. As you would imagine being exploited (and that's just a euphemism) till the very end would do some serious damage to the mind. However, so far there does not seem to ... Nov 1, 2020
This is quite possibly the worst thing i have ever read. this is just your classic power fantasy manga which is fine those kinds of stories can be quite entertaining but where Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi (redo of a healer) goes with its revenge porn spin leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth with its abundance of rape scenes feeling gratuitous and uncomfortable. These scenes feeling like they serve two purposes.
1- In flash backs to make the bad guys seem bad when they rape faceless characters 2- To give the reader a feeling of power when the MC ends up either raping ... Dec 16, 2020
Alternative titles: "That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Serial Rapist", "Rise of the Rape Hero", "Re:Rape, Life in a Rapey World", "Overrapist", and "No Game No Rape".
It's possible to handle dark themes like sexual assault, torture and abuse in adult ways that actually have a point and a comprehensible motif. This is only slightly above a revenge and rape hentai. Go fucking read something else where the main character doesn't serially assault every woman he meets. Abuse does not beget abuse. Just because the main character was abused does not mean his actions are justifiable. I literally can not believe that this source ... Nov 20, 2022
I genuinely don't understand how people can like this. At first, it wasn't terrible. It had some okay ideas, like the reversing of time by healing the world, but it didn't do much past that. Then as I got further in it just kept getting worse.
The overall plot isn't interesting at all, which I guess is because it's a revenge plot, but that doesn't mean the plot can't be interesting. The author doesn't particularly develop the main character at all, he just kinda feels the same throughout, and the side characters are only there to be part of the harem. Every possible interesting character ... Oct 15, 2021
Well, this is my last review about Redo of Healer.
I already talked about the spin-off manga, the novel and the anime. All of them being absolute masterpieces. Now it's time for the manga... Redo of Healer, the award-winning series created by our lord and savior Tsukiyo Rui. The mastermind behind this revolution in Japanese media. Originally a web novel, it was printed into a light novel and got an adaptation to manga made by one of the best mangakas of the last few years, Haga Souken. The story, as I have mentioned in my other reviews, takes place in a dark world without peace. The three intelligent ... Feb 10, 2021
First of all, sorry for the bad and poor english, i'm from Guiné-Bissau, and i studied english all by myself since i was 12. With this in mind, have a nice reading and have in mind that this is all my opinion and i don't want to offend anyone that likes this manga.
How to begin with this... thing, i think everybody saw or read at least one insanely trash anime or manga in their whole lives, but this one is just repulsively bad written and it's an ofense to the readers' cleverness, this review contain spoilers, so if you haven't read it (i don't recommend ... Nov 5, 2019 *SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW also DONT READ THIS GARBAGE unless you want to laugh at bad manga this is the one* At the start of November, a dear friend of mine had recommended me this manga to read and he simply said: "My brain hurts from reading this". Already its a red flag to me to read if your brain is hurting by trying to interpret a story. But I assumed this must be a complex story or somewhat like Berserk with confusing character development and world-building. But overall from reading just 15 chapters of this garbage, I am thoroughly impressed by how such a good ... Mar 29, 2021
Reading this work is like watching these obscures youtube videos of people popping their cysts, or reading a random 4chan's Incel fanfiction. It's awful and disgusting, but it's so bad you wonder how bad it can get, which keeps you reading somehow, finding every time a new level of disgust to reach.
I suppose some will say it's an interesting justice dilemma (in lack of a better word), well it isn't : they're all so fucking bad. Thank god the concept of justice evolved since the Code of Hammurabi from 1750BC, unless maybe you're under 14 years old and a bit idiot. Or a psychopath, which ... Jan 29, 2021
This is a almost unreadable manga unlike other mangas this dosent use the disgusting elements to make it a good read at least the only decent thing about it is its art of the characters "parts" even that is just decent. Its an overall bad manga overlooking the disgusting parts like the rape, the story is bad and i am pretty sure people dont read it for the story, but i did for my 1st read and it was bad and for my second read when i overlooked the story and focused on the "plot" it was better but still not good. its bad
Dec 23, 2020
Oh my god... I’m on only 15 chapters in and I’d say this is one chaotic interesting ride to be a part of.
The author depicts the characters in an abnormal way which flows well with the art throughout the narrative. The story follows a young boy that has to deal with abuse and countless torture until... He breaks from the sadistic shackles and reverses time. Now this is where the real revenge happens and damn does it get messy for the enemy of the mc. Generally, the art is pleasing to the eyes, it adds depth to the story overall with how the setting, ... Feb 1, 2021
So, let me get this straight, this manga is the Gate of Hell itself. I don't know, maybe there's something even more messed up out there. Well, probably there is, especially if you venture into the doujin territory. But I'm impressed nonetheless.
Why am I reading this? Well, there is a weak spot in my heart for all the kinda "evil" MCs. I love Hellsing. I adore Overlord, both games and anime. And here I am, reading this. This is messed up to be sure. Here you'll find: torture, rape, brainwashing, unbridled revenge, violence, sexual abuse, and sexual content in abundance (harem included, this time ... Jan 28, 2021
Story 2/10
As for the story... If you are looking for something intelligent or psychologically intricate... this is not it. The sum is that the character wants revenge and is doing twisted stuff because of it. He grows stronger over time and none can beat him. He uses everyone around him and pretends to care so he can exact his revenge. I can describe as it a teenage-wet-power-dream. Otherwise it is basic game fantasy. Art 7/10 The art is nice and pleasing to look at. Everything is clear and you can always see what is going on and everything that is wanted to be expressed is portrayed pretty ... Dec 20, 2019
Well, so far I have found the other reviews to be to extreme, which is what prompted me to write this review.
Is this manga good? Well, that depends on taste but regardless it shouldn't be getting anything less than a 5 nor anything more than an 8 regardless of an individual's taste. This is due to reviews containing at least a few objective parameters or else they become meaningless. I'd like to start by saying that this isn't a think very hard manga. You're supposed to go with the flow of the story and enjoy it for it's sadistic revenge elements. This is what the ... Aug 26, 2022
Look I'll make this short this manga is revenge porn pure and simple, but not like the revenge where you will be incredibly satisfied when the MC finally gets their revenge then the reader or watcher gets this overflowing satisfying sense relief when the revenge is finished if you watched Game of Thrones you'll know what I'm talking about, but this manga is just gratuitous in its sexual and gory themes and not in a good way, a good example of both these themes coming together well is in Berserk and if you read it you know exactly what I'm talking about.
This manga is ... Jan 12, 2021
Simply divine, a perfect work from start to finish, it deserves a focused and appreciative reading. Definitely very underestimated, surely there should be more attention from the audience that sums it up only to the word "rape", the protagonist's feelings, his revolt, his revenge, is an indescribable feeling ... indescribable! He certainly has reason to carry out his longed for and expected revenge, which consists of ********** without spoilers! lol. The protagonist, whose name is Keyaru, seems to be at first impression a mental patient, but as the work unfolds you sympathize with him in an incredible way, understanding his motives and ambitions. He's a very ... Jan 31, 2021
I read this manga because I heard people were surprised it was getting an anime, so I decided to see what the fuss was about, and wow. I didn't enjoy this manga. The revenge story became over complicated, all the comic is literally rape, that's about it. Now I'll go into spoiler territory so be warned if you wanna read it. First of all, why would he put himself through all that torment a second time? If anything the whole story could have been about him running away trying to kill the other heroes to be completely honest, it would have been a lot more