Oogami-san, Dadamore desu.
Ogami-san Can't Keep It In
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Oogami-san, Dadamore desu.

Alternative Titles

Japanese: 大上さん、だだ漏れです。
English: Ogami-san Can't Keep It In
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 7
Chapters: 38
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 25, 2016 to Nov 25, 2019
Genres: Romance Romance, Slice of Life Slice of Life
Theme: School School
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Serialization: Afternoon
Authors: Yoshidamaru, Yuu (Story & Art)


Score: 6.861 (scored by 46414,641 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #112942
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1620
Members: 13,304
Favorites: 64

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Preliminary Spoiler
Jan 8, 2019
Preliminary (7/38 chp)
Pleasantly surprised by the end of the first chapter. It's an interesting concept that made me want to keep reading. I like the art style, too. Kinda reminds me of Naoshi Komi's art style in Nisekoi.

With the nature of this type of comedy I sometimes see artists draw very hectic panels, which is fine but sometimes I get a bit confused at what I'm looking at and loose track a bit. So I'm glad this is still funny without it.

I'd say the overall feel of it is like, 'Love at Fourteen' where there's no bigger story or climax but just a fun little ride
Dec 22, 2020
Mixed Feelings
Starts strong, but after the first third, the story gets weaker and weaker. It feels like the author spent all time and energy on this great concept, but later has no idea what to do with it.

The best part of this manga are the main characters. Oogami Meiko is a sexually curious teenager with lots of imagination. This makes her feel extremely awkward and she ends up feeling severe guilt and shame. This alone could have carried this manga. It is hard to find such interesting characters with such depth. Unfortunately, later in the story the focus of the story steers away from her and ...
Jul 22, 2021
I started reading this and was completely hooked throughout the most of it. The characters were all relatable and the story is hilarious yet sweet. I really, really liked how this manga was going.... that is up until the last couple of chapters. To me it seemed like the end was not thought out accordingly and was rushed.

This was really sad because I loved the beginning of the story so much and the art style is adorable. I wish the end could have been written better. It sucks that such a funny and enjoyable manga lost it's touch in the end, leaving all of ...
Oct 21, 2019
Preliminary (38/38 chp)
I've read a lot of cute school crush mangas, and unfortunately a lot of them might as well be 4-koma's because the relationship goes no where, and just repeats the same day over and over. Impressively, this story actually progresses. Even though it is super natural, the emotion is real and the growth is realistic and fun to read.

The art is actually fantastic. Very well drawn, crisp and great shading. It's high quality.

Characters are unique, and you can see them grow together. It's great to see in a love story with children. It's not common, and its good to be able to find one.

I ...
May 1, 2021
Mixed Feelings
This manga had a really great premise, but a few chapters in it started to become a generic, forgettable cheap manga that was clearly still going on even if the author had lost interest in working properly on it.
The two main characters might seem cliché, but they in some sense bring realism to their archetypes. Oogami is the classical lonely outcast but she's also seeing having the pervert thoughts every teenager has, this is a very brave choice that reflects how really teenagers are and it's not often seen in mangas. Yaginuma is the quiet and apparently emotionless guy, but in this case the reason ...
Jun 10, 2020
Preliminary (30/38 chp)
This is my first review I don't know what to put so I'mjust gonna type in and what I dislike about the manga

The characters designs are average but their personalities makes up for it the story is also unique a boy who has a condition whenver he touches a person the person will be forced to say what they desire or want outload. And the characters isnt the common characters you see in different series where they hesitate to say what they want cause of ruining or scared of rejecting etc... The art is simple yet they capture the readers instantly cause of how simple ...
May 10, 2022
Mixed Feelings
This manga is much better at the U-turn than professional drivers. How very promising it was before running out of steam and becoming every other love comedy's likeness. Apart from the main quartet, the characters range from meaningless to actually hideous. I have a particular problem with one of the characters that shows up and disappears later on; I would believe you on the spot if you told me the editor was blackmailed to allow him in.

Throughout the entire thing, there was exactly one (1) side character that I enjoyed—that sister of Yaginuma's; but the rest have no reason for existing. ...
Oct 23, 2019
Preliminary (19/38 chp)
(Completely spoiler-free)

This manga starts off really well. It's a unique, quirky, and lighthearted romcom which takes a slightly deeper look into its characters than most romcoms do. However, if you read Chapter 15, it manages to ruin not only the rest of the series, but also everything that came before it. I can't explain why without detracting from the reader's enjoyment of the series in the exact same way that Chapter 15 itself does, so please just trust me when I say it is easily one of the most ill-considered chapters I've ever read.

If you don't read chapter 15 (and chapter 14 is optional), I ...
Dec 23, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (15/38 chp)
I really liked this manga, I loved all the characters and I really thought that nothing could go wrong. All it took for me to drop this was the freaking chapter 15, I dont know If I will finish the series, because it was a cool manga but it turned bad so fast that I can't trust any sort of character development after this, I won't spoil mutch, all I will say is that you will hate oogami, and It's reallly sad, how can one sigle chapter leave me with such a bad taste, this is so bad that It kinda throws off all the ...